Antisepticeye Prompt

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I stood in the bathroom, brushing my blue and purple hair. Jack was already asleep, and I had just gotten out of the shower. Once the tangled in my hair were nonexistent, I splashed some water on my face. I straightened up, and saw a glitching version of Jack behind me. His eyes were black pools of madness. I gasped an turned around. No one was there. I shook my head, I was just being crazy. I turned back to the mirror to see Jack sitting on the counter in the reflection. It was almost like the mirror was a window. I stared at him, his eyes were the ocean blue I loved. He looked scared.

"Help me Addy!" He screamed, pressing his hands against the glass.

His scream was slightly muffled. I panicked and pressed a hand to the glass. Inside of hitting the cold glass, my hand went through it. Jack smiled and grabbed it, and I pulled him out. I hit my back on the wall, and Jack landed gracefully on the floor. I opened my eyes and looked at him, only to gasp and freeze in my place. This wasn't Jack. His eyes were completely black again, and he was smiling creepily at me. Before I could say anything, he left the bathroom. I chased after him into the bedroom, where Jack was. He stood over him, a creepy smile still on his face.

"Who are you?" I asked angrily, trying to hide my fear.

He turned to me, and smiled. He began walking towards me, and I instinctively back up until I hit the wall. He placed his hand on the wall next to my head and brought his face dangerously close to mine.

"Jackaboy over there didn't tell you about me?" He asked.

I stared at him, and slowly shook my head. He smirked.

"Why I'm Anti darling." He said, gently scratching under my chin.

He placed his hand on my cheek, the slid his hand down and brought his hand away while sliding his pointer finger under my chin. He walked over to Jack.

"I'm Jack's.... Counter part, I guess you could call it." He said.

"But I'd like to think I'm the more fun one." He said, giving me a toothy smile.

Anti licked his lips hungrily and turned to Jack.

"Now, the fun part." Anti said, giving me an evil smile.

I froze with fear as I watched him. He placed a hand on Jack's shoulder. Then in a flash, Anti was sucked into Jack's body, leaving no trace that he was here. Jack stirred in his sleep and I ran to him. I sat on the bed and placed my hands on his shoulders. He slowly opened his eyes to reveal to blue pools of confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked groggily.

I opened my mouth to speak but clamped my mouth shut as his eyes swirled into fully black. I gasped and leaped off the bed, pressing myself to the wall again. Jack lifted his legs and bent them, then in an almost jump like way, threw himself to his feet. He turned his head to me, and smiled. Jumping off the bed and grabbed something from under the bed. A knife.

"Ah it feels nice to have a real body again." Anti said.

"Wh-why was that there?" I asked nervously.

Anti looked at the knife. He smiled widely at me.

"Oh please that's been there since the last time I was here." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows at that, but didn't speak. He stepped towards me, and every so gently ran the knife down my neck. I let out a small high pitched whimper as he did so.

"Oh don't be scared sweetheart." He said, his voice echoing slightly.

"This isn't for you." He said.

I watched him as he climbed out the window and onto the roof. I ran to the window.

"It's for Dark." He said.

"Wh-who's Dark?" I asked.

Anti looked at me, and winked.

"A very good friend of mine." He said.

And with that he jumped off the roof. I stood there, frozen with fear. The world began to spin around me, as I fell to the ground. My mind grew foggy and scrambled, and the last thing I remember are 2 black eyes and a deep, echoing laugh.

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