Jacksepticeye #14

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I sat on the couch in the living room. Jack was in the kitchen making lunch, while I waited and watched tv. I gently rubbed my swollen stomach. It would be any day now.

"I can't wait to meet you my little Sam." I whispered.

As if a response, I felt him give a small kick. I giggled lightly. Suddenly, I felt an intense pain run through my stomach. I gasped and clutched my stomach. It gradually got worse until tears were streaming down my face.

"J-Jack!" I called through gritted teeth.

He was next to me in a matter of five seconds. He gently took my hand and looked at me worriedly.

"Paige are you alright?" He asked, placing his free hand on his stomach.

I squeezed his hand hard, causing him to cringe slightly.

"I-I feel like I'm being stabbed." I grunted.

Jack kissed my cheek and stood up.

"Let's get you to bed." He said, helping me to my feet.

I slowly stood up, and as soon as I was on my feet, I felt something run down my leg. I froze and looked down. Water dropped down my legs and onto the floor. I looked back at Jack. He seemed worried.

"Sam's coming." I said.

His eyes widened to the size of moons and rushed me outside. He quickly opened the car door. I climbed in, and Jack got in on the drivers side. He rushed to the hospital, all the while holding my hand and talking to me. Suddenly we stopped. I looked up to see traffic. Jack smashed his fists against the steering wheel.

"Shit!" He yelled.

A wave of pain came over me and I tilted my head back and cried in pain. My breathing was heavy.

"Jack! It's getting worse!" I cried.

"Um.... oh! Tell me how your day was." He asked suddenly.

"Why?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"To keep you focused on something other then the pain." He said confidently.

I hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"W-well I got up, took a shower, finished my favorite book again, and uh.... I-I listened to you record and watched some tv." I explained, my voice shaking.

I just now noticed he was on his phone. He put it to his ear, and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Hi! Oh thank god! You've gotta help us! My wife's in labor and we're stuck in traffic!" He said, beginning to panic.

He kept talking before turning to me.

"Okay wait right here for a moment baby." He said.

He jumped out of the car. I reached to him, hoping he would come back. I screamed out. A few moments later, Jack opened my door.

"Jack, what the fuck are you doing? Get in the car!" I snapped.

Jack ignored my outburst, and pulled me out of the car. He helped me into the back seat, where all the seats were pushed down. He sat me down, placing a few jackets under my head. He closed the sliding door and kissed my cheek gently. He was still on the phone.

"J-Jack, what are yo-" He placed a finger on my lips, silencing me.

"Paige, can you take some deep breaths for me?" He asked sweetly.

I swallowed hard and nodded. Breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth.

"Now honey, this baby is coming now. And we can't get to the hospital in time, so just do as I say okay sweetie?" He said reassuringly.

I nodded frantically. He gave me a warm smile and position himself between my legs. He rested a comforting hand on my ankle as I grunted with the intense pain.

"Okay, Paige when I say go, push." He said, his voice trembling.

"O-okay." I breathed shakily.

A few moments passed when he said go. I pushed as hard as I could, grabbed the car handle and squeezing it hard.

"Oh god, Jack I don't think I can do this." I said, beginning to cry.

Jack gently rubbed my knee.

"It's alright, just take a few deep breaths, and focus on something else. Easier said then done I know, but just try." He said, his voice alone calming me.

I nodded and pushed again. It felt like a million razor blades were in me, slicing me from the inside. I gasped for air, getting winded with the effort. Jack encouraged me, and talked me through everything. It was like that for the next six hours.

{Time Skip}

At this point, I felt like I was at the verge of death. The pain had gotten impossibly worse, and Jack was so nervous his entire body trembled. But then it happened. The pain suddenly began to ebb away, and I heard the sounds of a baby crying.

"Paige, he's beautiful." I heard Jack say.

He sounded as if he were crying. I leaned my head back, tears of joy rolling down my face. You would not believe how happy I was to hear him crying. It was strange but true. Jack scooted up to me, and gently placed Sam in my arms. I held him against my chest, careful not to hurt him. I was sobbing the whole time. Jack seemed to be in an even worse state then me. I gently took his hand.

"Jack it's alright." I said, giggling and sniffling.

He smiled at me.

"You just don't know how happy I am." He said, kissing the back of Sam's head.

"How do you think I feel?" I joked.

He laughed a little and gently scratched my arm, while staring lovingly at our baby boy. A knock sounded on the car door. Jack opened it to reveal paramedics standing there.

"Hi! You just missed the big moment." Jack said, wiping away his relentless tears.

A woman, with big brown eyes and bleach blonde hair smiled.

"Is your wife and child alright?" She asked.

He nodded. The woman turned to her partner, said something, then turned back to us.

"Okay, let's get them to the hospital so she can rest and so we can make sure that little bundle of joy healthy." She said, sounding almost excited.

Jack nodded and helped me out. They placed me in the back of an ambulance in a wheelchair. I held my child in my arms, while Jack kneeled beside me, his head resting against my shoulder. Sam opened his eyes a little.

"He's got your eyes." Jack whispered.

He was right. Sam's eyes were big, colored a vibrant green. I smiled.

"Yeah well he's got your big nose." I said.

Jack giggled lightly, and touched his hand. Sam instinctively grabbed a hold of his finger tip. Jack was smiling bigger then ever before.

"He's so tiny." He said, laughing a little.

Jack pecked my cheek, and used his sleeve to wipe some of the sweat from my face.

"I am so proud of you Paige. I can't even begin to imagine how much strength that must've taken." He said quietly.

I smiled at him.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too."

(A/N: I've always wanted to write a baby imagine! But in other conversations, anyone reading this, who is also reading my book The Dragon Girl SORRY!!! I know updates are slow. The reason why updates are faster here is because, I'm coming up with ideas faster for imagines then I am for the book. But thank you guys so much for reading and as always;


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