Jacksepticeye #27

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I was hanging out on the beach, just like I do every day at sunset. The only people left were an old couple on the dock, and a small family with their children chasing each other in the waves. I tilted my head back, resting it against the chair. My eyes shut and I listened to the serene sound of the waves crashing on the shore. I smiled, feeling content and relaxed for a while. I began to dose off, and when I came back to full-consciousness, I realized it was late at night. I sighed and rubbed my face. I was just about to leave, when I heard humming from somewhere. Looking around, it seemed to be coming from one of the many caves here. Fearful yet curious, I followed the sound to a large cave in the sand dunes. I ventured inside to find pools of water dotting the floor. I spun around looking at the glistening walls, only to freeze when I saw a girl in there. Her bare back was to me, and her long blonde hair seemed to glow in the light of the cave. She was humming to herself. I looked down slightly to see that the 'puddle' she was on, wasn't a puddle at all. It seemed much deeper considering only the top half of her body was visible.

"H-hello?" I said quietly.

The girl whipped around and sunk into the water so only her eyes showed. I lifted my hands in a sign of nonviolence.

"I'm...... I'm not gonna hurt you." I assured.

She scooted to the edge of the water closest to me. I inched closer to her. She stared at me with these big green eyes that looked like pure emerald. I smiled and sat down, crossing my legs.

"Hi there." I said, waving a little.

She waved back, coming out of the water a little to show her face. She was beautiful.

"What's your name?" I asked.

She stared at me, staying silent. I shifted my weight nervously.

"I'm Jack." I said, running a hand through my hair.

She pulled herself up to rest her arms on the dry floor. She pointed to herself giving me a questioning look. I nodded.

"Ah...... Ah...." She struggled to speak.

"It starts with an A?" I asked.

She nodded eagerly. She purses her lips and furrowed her eyebrows together in thought.

"Ah..... l-la..." She said, looking at me hopefully.

"Alla?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Nah." She said very pointedly.

"Ah..... la.... nah...?" I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly, it clicked at I realized her name.

"Alana?" I asked.

She nodded quickly, clapping her head excitedly. I giggled at this.

"Why are you here so late?" I asked, resting my chin on my palm.

She cocked her head to the side with a confused look. She splashed the water gently.

"H-h-hhhooome." She said, holding the word out a little linger then normal.

"You live, in the water?" I asked, feeling almost bewildered.

She nodded and smiled. I saw the end of a large tail emerge behind her. I gasped and pointed to it. She giggled and pulled herself onto the stone, revealing a large green scaled tail which replaced her legs. I gasped and stared at it. She very carefully took my hand, and rested it on her tail. If felt surprisingly smooth and almost dry. I smiled at her, making a blush form on her cheeks. After another few moments she dove back into the water, coming up with a sigh of relief.

"I didn't know mermaids existed." I stated quietly.

She giggled, I smiled as it sounded like music to my ears. Suddenly, voices could be heard from the entrance of the cave. I looked back to see two cops standing there, shining their flashlights inside. One woman and one man.

"I swear I heard someone Ronnie." The mane said, looking around.

I turned and gestured Alana to leave.

"They can't see you." I whispered.

She pointed to me with a worried face. I shook my head roughly. She went into deep thought for a moment before climbing up and kissing me hard. I gasped slightly, and kissed back. Then, before I could even breath in, she grabbed the collar of my short and pulled me into the water, dragging me under. I, naturally, started struggling against her. I felt my arms go limp with exhaustion, and my legs felt like they couldn't move anymore. Alana tapped my shoulder, and when I looked she pointed downwards. I followed her finger to see my legs were gone, and instead, there was a long tail. It was green with some blue melted in here and there. Small fins lined the sides while the big one at the end flowed gracefully as I moved it back and forth. I saw that my shirt had disappeared. I realized I was still holding my breath. Alana giggled and pointed to her throat. I slowly opened my mouth and breath in. I felt my lungs fill up with precious oxygen and I sighed with relief. I smiled at her, and she returned it. After a moment of awkward silence, I broke it.

"Well this is awkward."

(A/N: Fucking best ending ever. *bows*)

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