Jacksepticeye #13

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I sat on my bed, channel surfing on the TV. Nothing good was on. Jack was sitting in his recording room, talking on the phone. Mark was sitting downstairs on the couch, watching TV. I sighed and threw the remote to the foot of the bed.

"Ugh, I'm bored..." I mumbled to myself.

I heard footsteps from Jacks room, leading to my door. A knock sounded.

"Ally?" Jack called quietly.

"Come in!" I said, waiting on my bed.

My door slowly opened, and Jack stepped in. He closed the door behind. I looked at him confused. He had a sorrowful look on his face. This only worried me.

"J-Jack? Is something wrong?" I asked, patting the bed next to me.

He sat down, and turned to me. His eyes stared at my knees, clearly avoiding eye contact.

"We're going to the hospital." He said, sounding as if he were trying not to cry.

I felt my heart begin to pound with anxiety.

"Why?" I asked, placing a hand on his leg.

He sniffed and looked at me timidly.

"Your boyfriend Jesse.... He jumped in front of a car on the highway. He tried to commit suicide. They're not sure if he's gonna make." He explained, sympathy swamping his eyes.

My eyes widened. No tears threatened to spill though. I slowly nod and clear my throat.

"O-okay.... I'll meet you in the car." I said, forcing my voice to be still.

Jack nodded and kissed my forehead gently, then left. I stood up, my legs suddenly wobbly, and threw on a pair of old blue jeans, my white and gold high tops and a black v-neck. I slipped on my necklace that Jesse had gotten me. It had one charm on it and it was a diamond encrusted A. I wanted to cry, but instead I bottled my tears deep down inside me. I shook my head and walked out of my room. Mark was waiting by the front door.

"Hey kiddo." He said quietly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I nodded to him, acknowledging his existence. We both walked out of the car. I sat in the back while Mark and Jack sat in the front. Mark drove us o the hospital. The ride was filled with a heavy silence. The kind that made your ears buzz and made you hyper aware over your surroundings. Mark pulled into a parking spot, and shifted the gear to park. We all climbed out of the car, and walked into the hospital. No one was there besides an old crying couple. I tore my eyes away and looked at the secretary. She was thin with red hair and big brown eyes. Much darker then Mark's eyes. Jack gave the names, and the woman gave me a sad smile.

"I'll pray for you and your boyfriend." She said quietly.

"Thank you." I replied, hoping I sounded fine.

Jack gently took my arm and led me to room 39B. Mark opened the door for me, and I walked in. I looked up. The sight made my heart plummet. Wires stuck out of his arms and chest. Big, scary machines surrounded him. Thin transparent tubes slithered down his throat and nose. And bandages were wrapped around his legs and head. I blinked back my tears, and walked up to him. I gently took his hand. It was still warm.

"Hey baby.." I whispered.

No response. I wanted to scream and shake him. But I knew that would only make it worse. I curled both my hands around his, and stared into his face. He had dark circles and bags under his eyes, his skin was pale and his lips were chapped. It's like it was him, but wasn't. Tears stung my eyes and I blinked them away.

"You have done so much for me, and I know I ask for stuff a lot and I'm really needy. But I have just one request to ask for..." I spoke, hoping he could hear me.

"Please hang on.... I love you too much to lose you...." I said quickly.

As soon as those words left my mouth, his heart monitor suddenly sped up. I gasped and stared at it. It skyrocketed. I panicked and looked to Jack and Mark. I was just about to yell at them to get help, when I was stop by the one thing I didn't want to hear.

A flatline.

I froze. Doctors and nurses rushed in, tending to him. One of them, a tall man with jet black hair and blue eyes, turned to me, then Jack and Mark.

"Take her out please. That way we can work on him." He said politely.

"Come on Ally, let's go wait in the waiting room." Jack said from behind me.

I didn't move. I couldn't. My eyes were the size of moons and my jaw hung open. I felt someone grab my hand and pull it.

"Come on.." Jack said, tugging on my arm.

I pulled my arm back, not wanting to leave.

"No," I said.

"Come on Ally we have to.." Jack said, his voice cracking.

He grabbed my shoulders and started to drag me away. I fought against him.

"No... No. No! NO!" I yelled, my voice slowly increasing in volume.

"Ally I can't carry you out you have to walk with me...." Jack said, his voice weak.

"I'll get her Sean." I heard Mark say.

I felt his strong arms wrap around me. He lifted me up over his shoulder. I screeched and reached towards Jesse.

"NO! I PROMISED I WOULDN'T LEAVE HIM! NO! NO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, tears streaming down my face.

Mark ignored my screams and kicks and punches. He walked out of the building, and set me down by the door. I tried to run back inside but collided with Jack in the process. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. Tears still rolled down my cheeks as I cried. My legs turned to jelly and I slowly slid down onto my knees, Jack slid down as well. He curled himself around me, and slowly rocked back and forth, trying to calm me. I cried loudly into his chest, so hard I coughed and hacked. I sat back for a moment to catch my breath. It felt like my insides were being stabbed and twisted. I smashed my face into his chest, and screamed. I screamed as loud as I could, ending it with more sobs and tears.

"It's okay, it's okay, I know it hurts... But there's nothing we can do." Mark said sadly.

"He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead...." I chanted, my word barely understandable.

Jack took a shaken breath and kissed the top of my head. I screamed again. I put my head in my hands and dug my nails into my forehead. I felt the metallic red liquid drip down my face. Jack gently took my hands away from my face.

"Don't do that honey..." He said quietly.

He pulled up the sleeve on his sweatshirt and wiped away the blood, ignoring the stains it left. He gently kissed my nose, and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Jack whispered to me.

After another ten minutes of crying and screaming into Jacks chest, he lifted me up. His arms around my back, my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. He walked to the car and carefully opened the passengers seat. He slid into the car, and I curled up on his lap. He held me tightly against his chest. Mark got into the drivers seat, and stared at the steering wheel. He gently rubbed my lower leg in a comforting way.

"I'm sorry Ally..." He said quietly.

I sniffed and pulled at Jack's shirt to hide my face. Mark pulled out of the parking lot, and onto the main road. The light rumble of the engine and the gently vibration of the car on the road, tired me. Exhaustion from crying ebbed away my despair, and I dosed off in Jack's arms.

(A/N: PART 2 COMING NEXT DON WORRY CHILDREN!!!! But I hope you liked Part One and as always;


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