Missing You [Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura x F!Reader]

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Happy birthday Hajime and Izuru! This is for you! (Story takes place during the reign of the Ultimate Despairs)

"Some people care too much. I think it's called love."

-A.A. Milne


(Y/N)'s POV

I can't sleep.

It's late now, nearly midnight. I can't sleep no matter what I try.

I haven't soundly slept in a few weeks. It's hard to when you live in a world full of despair and are constantly afraid of being killed. That's the world I live in.

I'm always on the run. I don't stay in one place too long. They'll find me if I do.

But somehow, I always find myself wandering back here. His house.

I stay in his room, a room I've been in a thousand times. The sheets still smell like him. And sometimes, I dream of him. He's so close and so real that I want to reach out and kiss him. But, when I wake up...

He's gone.

I refuse to accept the truth. I don't want to say he's gone because sometimes it really feels like he's still here.

He's been gone for a few months now. I don't think he's ever coming back. But if he does, I'll be waiting.

Every night, I dream of him. I dream of us holding hands and him kissing me and telling me it will be alright. I wake up to find he's not there and begin to cry.

I miss his presence. It's odd not having him around. I'll go to say something to him, but realize he's not there.

And there are times where I see things. I'll wake up to see that something of his moved but then convince myself that I am only seeing things. Because I am.

I'm missing him dearly. There's a hole in my heart that will be never be filled until he comes home to me. I'll always think about him. I'll never forgive those bastards who took him...I'll never forget.

My watch beeps and I wipe the tears streaming down my cheeks. I look down at my watch, letting out a sigh.

|JANUARY 1ST, 12:00am|

Looking up at the ceiling, I begin to sob. "Happy Birthday, Hajime Hinata."


He doesn't know why, but it seems he always finds himself wandering back to this old house. Like a moth drawn to a flame, he's beckoned there. There's a strong feeling in his chest telling him that this location is important, but why?

Izuru Kamukura quietly opens the door to the house. The strong scent of decaying flesh lingers in the air.

He passes the living room, cautiously stepping around the bodies face down in a pool of pink blood. The blood of despair.

His footsteps echo throughout the quiet house as he scans each room. He comes upon a familiar one and halts in the doorway.

There's a female lying in bed. Her tear-stained cheeks are someone visible due to the moonlight filtering in through the broken shutters.

She's always here when he's here. He doesn't know why. She seems to be important.

He tiptoes over to the dresser, perching himself upon it. He pulls his knees into his chest, examining the girl.

"I miss you, you know?"

The girl's voice snaps Izuru out of his thoughts. He peers down at her in order to see if she's awake, only to find her talking in her sleep, like she does every night.

"I miss you," the girl mutters, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. "I miss you so much. When are you coming home?"

Izuru hops off the dresser and begins softly wiping the tears off her face, careful to not wake her up.

"I'll be back soon," he responds in a murmur. "Don't cry."

"Hajime....Haj, are you safe?" The girl asks in her sleep, bottom lip trembling.

"Of course," Izuru whispers.

"G-Good." The girl stops talking and her breathing becomes more steady, indicating that it's time for Izuru to leave.

Izuru bends down over her sleeping figure and pulls the covers over the girl. He has no idea who she is or why she's here, but helping her just feels right.

The boy plants a kiss on her forehead and the girl's eyes groggily flutter open.

"Hajime?" (Y/N) asks, sitting up. She truly believes he's back. She doesn't know it's not the man she's looking for.

(Y/N) blinks once and the figure is gone.

Rubbing her eyes, (Y/N) lays down and turns on her side. She's just seeing things.

As usual.

She lays back down, trying to ignore the aching feeling in her chest. Shutting her eyes, she falls asleep.

Meanwhile, Izuru lingers by the doorway, waiting. There's something about this girl...

Whenever he sees her, he gets this weird feeling. He knows it's not right, but at the same time, it feels so good. He wants to help her, protect her...but it's not his job.

"Maybe in another life, we were friends, even lovers. But now, we hardly know each other. So I've made it my duty to become your guardian angel. You won't be missing me much longer."

I thought I did good on this one! Well, got to go start writing a oneshot for Leon for his birthday!

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