Markplier #22

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(She has wings like Maleficent, Top= What she looks like)

{Mark's POV}

I was walking through the woods, unable to sleep again. It was raining but that didn't really bother me too much. It had been hot and dry all day so the cool rain was nothing but refreshing. I was about ten minutes into my walk when I heard something peculiar. It sounded like a gasp, followed by sickening grunts. Out of worry and curiosity, I followed the sounds. I came to a small clearing, lined with willow trees. There was a thick line down the center, made of mud and dirt. At the end, laid a girl. It looked like she had been violent drag across the ground. I ran up to her, to find that she was unconscious, but still breathing. I also noticed something strange about the young girl. She had wings. They were big, and cover with brown feathers. They were almost bird like. Her, what seemed to be, once white dress was stained and tattered. Her smalls hands and thing arms were covered in blood. I got down on my knees next to her, and carefully moved some of her red hair from her face. She was young, maybe around 14. She had plump pink lips, a little nose, freckles dotting her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She looked pure... almost like a little angel. I looked around, wondering if she had parents, or someone to take her back home where she'd be safe. I waited for what seemed like an eternity. Looking back at the girl, I sighed. She suddenly stirred, and placed a hand on my knee. I took a sharp intake of air and tilted my head back as my muscles tensed up and a vision filled my eyes. I could see..... her, surrounded by men with spears and bows, all pointed at her. She was panting hard and looked fearful. One man went for an attack and she responded by lifting her hand blowing him back with some power of hers. Then she took off into the sky. It flashed to her weaving in and out of trees before slamming into one and crashing against the grass. I saw her bounce and roll before sliding and hitting another tree. The vision melted away and I was back in the clearing. I took a moment to catch my breath, before shaking my head roughly. Looking around one last time, I carefully picked her up and got to my feet. It was a bit awkward considering her wings but I managed to carry her home to my house. I gently kicked open the door, stepped inside, then kicked it closed. I was greeted by a very excited Chica, and a friendly hello from Tyler. He walked up to me and froze at the sight. Can't blame him. I just walked into the house, soaking wet, carrying a random girl with wings. I ignored his questions and went to the guest room. I carefully laid a towel down of the bed and paced her on it. I turned to see Tyler in the doorway. He gestured me to come into the hallway. With a moments hesitation, I obeyed, closing the door behind me. Tyler's eyes were mixed emotions. Anger, confusion, worry, fear even.

"Care to explain why you brought a random girl into the house?" He asked.

"I found her passed out in the woods alone. It was raining and cold, and she's hurt. I couldn't just leave her there to wake up scared and confused." I said.

"How do you know she was just lost in the woods or something? She could've been at some party, gotten drunk, then got lost." He said, trying not to raise his voice.

I shook my head and sighed.

"She's way too young to be involved in that type of bullshit." I said.

Tyler and shook his head slightly, and shooed me off with his hand.

"Fine. But if it turns out I'm right in any regard, don't say I didn't warn you." He said.

And with that, he walked off, calling for Chica. I ran my fingers through my hair, took a moment to relax, then walked back into the room. I stared at her for the longest time.

'What's gonna happen when you wake up?'

(A/N: Idk what this was lol. But I thought it was a good idea so if you want a part too then comment down below! But thank you guys so much for reading, and as always;


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