Jaksepticeye #18

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I stood on stage, my older brother Mark, Bob, Wade, and my boyfriend Jack stood around me. The place was packed. My heart pounded in my chest. A young girl was asking a question.

"H-hi..." She said nervously.

I waved to her, while the others gave their greetings.

"I have a question for Mark and Lily." She said, showing her missing teeth in a smile.

I bent down, looking straight at her.

"I'm ready." I said, rubbing my hands together.

I heard snickers from the crowd.

"Do you have any cute pictures together?" She asked innocently.

I stood up and looked at Mark. He looked back at me. He giggled at the question.

"I don't have any pictures, but I do have a video." He said.

I looked at him confused. He walked over to one of the monitors, and after a moment of searching his phone, he plugged it in. They had just added this new thing to the panel. It basically displays things on a big monitor from our phones. That way we can show off funny pictures and/or videos. Its sorta like the airplay thing the school had us use to display our projects on the board. He looked out at the crowd.

"Now for context to this video," He said.

"So this was the day we finished moving her into my house, and we were both exhausted. We ended up watching a movie- Lovely Bones I think it was. And as the movie ends, Lily, lays on my lap, and falls asleep. Like in the blink of an eye she was passed out on my lap." He asked, laughing at the end.

I heard 'ohs' and 'aws' from the crowd. I blushed.

"Amy happened to be with us, and started recording. I had no idea, and this is what happened." He said, pressing play.

I looked up to the monitor. Mark was sitting on the couch, me out cold in his lap. Just like he said. I was laying belly down, with my head on his left leg, and my hand curled around his knee. He wasn't even watching the movie. His temple rested on his fist, and he was staring at me, a loving smile on his lips. He was playing with my hair. I blushed even more, and hid my face.

"Hey Mark." I heard Amy say in the video.

"What?" Mark said, never looking up.

"You guys are so cute together." She gushed.

Mark looked up at her, and smile, a small giggle, from deep in his chest sounded through the speakers. He looked back down at me, moving his hand to my back to gently scratch it. I saw myself smile lightly.

"I love her so much..." he said quietly, more to himself then anything.

"You like being the big brother?" She asked.

"Yeah..." He said, even quieter then before.

I heard Amy chuckle lightly from behind the camera.

"She's got your looks." She commented.

He looked up again, his cheeks turning a bit pink.

"Oh no wonder she's so cute." He joked.

Amy laughed. Mark smiled dorkily, and kissed my forehead. The video ended there. The crowd erupted into cheers, while I hid my face in embarrassment.

"How sweet!" Jack said, shaking me a little by my shoulders.

I giggled and looked at my watch. It was time. I looked at Mark, who seemed to take the hint from the look in my eyes. He nodded, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Okay I would like to say a few words if that's okay." I said, getting slightly dizzy.

Bob and Wade, who were both in on it as well, shrugged and nodded innocently. I took Jack's hand and pulled him in front of everyone. He gave me a confused look. I faced him.

"Jack, we've been dating for six years, as of today." I started, causing the crowd to cheer.

"And if you have connected the dots yet, today is our anniversary." I said awkwardly.

Jack was giggling at me. I must have looked like a red stuttering mess.

"A-and I thought of the perfect present for this anniversary." I said, taking a shaky breath.

Jack smiled and rolled his eyes.

"You didn't have to get me anything." He said, I knew he would say that.

"Trust me, you'll like this one." I joked.

I took a deep breath and straightened up a little.

"Jack, I know this is going kind of away from tradition, but I have a question for you." I said, pulling the box out from my back pocket.

The crowd let out suspicious and excited squeals. I smiled. Jack still looked confused af (me 99.9% of the time).

"Jack, I love you so much, and I'm dying to know," I got down on one knee.

I opened the box to reveal a diamond ring;

I opened the box to reveal a diamond ring;

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"Will you marry me?" I asked.

Jack had his hands covering his mouth. He lowered himself onto his knees. He leaned forward, covering his crying face. I laughed a little, wiping away my own tears.

"Don't leave me hanging Jack! Is that a yes?" I asked.

"Yes! A million times over yes!" I heard him squeak out.

The audience exploded into hoots and hollers. I laughed loudly and jumped on top of him. I felt someone on top of me, and craned my neck to see it was Mark. Wade followed, while Bob hung back, still looking happy. After a few moments we all stood up. I slipped the ring onto his finger, and he wrapped his arms around my neck. He cried into my shoulder, while I held him tightly. Finally, the cheers died down and we separated. Jack took off his glasses to wipe his eyes. I looked over the crowd. Molly and Mandy sat in the front row, looking one proudly. I looked over at Mark, who was in tears. I laughed again.

"Congrats guys." Mark said.

I smiled, and held my crying boyfriend's hand. Mark put his hands on his hips in a girly fashion.

"Oh come on! Get a little smooch in there would'ya?" He said, making the crowd laugh and scream their approval.

I turned to Jack, who instantly attacked me with his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he had his on my waist. After a little while, we pulled away. Jack was still a crying mess, while I had calmed down mostly. I turned to Mark.

"Can we sit down? My legs feel like jelly." I said, making him laugh.

We all sat down, Jack and I on the center couch. We sat talking for the next few minutes, while Jack was clinging to me, all smiley and even more bubbly then usual. After a long time, we opened up the Q'n'A, and questions came flooding in.

(A/N: OMG I JUST LOVE WRITING ABOUT PROPOSALS!!! But there isn't much to say, so thank you guys so much for reading and as always;


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