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"No no no NOOO!" I screamed as Mark- my older brother- beat me in Mario Kart 8 by just inches.

"Mark's a cheater!" I yelled, making the others laugh.

"Just be happy you didn't come in last like Wade." Jack giggled.

I laughed, and shrugged.

"Marks still a cheater." I said.

I turned to him, and he gave me a pouty face.

"Ricky you are so mean!" Mark cried.

I smiled and fell backwards, my back landing on his lap.

"But you still love me." I said.

Mark tapped his chin.

"True." He commented.

I smiled and sat up. I looked at Jack- whom sat next to me on le couch- and made my game face.

"Your going down bitch." I said, my giggling making it less intimidating.

Jack laughed and put me in a headlock, giving me a noogie.

"Ah!" I laughed, trying to prying his arm off of me.

I finally ripped myself away. I laughed and placed my controller on the coffee table.

"I'm boooooorrrreeeeddd." I whined.

"Then let's do something." Mark said.

"Truth or dare!" Jack and Wade said in unison.

I laughed and nodded, taking a seat on the floor. The others followed my actions, creating a circle.

"Okay who goes first?" I asked.

Mark instantly raised his hand.

"Okay Mark, go then." I said, placing my chin on the heels of my hands.

Mark tapped his chin for a few moments before smirking.

"Okay.... Ricky. Truth or Dare." He said in a dramatic voice.

I chewed my lip, then shrugged.

"Dare." I said simply.

Mark pumped his fist silently, and gave me an evil glare.

"Okay I dare you to kiss the person you hate the most-in the room-on the lips." He said. (She is 19 btw)

I widened my eyes before smirking suddenly.

"I can't do that." I said.

Mark leaned forward.

"And why not?" He asked with a devilish smile.

"Because that would be considered incest." I said casually.


I laughed, and punched his arm.

"Nice try Mark." I said.

He simply looked at me in false anger.

"You take that back." He said, pointing at me.

I crossed my arms and gave him an innocent look.

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'.

"I'll make you." He said.

I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Like you can!" I said, sticking my tongue at him.

"You're gonna regret that." He said in a sing song voice, pulling himself closer to me.

"What are yo- OH GOD PLEASE NO!" I screamed as he jumped on top of me.

He grabbed my sides.

"MARK NO! NO NO NO!" I screamed as he began tickling me.

I burst into laughter as I tried to push him off of me, failing miserably.

"Take it back!" Mark yelled over my laughing.

"NEVER!" I scream-laughed.

Mark smirked and looked up.

"Jack, help me?" He asked.

I looked over to see Jack laugh and move over so he was on my left. Mark pinned my arms above my head with his hands, and my legs with his knees.

"Okay get her sides." He said to Jack.

Jack smiled and leaned down so he could reach his arm between me a Mark to get to my right side, while keeping his other hand on my left.

"No! Jack come on! We're friends right?" I asked in a panicky voice.

"Yes, yes we are." Jack said.

He grabbed my sides and tickled me, causing me to scream, laugh, and try to pull my limbs free.

"Jack'll stop when you take it back Ricky." Mark said innocently.

"F-fine I take it back!" I laughed.

"Uh sorry, what was that?" Mark asked.

"I SAID I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BACK!" I screamed, tears forming in my laughter.

Mark smiled and pushed himself off of my limbs, allowing me to sit up and curl my legs to my chest.

"Fuck you Mark." I breathed, still giggling.

He only smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Love you too little sis."

Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Where stories live. Discover now