20 & A/N (small one)

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"Hello, welcome to Olkari Delights, what can I get you?" A young girl asked. She wore a white apron with strange striped designs on it.

Each person ordered a different thing, Pidge getting a children's pizza, hunk getting a children's hamburger, Lance getting the special T-bone steak and Keith getting a large order of pork chops. Lance turned to Pidge and Hunk while they ordered.

"You two are starving yourself! Please, can we get two extra servings of onion rings and fries too?"

Pidge scowled, nearly twenty red but resisting the urge to strangle the boy in front of her.

"Uh, alright. And any drinks while you're waiting?"

Lance and Keith ordered a large chocolate-strawberry milkshake and the other two got apple juice.

"And is that it?"

"Yes. Oh, and we would also like if you gave us some," Lance turned to Keith, "you good with coke?" Keith nodded. "Two large orders of coke with our meals, and the milkshakes while we wait."

The waitress nodded, closing her notepad and putting her pencil that looked like a twig into her bun. Before she walked away she turned to the four. "Something tell me these two aren't paying." She spoke, pointing to the two who had just ordered the most expensive items on the menu.

"You got that right." Pidge grumbled, crossing her arms like a child (though she isn't far from one).

The girl laughed, walking into the kitchen before bringing their drinks out. They thanked the waitress, Klance/Leith much more happier than Punk/Hidge.

The restaurant had dark oak floors and beige painted walls. The tables were rectangular and the chairs were comfortable with green cushioning. There were potted plants spread around and a fountain in the centre of it all with different types of fish. It has quite an exotic and forest vibe going on.

"So what should we do while we're waiting?" Lance asked, taking a sip of his and Keith's milkshake.

"I'm currently trying to not strangle you." Pidge grumbled.

Lance laughed, leaning back slightly. "Recording starts in two days, that should be fun."

Hunk shrugged. "Yeah, I mean I love recording. But then we have to release a new album after that and we haven't even started that yet. We've pretty much run out of song ideas." Hunk sighed, "Maybe this next album should be the last."

Everyone seemed shocked at Hunk's defeated words.

"We can't do that! This will be Keith's first album, and didn't we just say in the stream that we would stay together for over five years at least?" Lance retorted, leaning forward.

"Well I never really agreed to that..." Hunk mumbled.

"Come on Hunk! What about Shay? If we break up she'll go back to her home country and you most likely will too! Not to mention we'd all be unemployed." Pidge nudged Hunk.

"There's no point in bringing Shay up. If our next album fails like it probably will if we can't come up with new sings, we won't get paid and neither will the dancers making them most likely have to leave so they can vet proper money!" Hunk argued, seemingly getting frustrated. "All I'm saying without a new and fresh album, Voltron is in trouble."

The table went silent, the old cheery mood vanishing. Now the atmosphere was thick with worry, anger and frustration. Keith sighed, holding Lance's hand and lacing his fingers between the other's.

"I... have an unused album."

Lance looked up to Keith's eyes with hope. "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, I was cut off before I could release one. But that doesn't mean I didn't start it. And finish it, of course."

Lance smirked brightly, hugging Keith tightly and turning to Hunk.

"See? No need to worry. Besides, if we do run out we can just hire a song writer." Lance joked.

So then the food came. The two boys scarfed it down like there was no tomorrow. Pidge and Hunk ate slowly to savour it. Lance an Keith shared ice cream, cake and a pie for desert. Pidge and Hunk had water. In total the whole meal was over one hundred dollars and Lance and Keith had never been so stuffed in their life. They were shoot they got to have such a nice meal before recording started.

Please read this. Feel free to ask questions in the comments.

First thing is that I've started proof reading and I'll be going over old chapters too.

I'm on holiday so updates won't be as frequent as I've been making them, maybe every two days.

I've chosen the book name and the cover is being made, so when it's made I'll change the book (I'll have a chapter dedicated to that)

Sorry if chapters seem short but I've been trying to find time to write which is another reason why updates are less frequent.

Thank you for all of the comments you've been writing. I try to reply to them all but I wake up with fifty notifications every morning. But it try my best!!

And lastly is there anything you want to see? For example special chapters for certain occasions or holidays? Or even ask the character chapter where you can just ask the characters questions without it being a stream or anything like that?

That's all, ask questions and put recommendations in the comments!! And thank you for the views and votes this book gets!! I wasn't expecting so much

♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

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