Markiplier #6

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I sat on my bed, scrolling through Instagram. Mark was in his room doing a recording. I scrolled through my feed, looking at all the pictures of my old friends. I would be with them at the beach for the yearly Airshow, but we had gotten into a fight and now they called and treated me like a whore. I sighed and placed the phone on the bed next to me. I stared at the ceiling. I could hear Mark screaming as he played his games with Wade and Bob. I smiled. He had great friends. I will admit I was jealous of that. But that didn't affect my love for my brother. I heard a ding. Sitting up and picked up my phone, seeing I had gotten a message from my friend- and crush- Adrian. I smiled and unlocked my phone, checking the message.

(Phone Convo)

Ad- Hey Ricky

Me- yo

Ad-  can we talk? :/

Me- sure what about?

Ad- I'm not sure how to say this

Me- it's fine you know you can tell me anything

Ad- I don't think we can be friends anymore

I froze, staring at the screen. Tears threatened to spill while my mind screamed and begged for it to be fake.

Me- what?

Ad- I don't..... Want to be friends anymore

Me- you're joking.... Right?

Ad- sorry..... No

Me- but why? What did I do?

Warm tears began to slowly roll down my cheeks.

Ad- Clarissa and Sadie told me everything

Me- what do you mean?

Ad- everything as in all the stuff you did to them

Me- but I never did anything to them!

Ad- Sadie said you spread rumors about them and called them names. And Clarissa said you flirted with her boyfriend.

Me- I never spread rumors! I never called them names! And I never flirted with Clarissa's boyfriend!

Ad- they said you would deny it

Me- I'm denying it because it's not true

Ad- why would believe a whore anyway?

Me- I'm not a whore

Ad- yeah right. What's the point in denying this stuff when you don't matter to anyone anyway?

Me- I thought I mattered to you

Ad- well I'm never making that mistake again. I'm gonna protect myself. A lesson your parents didn't remember when they met.

Adrian has left the chat

I sat there, staring at the screen. My bottom lip trembled as my heart screeched in agony. Tears flowed freely down my face. I knew he was right. I never mattered to anyone. And I never will. On shaking legs, I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror for a while before beginning to sob and shake uncontrollably.

"I'm a mistake." I whispered to myself.

"I don't matter."

"I don't mean anything to anyone."

"And no one would care if I did it."

I straightened up, and grabbed a razor from the cabinet. I looked at it, the small pieces of metal shining in the natural light from outside. I used all my strength to crash it down onto the sink. I did this until the blade was fully exposed. Then, I took off my jacket, revealing my arm. I brought the blade to my wrist, ready to slice it open and end all the pain. I was just about to pressed the blade to my skin, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Ricky!" It was Mark.

I whipped around to look at him. I was afraid he would be angry, or even furious with me for trying something so dangerous and stupid. But, I instead saw fear.

"What do you want Mark?" I asked through gritted teeth.

Mark walked up to me and grabbed the razor from me. He placed it in the sink, and hugged me. I pushed him away. He gave me a hurt look.

"Don't even try Mark. I know you don't actually care. You're just doing this because you have to." I said, sniffing.

Mark looked at me, he seemed to be sad and terrified. He opened his mouth to say something, only to clamp it shut again. A few moments of silence passed before he spoke.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I crossed my arms and looked away.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." I said, avoiding his worried brown eyes.

"Ricky, there is obviously something wrong." He prompted.

I scoffed.

"It's none of your business!" I yelled.

"It is when you're putting your life on the line." He said.

"You wouldn't understand Mark!" I yelled at him.

"Why not?" He asked, staying calm

"Because you don't know the pain of knowing you don't matter to anyone!" I screamed.

"What's the point in living when no one would care if you died?" I asked rhetorically.

Silence slammed over us.

"Is.... Is that really how you feel?" Mark asked, sounding as if he was going to cry.

"Well it's true." I said, bringing my arms up to then let them fall limply to my sides.

"You matter to me." Mark said awkwardly.

"Yeah the last person who said that just stabbed me in the chest." I said.

"Ricky, you mean so much to me. And it kills me to see you like this. Please, tell me what's going on." Mark said, his voice cracking at the end.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying my best not to cry. I failed, and tears flowed out along with small sobs. Mark came closer to me, and wrapped his arms around me. I began to cry into his chest. Mark lifted me up and left the bathroom. A few moments later he sat down with me in his arms. I guessed it we were in his room. He held me tightly as I cried loudly. He rubbed circles on my back and cooed comforting phrases to me.

"It's alright. Just listen to the sound of my voice, and everything'll be fine." He said quietly.

Soon enough my sobs quieted to small whimpers. Mark kissed the top of my head.

"I love you." He said.

I didn't respond. I just simply closed my eyes, and smiled lightly.

Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Where stories live. Discover now