Antisepticeye #3

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{this was inspired the poisoning scene from The Legend of Korra season 3 finale}

I was sitting in my bed, checking Instagram. Jack was downstairs, apparently recording something. I noticed he hadn't yelled or, even made noise in a while. Confused, I got up and walked downstairs. I checked around the first floor of the house to find that he was nowhere to be found. Becoming understandably nervous I went to check te basement. I doubt he would be in there but it's worth a shot right? I ran down the wooden squeaky steps and searched for a light. I found the string and pulled it, turning on the light. I gasped at the sight. Jack was pinned up by shackles around his wrists and ankles. The chains held him in a star shape, and his head hung low. He had nothing but a t-shirt and his flamingo shorts on, which was bad considering how cold it was down here. I was about to run up to him, when a voice cut through the dusty stale air.

"Not so fast darling." A smooth, high pitched voice filled my ears.

I gasped quietly, and froze. A man walked out from behind Jack. My face crumpled in anger.

"Anti." I growled.

He giggled and twirled a knife against his finger.

"Nice to see you remember me." He purred.

I took a step closer. Anti wagged his finger at me.

"Ah ah aaah. You wouldn't want your little lover to get hurt, would you?" He asked, yanking Jack's head up by his hair.

Jack let out a small grunt and whimpered in fear and pain.

"Let him go." I said, giving him a glare that could freeze hell.

He chuckled and stuck the knife in my back pocket. He walked around Jack, dragging his hand across his shoulders, and stopped behind him.

"If I let him go, I wouldn't be able to do this!" He said, the last part coming out as a grunt and he grabbed the back of Jack's neck.

His head tilted back and he let out a pain-filled shriek.

"Jack no!" I gasped, reaching out my hand.

His muscles contracted and tensed, so much so that the veins in his arms became visible. All that was audible in the room was Jack's loud grunts and screams as he fought against Anti's overpowering influence. His eyes flashed between solid black and normal. He tossed his head to the side, as if he lost control of himself for a moment. Jack pulled at his restraints, a meek effort to escape. Anti stepped back and made a gesture that allowed me to run up to him. I place my hands on the sides of his face, but at that moment his head jerk back. His grunts were becoming more sickening and guttural. His fingers were clamped in fists so tight that his knuckles were pure white. I could see sweat forming on his face and arms. I felt a snowball form in my throat.

"Jack, please hang on." I begged, not knowing if it would do any good at all.

He responded with a scream as his head jerked from left to right. I stepped back and stared at Anti.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, balling my hands into fists.

He smirked.

"You'll understand soon enough my sweet."


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