Jacksepticeye #19

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{Key: Apoli- Someone who was seven or older when the Apocalypse started.
Setinese- Someone born after the start of the Apocalypse.}

I tied up my knee high brown combat boots, that squeezed my blue ripped skinny jeans to my legs. My pixie cut styled hair tickled my eyelids. When I finished I dropped my leg, dust jumping at the contact. I pulled a cigarette from the pocket in my green denim jacket, which covered my old black v-neck tee, lit it, and popped it in between my dry, cracked lips. I let out a smokey breath of satisfaction. I pressed my back to the metal wall of the train.

"Excuse me?" A slightly high pitched voice spoke from my left.

I looked up to see a man. He was a shorter then me, by a lot actually. Two inches maybe? His eyes were a breath taking baby blue, and his hair was a yellowish green. He looked to be an Apoli like me. He wore black boots, light brown cargo pants, and a dark green, camo tee.

"Need somethin, ask, just here to chat, not interested." I said, my voice rough as scratchy from smoking.

His cheeks turned red and he looked at me shyly.

"D-do you know where I can find Dillon? The one who runs his own train." He asked.

I raised an eyebrow, and brushed some brown hair from my face.

"You're lookin at her." I said, facing him.

He looked a bit surprised. Don't blame him. Most people are when they realize my name is Dillon, considering I'm a woman.

"Oh," he said awkwardly.

"What is it to you?" I asked, blowing a puff of smoke into his face.

He shrunk back slightly, shutting his eyes for a moment, then looked at me.

"I-I was wondering if you could give me a ride to Northern B1-13 Station." He said timidly.

I looked him up and down. I pressed my back against the train again and crossed my arms.

"That's an infested area you know." I warned.

He nodded, pulling out a some paper. Looked to be a map and a letter.

"I-I know. But my friend Mark is trapped in a building near that station. I need to get to him." He begged.

I pulled the cigarette from my mouth, and huffed to myself.

"I don't give rides to just anyone you know." I said venomously.

He nodded, looking at his shoes like they were the most interesting things in the world.

"I have what you want." He said quietly.

I looked at him.

"Hmm?" I responded, reaching out my hand.

He placed a small brown pouch in it, tied closed with yellow string, and I looked inside. It held fifty cents and a small piece of coal. I poured the contents into my own pouch, and handed him the bag. I jab my thumb behind me.

"Get on." I command.

He nods, and scurries up the steps of the train. I bang my fist against the wall.

"Alright! If you've already paid get on now, or else I leave without you! No exceptions!" I yell out, causing people to look at me.

a few people get up and hobble on, but other then that the dirty and blood stained people stay in their claimed spots. I nodded and flick my cigarette onto the ground. I punched in code to the breaker, which holds the train at the station. The bar on the train's first wheel clicked off with a loud hiss. I climbed onto the train and entered the bunker where all the passengers stayed. Most were talking and laughing, while others held bets for an arm wrestling contest. The man with the green-yellow hair, sat in the corner, clutching a piece of paper. I shook my head and hit the wall of the train, getting everyone's attention.

"Okay! Let's lay down the rules shall we?" I yelled.

Everyone looked at me expectantly.

"I have five major rules for this train. 1: No stowaways. 2: You must be in the sleep bunker by sunset. 3: No hidden weapons. All weapons are to be placed in the weapons bunker. 4: Stay away from my control panel in the head bunker. And 5:," I hesitated and surveyed the room.

"Don't do anything stupid. Anyone who breaks these rules in any fashion, will be shot on sight." I said, pulling out my pistol and cocking it.

My regular passengers just went back to their conversations, while the newer ones cautiously spoke to each other. The man however, pressed himself harder against the wall, and kissed the paper, a tear slipping down his cheek. I decided I would talk to him at sundown.

{Time Skip Brought To You By The Fresh Beat Band}

I watched the sun struggle down the sky, pouring its golden light over the wasteland we call home. I pressed the auto button and walked into the main bunker. A few people lounged at the windows, watching the sunset like I was, while the rest were already in the sleeping bunker.

"Okay, lights out. Get in the sleep bunker." I said gruffly.

They all stood up and headed to the door, some grumbling annoyedly. The man with the green hair hesitated, before standing up.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He looked at me, hooking his hands together in front of him.

"S-Sean.... but most people call me Jack..." He said, blushing heavily.

I nodded. We stood in silence for a good minute. I glanced down to the piece of paper he still held.

"What's that?" I asked.

He jumped and frantically pulled handed it to me.

"I-It's a picture.... of Mark... and me..." He said, pausing awkwardly.

I gently took it, being careful not to bend it. It was a picture of Jack and another man. This man was muscular and tan but a bit short, with small brown eyes and glasses. His hair was just as peculiar as Jack's, it was dyed red. They were each sitting on the branch of a tree, smiling at the camera. Jack's hair was much greener here, not faded and almost yellow like it is now. I gave it back, and placed a hand gently on his shoulder. He froze for a moment, his eyes tinged with fear, then relax.

"I'm sorry this had happened." I said in a much smoother, and gentler voice.

He looked down and sniffed. He lifted his head back up, to reveal now red eyes lined with tears. I bit my lip and let my hand fall to my side. I looked away, feeling awkward, and slightly annoyed at his weakness. I'm not good with these types of things okay?

"Y-you should get some rest... it'll do ya good." I said, patting my legs.

Jack nodded and slowly turned around. He grabbed the handle to the door and opened it. Before he walked through, he turned and gave me a small smile. I moved forward by an inch, causing him to jump and run out in a panicked fashion. I smiled and laughed lightly. I walked over to the window, pulled down the metal blinds that stopped light from coming in or out, and walked into the control bunker where I slept.

{A/N: BADA BIN BADA BOOM! Finally! This took WAY too long to write XD! But, for those of you who can't tell, this is based off of one of Jack's latest Let's Play (or the start at least). It's called "The Final Station" I hope you enjoyed, and if you didn't oh well! But thank you guys so much for reading, and as always;


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