Jacksepticeye #4

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(Sorry if you don't like the names I choose, or same sex marriage. This is just an imagine I made up for me and my girlfriend CX. Also this is gonna be real short.)

I stood up on stage, along side Bob Wade and Mark, my three closest friends, and Jack, my twin brother. Mark was joking around with everyone while I stayed kinda quiet, extremely nervous about what I had planned for the end of this panel. Which was coming very soon.

"Okay next question!" Mark called out, pointing to the monitor.

A question popped up and everyone looked at me.

"Oh is it my turn?" I asked.

"Yeah, now read!" Jack said dramatically, pointing to me.

I smiled and looked at the question.

"What's yours favorite thing about YouTube. By Jenny_Jen_Mar." I read aloud.

I looked at Wade who stood next to me. He placed her hands on his hips and looked down slightly in thought.

"Uh... Probably the fact that we get to play video games for a living." He said, looking at the rest of us.

All of us, but Mark, nodded in agreement.

"My favorite thing is the fact that we bring so much joy to people." Mark said, looking downward, smiling lightly.

I smiled at him. Mark's always been a the sentimental one, I guess you could call it. I nodded. I smiled and turned to the monitor.

"Abby, are you single? From LikeaBoss217." Wade read (idk about the names XD).

I smiled and giggled at the question. Everyone looked at me.

"Well? Are you single?" Mark asked, poking me with his elbow.

I smiled and pushed him away.

"Sorry, but no. I actually have a girlfriend! Her name is Lizzy, and I love her very much." I explained.

I heard some screams of excitement and groans of disappointment. I laughed, and checked my back pocket quickly.

"Actually, speaking of Lizzy, can you come up on stage for a moment?" I asked, searching the crowd for her.

A few moments past before I saw her stand up and walk to the stage. She wore white and blue skinny jeans, traditional converse and a jersey. I smiled at her as she walked up the stage stairs. I stepped away from the group so they were behind me. Lizzy walked up to me, and I gently took her hands in mine.

"Uh... So this wasn't planned." Mark said, laughing a little.

I smiled at Jack, who gave me a confused look.

"Lizzy, five years ago we bumped into each other at the park. Next thing you know we were best friends. And we still are, just closer." I began, my hands beginning to tremble.

"And these past five years together have been better then anything. It even has surpassed my love for YouTube." I said, giving her a smile.

I could see tears beginning to form in her eyes, and in giggled.

"And for that reason, and a million other better ones, I'd like to ask you something." I said, pulling my hands away.

Lizzy's eyes were swamped with confusion, as were everyone else's. I reached into my back pocket, and lowered myself onto one knee. Lizzy's face turned to shock, as tears fell from her eyes. I could see Jack's jaw hit the floor as he slammed his hands into his temples. Lizzy covered her mouth with her hand, and let out a small, joy-filled sob.

"Lizzy Cabrera, will you do me the honor," I said, opening the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"And marry me?" I finished.

The entire room was silent as we waited for her answer. She sniffed and moved some hair from her face. She nodded eagerly, and the entire room erupted into cheers. I smiled widely, and room her hand, sliding the ring onto her finger. I stood up, and kissed her, then wrapped my arms around her torso, while she wrapped hers around my neck. I looked up to see Jack's mouth still hanging open, but he was smiling as well. I smiled at him. I felt someone tap my shoulder, and turned to see Mark looking at us, happiness dancing in his eyes.

"Sorry to break this moment up, but we've gotta end this panel on time." He said laughing lightly.

I laughed and interlocked my fingers with Lizzy's.

"Well what a sweet ending to our panel right guys?" Bob said to the crowd.

Everyone screamed, making me blush and smile brightly.

"Well we gotta go if everything's gonna happen on time, but thank you guys for coming out! And we'll see at the signing!" Mark said, heading off stage while waving.

The rest of us followed, as everyone cheered and screamed their goodbyes. Once we were off stage, I bent over and placed my hands on my knees.

"You alright?" Jack asked, patting my shoulder.

I straightened up.

"Oh my god I was so scared." I said, my voice shaking uncontrollably.

Jack smiled and opened his arm, offering a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You trembling." Jack giggled.

I nodded, and sniffed as a few tears escaped my own eyes. Jack gently rubbed circles on my back, calming my nerves. After a few moments, I pulled back and turned to Lizzy. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you." I whispered.

I felt someone join in the hug from behind me, and craned my neck to see it was Mark. Jack, Bob and Wade did the same all around us, creating one big group hug.

"Congrats guys!" Mark said.

I laughed.

"Thanks Mark." I said as we all pulled away.

I turned to Mark and smiled, he opened his arms up.

"Why do you want a hug?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him.

"Because everyone is getting hugs and I felt left out. Also you give good hugs." Mark said laughing.

I felt my knees shake and I laughed.

"I still feel all nervous and shit." I said.

Mark pulled away, and patted my shoulder.

"Well I'm not surprised considering you just proposed to your girlfriend." Mark said.

I laughed, and punched his shoulder weakly.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Mark joked.

I laughed and turned to the group. Wade and Bob were standing there, just smiling like idiots while Jack was giving Lizzy a hug. They pulled away, and I walked up to them.

"Jack gives great hugs doesn't he?" I asked Lizzy, who smiled at me.

"Not as good as you." She said, pulling me into another hug.

"I love you Abby." She whispered.

"I love you more."

(A/N: Lizzy if you're reading this, DO YOU LIKEY? I hope so. That took WAY too long to write lol. Welp, see y'all in the next imagine! Mmmmbaaaaiiii!!!)

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