Markiplier #10

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I sat on my be, staring at the wood ceiling. I heard Miss. K scream my name from downstairs.


I rolled my eyes. More adoptions? I was never gonna get adopted. I accepted that fact a year ago. I was gonna spend the rest of my life, rotting away in Miss. K's Home For Kids. I slowly got up, and changed into a pair of ripped red plaid skinny jeans, black converse, and a black v-neck. I ran into the bathroom and made sure my hair looked alright. The sides and the back were cut down to a buzzcut while the top was left decently long and was died cyan blue with purple streaks. I nodded and ran downstairs. There was already a line, so I just took the back and waited my turn.

{Le Time Skeep}

After all the other girls had gone, it was my turn. I hesitated. Miss. K saw this and smacked the back of my head.

"Don't keep him waiting you rat." She hissed through gritted teeth.

I groaned inwardly and opened the door. I scurried inside and closed the door behind me, stopping for a moment. My back was to the person, and I took my chance to calm down. I took a deep breath and turned around. It was a man. He was a bit short, but very muscular. His host was dark brown with a red floof, and his eyes were deep chocolate brown. I instantly knew who he was.

"Hey there!" He said politely.

I gulped and sat down.

"H-hi..." I said quietly.

"I like your hair." He complimented, squinting his eyes at it.

"Thanks Mark!" I said, covering my mouth at what I just said.

He only laughed.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, you know who I am." He said, leaning forward.

I nodded eagerly.

"Y-yeah.... I've been watching your videos since 200 subs." I said blushing.

He nodded.

"So I've got a veteran here." He said.

I nodded lightly.

"Well, what's your name sweetheart?" He asked, making my heart stop.

"Lauren." I said.

Mark stuck out his hand.

"Well it's nice to meet oh Lauren." He said, shaking my hand.

I smiled at him.

"Do do you mind if I ask you some questions?" He asked.

I crossed my arms on the table, and looked at him expectantly.

{Le Time Skip brought to you by the fish and the cons}

Mark smiled at me.

"Nice meeting you Lauren." He said nodding to me.

I smiled and waved as I walked out. I ran up to my room and let out all the tears that I had been holding in. I just spent ten whole minutes with my idol, who was a potential adopter. And now I was never going to see him again. No one ever adopts me. I sighed and walked over to my dresser. I opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a picture from the bottom. I looked at it, only to drop it. It was a picture of me and Rachel, my best friend who committed suicide 2 years ago. That's not what made me drop it though. It was the fact that someone drew all over it with black marker. Tears began to flow down my cheeks. I grabbed my locker from under my bed, hoping that same picture was still safe. But no, it had also been drawn on. I dropped to me knees, and cried silently.

Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Where stories live. Discover now