Markiplier #20

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{Pic Above | Kimberly's dress}

I stood at the door, leaning against the glass. Prom was just ten minutes away, Jared still hadn't shown up yet. I felt a snowball in my throat.

'Don't cry, you'll mess up your make up' I thought to myself.

'Maybe he's just running late.' I tried to convince myself that was true.

It got more difficult ever passing second. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked at the screen, which surprisingly wasn't cracked considering how tight my finger were clamped around it. It was a notification from SnapChat.

Lillie Sent You a Snap!

It read. I would have ignored it, assuming it was just a video of her dancing and screaming excitedly with her boyfriend Carmen. But something made me open it. I clicked her icon and a picture appeared on the screen. The sight of it made me explode with mixed emotions. I felt anger, sadness, nauseous, betrayal, and a stabbing pain in my chest.

It was Jared kissing another girl.

These feelings brewed in my head to create one perfect storm, the kind that pours rain down on you, strikes lightening faster then you can think and creates pounding thunder louder then a plane.

But I didn't cry.

Why aren't I crying yet? Shouldn't I be on the floor weeping, or already on my couch eating ice cream from the carton while plotting my revenge? I should. But I instead simply just stand, and stare. Pulling the picture up, over and over and over again. I heard footsteps come down the stairs, and I looked up to see my best friend Mark jump from the third to last step to the floor. He had come here to get ready, mostly because he doesn't know house to tie a tie while I do. He smiled at me, only to instantly frown at the sight of my expression.

"Kimmy? What's wrong" he asked, looking worried.

I showed him the picture. He looked at it for a moment, and hugged me. He pet the back of my head, while swaying on his feet in a comforting motion.

"I'm so sorry..." He murmured.

I sighed heavily and nuzzled his chest.

"This night was going to be perfect." I whispered.

He pulled back slightly and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I'll take you." He said in a monotone.

I tilted my head slightly.

"B-but what about your friends?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"It's either have my friends be annoyed at me for a few days, or let the night you've been dreaming about since kindergarten get ruined." He said.

I smiled a little, causing his concerned look to melt into relief.

"There's that smile." He said, hugging me one more time.

I giggled and took his hand.

"Let's go!" I said excitedly, opening the door.

He smiled and ran out with me, taking the lead. We both speed-walked to the school (considering I'm in heels). When we arrived, I squeezed his hand, getting a bit nervous. Mark gave me a comforting smile.

"Don't worry. The worst you can do is slay Jared with that awesome dress. Work it girl!" He said, saying that last part in a white girl voice.

I giggled and curtsied. He tipped a pretend fedora.

"M'lady." He said, trying not to laugh himself.

I smiled and took his hand again. I led him inside, immediately being blasted with loud music, excited squeals and laughter. Warm air wrapped around my freezing arms as we closed the door behind us. I sighed in relief. I looked around. The gym has been designed with a fire theme. Red, orange and yellow everywhere and fake fire all over. I fit in perfectly with my red and off-white dress. Everyone was wearing variations of red and yellow and orange. Well, except for the small group who wore blues and purples, in a way to protesting the voting system because they didn't get the water theme they had hoped for. I looked to the stage. Instead of getting a full band, the school decided to just rent a radio, and got a guy who does the fire breath trick, as a replacement. The teachers voted on that one. Really only because they got paid extra to supervise. Mark looked at me, flashing a bright white smile. I returned it gladly, pulling him into the fray of dancing teenagers. When we found a nice spot, we started dancing together. As a joke we did the whip and the dab, before laughing so hard we couldn't breath. When we finally composed ourselves, as if on qui, a slow song started. I giggled and turned to him. Mark in response, placed his hands on my hips, while I rested my own on the back of his neck. We took a moment to find the rhythm of the song, then began to sway gently. I felt the burn of someone's eyes on me. I slowly looked around, finding myself staring right into the grey pits of Jared's eyes. He was furious. I swallowed hard, nervous but also a little giddy. I pressed myself against Mark's chest, resting my head on his shoulder. Mark wrapped his arms around my waist, almost like he was protecting me. I smiled. A shiver crept up my spine as someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see it was Jared. He forced a smile. I raised a questioning brow.

"Can I help you?" I asked, crossing my arms.

He batted his eyes.

"Why are you dancing with another guy?" He asked sweetly, looking like he was on the brink of an explosion.

"Why were you kissing another girl?" I asked.

All the color drained from his face. I smirked evilly.

"Did you really think you could get away with that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He cleared his throats and straightened up a little.

"Well at least I'm not parading around with some random guy like a prostitute." He shot back.

I felt Mark place his hand so on my waist, and rest his head on my shoulder. Jared looked at him furiously.

"Who are you anyway?" He asked.

"Her best friend." Mark replied.

"Yeah because having one dance together automatically makes you bet friends." Jared said sarcastically.

Mark stepped around me, towering over Jared.

"Try knowing each other for sixteen years." He spat.

Jared tensed up, looking nervous. I noticed Mark was a flexing, being as masculine as he possibly can. I couldn't hold back a giggly smile.

"I-I think I'm gonna go." He squeaked nervously.

And with that, he scurried off, probably to find his side bitch. When I was sure he was gone, I started laughing. Mark turned to me, and gave me a strange look.

"What's so funny?" He asked, stepping closer.

I looked up at him, a smile so big it threatened to crack my face. I poked his chests.

"You." I said.

"What about me?" He asked.

"You trying to act manly. It's quite a show." I giggled.

Mark smiled.

"You're so lucky we're friends." He responded.

I giggled again, and brought him close.

"Oh just dance with me doofus."

{Such Cute, Very Friendship}

Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat