Markiplier #8

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"MARK!" I screamed as he lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder.

He laughed and spun me around.

"I'M GONNA PUKE MARK!" I screamed, beginning to laugh.

He instantly put me down, and I stumbled for a moment. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Asshole." I said, using all my might not to smile.

Mark smirked at me.

"I know you're not really mad." He said, batting his eyes.

I gave him a 'really?' look, and he bit his lip in thought. He suddenly gained a devilish smile.

"So no reaction?" He asked, squinting his eyes.

I sighed and looked at my nails. Mark slowly walked around me, gently running his fingers across my shoulders. I watched him, making a confused face. He gave me a cocky smile. I swallowed nervously.

"I bet I can make you laugh in no time." He said, walking his fingers up my back.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right." I scoffed, brushing hair from my face.

Mark chuckled softly and planted a kiss directly in front of my ear.

"Confident are we..?" He whispered in my ear, making my cheeks burn.

I bit my cheek, easily holding in a small giggle. Mark twitched his eyebrow and gave me a sidelong glance.

"I saw that." He teased.

He rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"S-saw what?" I asked awkwardly.

He sighed contently.

"Oh nothing." He said, sounding slightly sarcastic.

Mark kissed my shoulder and closed his eyes. I smiled, happy with the little moment. I felt Mark's hand move to my stomach. I swallowed hard. Mark poked my stomach, making me jump and gasp. He opened his eyes and lifting his head, looking at me evilly.

"Is miss Jaylen ticklish?" He asked in a falsely surprised voice.

I shook my head.

"N-no!" I said a bit to loudly.

I cleared my throat.

"No... No..." I said casually.

"Okay we both know you're lying." He said, easing an eyebrow.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he smiled. Before I could react, he kissed me, catching my tongue in the act. I felt my cheeks burn as I blushed intensely, but I kissed back. Mark's lips moved at a fast rough pace, which I matched. Mark gently bit down on my lip, and brought his lips to my ear.

"Top a' the morning to ya." He whispered, causing me to snort and giggle.

Mark burst into laughter. I joined in ultimately do to his contagious laugh. I rested my forehead on his chest, and shut my eyes tight, trying to stop laughing. After a few minutes of us both laughing at our stupidity, we calmed down. I  looked at him, and shrugged.

"I guess you can make me laugh." I said, punching his shoulder.

Mark gave me an 'I told you so' look, and poked my nose.

"Doesn't surprise me." He said, walking away to the kitchen.

I stared after him, before simply laughing and following.

Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Where stories live. Discover now