Jacksepticeye #31

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{This is gonna be like a modern avatar thing idk, pic above is the main character}

I sat on the front steps of the school. Jack should be here in a few minutes. I hadn't seen him in almost two weeks, with him in LA shooting Scare PewDiePie and all. I sighed, leaning back and looking to the sky. White fluffy clouds dotted the blue abyss cascaded far above my head. I closed my eyes, protecting my sensitive pupils from the viscous light of the sun. A loud honk sounded from in front of me. Looking towards the sound I quickly spotted a flashy red Ferrari sitting in front of me. I raised a questioning brow, until the ear-splitting shriek of Adam Hills cut through the air. He ran up to the car, his face resembling that of a tomato. A stiff man in a suit stepped out, nodded to Adam.

"Happy birthday son!" He said, looking quite proud of himself.

"Is this my car?" He asked, sounding eerily calm.

The man who I assumed was his father, nodded. Adam groaned and smacked his forehead a few times.

"It's the wrong fucking colour dad!" He yelled.

His father just stared at him as he began his temper tantrum.

"I said I wanted a blue car! Blue! Not this red piece of shit! Ugh! Why do I trust your sorry ass with anything?!" He screamed, stomping his feet.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, grabbing my long board and hopping onto it. I rolled down the sidewalk, hoping to get away from the awful screeching, when I felt the scream suddenly being directed to me.

"Hey bitch-cake! Stop riding that piece of shit! I can't think with you riding around and making so much noise!" He yelled at me.

I skidded to a stop and propped myself up by tilting the board upwards with my foot. Snaking my arms over my chest and tilted my head slightly, curious to see what would happen next.

"What's wrong pretty boy? Did you break a nail throwing a tantrum over your brand new Ferrari being the wrong colour?" I teased, making my annoyance abundantly clear in my voice.

He somehow became angrier and walked up to me.

"You think your really something don't you?" He asked, mockery and sarcasm lacing his venom dripping voice.

I shrugged cockily.

"Well I take up space, so I'm pretty sure I'm something." I said, in an obvious tone.

He simply chuckled and looked me up and down.

"Yeah a lot more space then you think you do." He said, smirking.

I smiled a little, raising my eyebrows in an impressed fashion.

"Aight Mr. Rich Brat, I'll give ya that one. I'll let it pass by." I returned his overlook of me with my own up and down look at him.

"Something you and doorways still struggle with." I said, running a hand through my hair.

He scoffed and flipped his short hair. My face turns serious.

"You better be grateful one day, because one day, Mr. Daddy Saves Your Ass over there, won't be able to pull you out of the holes you dig yourself into, every. fucking. day." I explained.

He laughed wildly, eyeing me evilly.

"Jealous? My dad basically owns this city, all your brother does is sit on his ass all day and scream down a mic." He insulted.

"And yet he's still smarter then the both of you." I giggled.

"Yeah right, if he were smart he would've killed himself years ago to escape you," suddenly an evil smile spread across his face.

"Just like your whiney-ass parents did." He said, all the emotion draining from his face.

I felt rage burn directly under my skin.

"Don't you ever talk about my parents, or you will suffer serious consequences." He warned, slamming my fist into my palm and cracking my knuckles.

He stepped back and put his hands in front of his face in false fear.

"Oh no, I'm so scared." He said in a monotone.

My breathing turned ragged and my hands balled into fists.

"Yeah I'm totally not gonna talk about the biggest headline in town ever." He said sarcastically.

I stepped forward, placing a bit more wait on my right foot then my left.

"It was six years ago, its in the past and its time to forget." I said wishing it were that simple.

He tapped his chin, staring at me intently.

"Oh? But how could I forget that Fei McLoughlin, killed her parents?" He asked, acting as innocent as possible.

Tears pricked my eyes. I pointed at him.

"Now you know that wasn't my fault Adam." I said, my voice cracking noticeably.

"Awe, if the little baby gonna cry about her parents which she killed?" He asked, sticking out his bottoms lip.

I shut my eyes tight, a tear slipping down my cheek. The wind picked up around me, and I rose up on a column of air. Looking to a large puddle, pulled it up from the ground, circling the water around the air pillar. Then I produced a string of fire to follow, then pulled up a few boulders from the ground and did the same.

"I said it wasn't my fault." My voice held that of all the past avatars.

Adam stepped back, putting his fists up. He punched the air twice, sending two balls of fire at me. I faced my open palm to them, making them disperse instantly. I spun once, swinging my right arm up, then down diagonal. The swift movement sent a wave of air hurtling towards him. He grunted he was flung backwards onto the ground. I squinted my glowing eyes, and leaned back. I took in a big gulp of air before pushing forward and spewing out a huge blast of fire at him. He was able to block and just as I was about to throw another attack, I felt something wrap around my waist. I looked down to see metal ropes hugging my waist tightly. Before I could react, I was ripped from the sky and my body crashed to the ground like deadweight. Slowly, I pushed myself to my hands and knees. A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me snuggly. I attempted to struggle at first, still beyond furious, then melted into the hug. I felt myself relax out of the avatar state, tears streaming freely down my face. I looked up at the owner of the arms that encased me in a warm embrace, to see that it was Jack. Burying my face into his chest, I cried silently, while he cooed me quietly.

"It's alright." He said, rubbing my back.

"It's all my fault." I whispered.

Jack pulled away and cupped my face with his hands.

"It will never be your fault. You did everything you could to protect them." He said, tears forming in his eyes.

I sniffed and plunged into his arms. I felt the wind pick up again and I opened my eyes to see me and Jack encased in a ball of air. After a moment, my tears stopped flowing, and I closed my eyes. The air bubble expanded before bursting. We sat in silence, when a female voice spoke in my head.

'I am proud of you, Avatar Fei'

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