Jacksepticeye #23

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{This imagine takes place during the Cringemas Stream|Pic above: Your outfit}

I sat on the couch, next to Jack and PJ. Jack had his arm around my shoulders, and was absently scratching my arm. He, thankfully, understood how anxious I was about the stream. Honestly, I'm anxious about everything. We were all chatting about some stuff when suddenly one of the crew members stopped us. Everyone but PJ and Emma were on their feet. A smile spread across his face as he spoke.

"We just reached our goal." He said.

Everyone began screaming in excitement, while I fell to my knees. I sobbed, tears of joy flowing down my cheeks. Images of my dad passed through my mind. I placed my hands on my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Aaaawwww." Jack said, laughing at the same time.

I felt him wrap his arms around me in a hug.

"Are you okay Terra?" I heard Felix ask.

Jack responded for me.

"Yeah she's alright." He said.

He helped me to my feet as Felix, Mark, Emma and PJ thanked the audience.

Emma looked back at the tv. Comments were rolling in.

'Is Terra okay?'

'Why is she crying?'

'Maybe she's just really happy'

'Fucking crybaby.'

'Aaawww! Look Terra's so happy!'

'Terra! Stop crying you bean! XD'

Jack looked at me, gently brushing some hair from my face.

"You wanna tell them? Or have me do it?" He asked.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"Can you?" I asked meekly.

He giggled lightly and nodded. He tore his eyes from me to the camera.

"So for people who don't know, Terra here is my cousin. And the reason why she's balling her poor little Irish heart out, is because her dad....." his voice trailed off.

I could tell he was thinking about him. He was still upset. He was his uncle for god's sake. He cleared his throat.

"Her dad past away...... 2 years ago from AIDS." He said, tightening his grip around me.

I nodded.

"The idea that we are closer to finding cure because of something I helped in..... it makes me a mess." I said, laughing a little.

Tears still flowed freely, but I didn't care. I looked at the comments as they flooded the tv screen.

'Oh my god I'm so sorry!'

'At least he is in a better place now.'

'Don't worry! You'll get through it! We believe in you!'

'May he Rest In Peace.'

'Bless your poor soul child.'

I smiled, and buried my face into his chest. I felt it bounce as he laughed. Everyone came over to us and wrapped their arms around us, making one big group hug.

(A/N: UUUUGGGHHH I rUiNeD iT bY mAkInG iT sHoRt AnD sTuPiD i'M sOrRy)

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