Markiplier 10 (More Bonus Stuff)

218 7 4

(I know I already did this prompt 2 times but I really like the idea and stuff so I wanted to do some more with it)

I walked into the airport with, giddy with excitement. We were here to pick up Jack, who was visiting for a week to do stuff with Pax and just to hang out. I skipped beside Mark, humming the tune of the Attack On Titan theme song. Don't ask why, I just am. Mark looked at me and laughed quietly to himself.

"What's so funny Markimoo?" I asked, jumping and twirling in the air.

"I have never seen you more excited." He said, laughing a bit louder.

I giggled, and shrugged.

"Well do you blame me?" I asked, slowing myself down to a walk.

"No, but calm down Lauren. Before you hurt someone, most importantly me." He joked.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes playfully, and grabbed me. He placed me on his shoulders, holding my legs to keep me balanced.

"What's this for?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Eh, it just felt appropriate." He said casually, walking towards the luggage area.

As we waited for Jack, we watched luggage of all shapes and sizes come out on the convilerbelt. I tapped Marks head, causing him look up at me.

"Yes?" He said.

"Where do you think all that luggage is coming from?" I asked, resting my chin on the top of his head.

"The plane I believe." He said.

"Yeah but what if that's why they want you to think?" I asked.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

"Like what if that little doorway thing is like, a portal another world?" I said, leaning down so my upside-down face was in front of Mark's.

I gasped.

"What if it leads to Narnia?" I asked excitedly.

Mark smiled at me, which quickly turned into laughter.

"You are such a goofball." He giggled.

I rolled my eyes and straightened up. We sat in silence for a while until Mark suddenly waved his hand.

"Hey! Over here Jack!" He yelled.

I looked up and scanned the crowd, quickly spotting the green haired man. Mark pulled me off of his shoulders and placed me on the ground. I felt my hands begin to tremble as my anxiety kicked in. I took in a shaky breath trying to calm myself down. Mark looked at me, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Jack walked up to us, giving Mark a bro hug.

"Hey man how ya been?" He asked casually.

"Meh.... Could be better, could be worse." He said tiredly.

Jack gave him a sympathetic look. Mark shook his head.

"I'll explain in the car." He said.

Jack nodded, still looking worried, and turned to me.

"And you must be Lauren. You're even more adorable then Mark says you are." He said, messing with my hair.

"Th-thanks...." I mumbled, beginning to blush.

Mark looked at me, then back at Jack.

"She's a bit shy." Mark said quietly.

He nodded in understanding. He stuck out his hand.

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