Jack and Mark

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I stood in a crowd of people, all of which were there to see my idols. Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. I was giddy, and jumping in place, hoping got get a glimpse of them. I was wearing my Markiplier shit, blue skinny jeans, red converse and my Septic Eye Sam hat I made. As I looked around at the people surrounding me, I suddenly heard a high pitch 'Ow!' And laughing. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and followed the laughter to a group of three boys who had pushed down a young girl. She was probably only 15 or 16, and she was wearing a white tshirt with a pink mustache, black jeans and some pink sketchers. She was holding a blue book close to her chest. She had tears in her eyes. I walked up to the boys, who all seemed to be my age, around 24, and looked at them.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked, crossing my arms.

The tallest one, who was the same height as me- I am pretty tall at 5'10"- took a step towards me.

"Kicking this twerps butt for trying to get in front of us." He said, looking me up and down with a smirk.

I gave them a disgusted look and bent down in front of the girl.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked up at me with big hazel eyes, and nodded. I gave her a smile. I gently took her hand and helped her up. I turned to the boys behind me.

"Why did you think kicking this young girls butt was okay?" I asked, giving him a curious look.

He laughed.

"Not like anyone can do anything about it." He said.

I quickly told the girl to find her friends, which she did, running off into the crowd. The boy looked at me, angry.

"I wasn't done with her yet." He said.

I simply straightened up and held my ground.

"Too bad, I don't like seeing scumbags like you picking on people smaller then you." I said, getting in his face.

The boy grabbed my shirt collar and lifted me up.

"Do you want to stop me?" He asked, his hot breath smelling of pot and alcohol.

I gave him an angry look, making him chuckle. He threw me to the ground. I grunted as I hit the cold tile floor.

"YO I THINK I SAW MARK AND JACK GO THIS WAY!" He screamed, causing all the fans to run in one direction.

They seemed so focused on meeting them, that they didn't notice me on the ground. Most of them trampled over me. I let out a cry of pain as one foot got me in the face. Soon, they all cleared out, leaving me alone on the floor. I slowly sat up, feeling a warm liquid trail out of my nose. I poked it to find it was blood.

"You wanna stop me now?" I heard a voice say.

I turned to see him standing over me. I did nothing but stare.

"I didn't think so." He said, punching me in the face and taring my lip with his ring.

I let out another cry of pain as I hit the floor. I took some deep breath, using all my power not to cry. I could hear two pairs of footsteps run over, then some voice going back and forth. I pushed myself up with arms and cringed at the throbbing pain in my body. Someone laid a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" A familiar voice spoke.

I nodded.

"Yeah yeah, I'll been fine." I said.

I looked up and gasped. Mark was sitting right in front of me. I stared at him wide eyed, blushing like mad.

"I think you need a tissue for the blood." He said, looking at me.

Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Where stories live. Discover now