Markiplier #13

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{Above: Erica's outfit cuz I'm lazy}

I sat on the couch, eating pizza while I finished my essay for English class. I had just finished typing out the fifth paragraph when my hands stiffened and started cramping. I groaned at the pins and needles in my fingers.

"Well I have four more days to finish it, and I only need two more paragraphs...." I said to myself, looking over the requirements again.

"I guess I could take a break." I said, standing up and stretching.

I grunted quietly as I heard relieving cracks in my back and shoulders. I let out a breath of relief and let my arms swing down. Coughing sounded from upstairs. Mark's been sick ever since he got back from PAX. I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose, and walked upstairs. As I got closer to Mark's room, the coughing turned into full blown hacking. I quickened my pace and knocked on the door when I reached it.

"Y-yea-ah?" Mark coughed.

"It's me, can I come in?" I asked.

"Sure." He wheezed.

I slowly opened the door, and peaked in. Mark was sitting in his chair, his head resting on his hand. His eyes were closed and he looked paler then usual. I sighed through my nose.

"You holding up alright?" I asked, knowing the question was arbitrary.

He shook his head.

"I feel like shit..." He muttered, his voice scratchy and pathetic.

I walked up to him, and gently brushed some of his red hair from his face. I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead, and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Look up at me Mark." I ordered gently.

He tilted his head up. His eyes opened slightly, revealing his adorable brown eyes. I may be his sister, but that doesn't mean I won't speak the truth. I pressed my lips to his forehead. His skin was burning up, and I pulled away.

"Aw, I think you have a fever." I said, playing with his hair.

He groaned weakly and dropped his head back ok his hand. I rubbed his shoulder comfortingly.

"You wanna massage?" I asked.

He nodded, never opening his eyes. I smiled lightly, and took a step behind the chair. Mark leaned forward, and sighed heavily. I placed my hands on his back and began to massage him gently.

"C-can you move up a little?" He sniffed.

I didn't respond with words, but instead did as he requested.

"Right here?" I asked.

He nodded and rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Man, I am tired." He muttered.

I giggled lightly.

"Then go to sleep silly." I said, a smile creeping onto my face.

"No.... Not now..." He whined.

I smiled and kept going. After a few minutes he leaned back.

"Can you get my shoulders please?" He asked whimpering in pain.

"Sure." I said quietly, moving my hands to his shoulders.

We sat in silence for a while until Marks rough voice broke it.

"You're good at this." He said quietly, his eyes closed.

I rolled my eyes.

"That's sounds very sexual, but thank you." I said, causing Mark to laugh lightly.

"You're even better then me." He said, a smile toying with his lips.

I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Surprising coming from you, your cockiness." I said sarcastically.

Mark laughed. I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck from behind, and rested my head on his shoulder. Mark rested his temple against mine.

"Don't you have an essay or something?" He asked after a few moments.

I nodded.

"Yeah but I only have two paragraphs left. I'll finish it tomorrow during study hall. That way I can take care of you when I get home." I said, kissing his cheek.

"I don't need to be taken care of." Mark argued.

"Shut up and enjoy the easy life before I change my mind." I responded dryly.

Mark sighed and closed his eyes.

"Fine." He muttered.

I kissed his cheek again and stood up.

"I'm gonna go get some laundry done. Just call me if you need me Mark." I said, patting his shoulder.

"Okay.." He said, getting up and throwing himself onto his bed.

I smiled lightly, shut the lights off. I walked away, closing the door behind me, and downstairs to do the laundry.

(A/N: Since Markimoo has been sick I decided to take advantage of that and use it in an imagine! Other then that, school has started. Like on the real tho, so anyone you have bleach? I mean I like to stick to generic bleach, but at this point I'll even take Tide if I have to. Just something. But anyways, thank you guys so much for reading and as always;


Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang