Jacksepticeye #17

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{⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️}

I walked up the steps to Jack's door. My heart was pounding with anxiety. I knocked on the door. No response. I tried again. Still nothing. I turn the knob, surprised to find that it was open. I rushed in.

"Jack?!" I called.

Silence hung over the house. It was almost like glass. As if a single noise would shatter it. I looked around the first floor. He was nowhere to be found. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I ran upstairs. I checked the bathroom first, then crept into his bedroom. There he was. Sitting at the edge of his bed, staring at the wall. I dropped my bag. His head sunk between his shoulders.

"Jack...." I breathed, tears flowing down my cheeks.

He straightened up slightly. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I cried into his shoulder. He was frozen under my grip, refusing to move. After a while I pulled back and looked at him. He had promanate dark circles, and big bags under his eyes. His usually sparkling blue eyes were dull from exhaustion. He look substantially smaller and frailer then before, and his cheeks were sunken, making the impression of bone visible.

"What happen to you?" I said quietly, gently holding the side of his face with my hand.

He closed his eyes and place his hand overtop of mine.

"I-I don't know.... I'm just depressed..." He said in a small, raspy voice.

I shook my head.

"I can see that. But why?" I asked, exaggerating the word 'why'.

He looked down, and rubbed his face. He looked back up at me, his eyes becoming glassy with tears.

"I-I... I...." he stuttered.

I placed a hand on his knee in a comforting manner.

"I have.... bipolar depression..." he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.

I felt my jaw hit the floor in shock. Jack, the guy who screams at games, giggles at everything, and has one of the nicest communities surrounding him, has bipolar depression. It felt as if a car had just hit head on. I placed my hands on his sides, looking at him, trying to see the old Jack in those dark broken eyes. I could feel his ribs through his shirt. I furrowed my eyebrows with concern and felt around his stomach and chest.

"Jack?" I said quietly.

"Hmm?" He responded.

"When was the last time you ate?" I asked worriedly.

I saw all the color drain from his face. His eyes clouded with guilt and sadness.

"I-I think the last time I posted a video..." he mumbled.

"That's was a week ago!" I said, raising my voice a little.

"Aaah!" He squeaked, holding his head.

I cringed at his pain.

"Sorry.." I said.

He grumbled to himself, rubbing his temples. I sighed.

"Let's get you something to eat." I said, taking his hand.

Jack shook his head, and looked down.

"I'm not hungry." He said.

As if on qui, his stomach growled.

"Oh yeah? Then why is your tummy gurgling?" I asked, tickling his stomach.

He giggled and pushed me away. I smiled brightly.

"There's the smile." I said quietly, brushing some hair from his face.

He smiled again. I stood up and stuck out my hand to help him. He took and attempted to stand. We made a few feet before he needed to rely on me to keep him standing. I slowly dragged him to the kitchen, where I shoved him into a chair and started making a sandwich. Silence hung over us.

"Thanks..." Jack croaked out.

I smiled lightly.

"No problem Jackaboy." I said, handing him the plate.

He grabbed the sandwich and slowly started eating. After about two bites, he devoured it. I couldn't help but laugh as he had peanut butter and jelly on his face. I shook my head and handed him a napkin.

"You goofball." I said.

He smiled and grabbed it. He quickly cleaned his face and looked at me. I sat down next to him. Our eyes met. I blushed a little, and smiled at him. He returned it. Jack gently took my hand and looked at me shyly.

"C-Can I ask you something?" He asked.

I swallowed hard, and nodded.

"I-I.... Do you-.... Will-...." he scoffed at himself.

"How about I just show you." He said.

I nodded slowly. His eyes brightened a little. After a moment of hesitation he cupped my face and leaned in. He connected his lips with mine, making me freeze. After a moment I relaxed, and melted into the kiss.

(A/N: Thanks ms_lonely_ for the idea! I really like writing about these little moments. They're so much fun. But thank you guys so much for reading, and as always;


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