Antisepticeye #3 Part 2

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Anti disappeared into the darkness, leaving me alone with a struggling and pain filled Jack. All I could do was stare at him as he held on with the little energy he had left. I could hear him wheezing and gasping for air. His arms bent, as of trying to pulling the chains out. A long, loud groan of absolute pain erupted from him. His head flew forward and hung low. His hands dropped from their fists, and his toes I curled. Lifting his head, I realized his eyes were completely black. I took a small step backwards Without looking, Jack pulled at his chains, ripping one out with the sudden strength he gained. He got his ankles free, and pulled his last limb out, pulling the chain out with it. Putting my fists up, I stood in a basic fighting stance. Jack stood hunched over, his arms dangling from his shoulders. His fighting was going to be messy and unpredictable.

"Jack I don't want to do this. I don't want to fight you!" I said, hoping the real Jack could hear me.

A smirk formed on his lips and he lurched forward. I slid out of the way, dodging his attack. He looked at me, his eyes pools of black that resembled nothing of his old happy ones. He leaped, ramming into my waist and bringing me down to the floor. I grunted, shoved him off of me and jumped up.

"Jack stop!" I yelled.

His head twitched slightly, and he went to bite my throat. I took a shuddering breath and kicked him hard in the stomach, sending him sprawling out onto the floor. A tear slipped down my cheek. He slowly stood up, panting. His was skin shiny with sweat, and bruises began to form on his arms and knees, he looked.... broken. I sniffled and brought my fists up. His head twitches again. He took a step forward, and my breathing patterns changed slightly.

"Jack..... don't make me do this..." I said, struggling against my inner sobbing.

A smile creepy smile cracked his face and he attacked. I responded by throwing him, back first, against the wall. He grunted and crashed to the floor. Jack stood up and, with a heavy breath, tackled me to the ground. In an attempt to protect myself, I held him away by the throat as he tried to snap his jaws on my skull. I punched him in the face, and blasted him with my hands. He flew back, rolling and bumping against the ground. Slowly, he got to his feet, shook his head roughly and started to run towards me. I took a deep breath. Taking a step forward I pushed my open hand out, encasing him in a pillar of spiraling air. Only his head was in the open. I closed my eyes, and opened them. Light erupted from my eye sockets and my hair and clothes blew in all directions as if I were in the middle of a hurricane. I walked up to him, placing a single finger under his chin and tilting his head upwards. He stared at me blankly.

"This is gonna hurt Jack." I whispered as I placed my hand on his chest.

I leaned him back, supporting him with the air that forced him to stays till. I placed my other hand on his mouth. His eyes widened. I slowly pulled it away, causing Jack to gag, and a thick black goo coming shortly after. I pulled at the air like a rope, causing the disgusting substance to keep flowing out of his mouth. Finally, after a few minutes, I got as much as I could out. I released his, making him fall over to his side. I relaxed and felt myself go back to normal. I ran over and kneeled beside him. I lifted him up, and laid him bridal style in my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, and stared at him.

"J-Jack...?" I whispered quietly.


"Jack please...." I added, stroking his cheek.

After a few moments he opened his eyes. Then, he quickly rolled off of me and puked up the last the black guck that I couldn't find. When he finally stopped, he was breathing heavily, and he fell back to his side. I couldn't help but sigh in relief. I pulled him onto my lap again and hugged him. He laid limply in my arms, most likely because of fatigue.

"What.... what happened?" He asked in his breaths.

I shook my head and looked at him. He looked down at his arms and legs. The shackles and chain were still attached to him. I grabbed one, and it quickly broke off. I did it again with the other three. Jack looked back up at me, giving me a small, weak smile.

"Thank you." He said quietly.

I pecked his lips gently, and lifted stood up, still holding him bridal-styling.

"How can you lift me up so easily?" He asked, sounding like a young child who was sick.

I smiled, allowing a small giggle to escape my lips.

"Lots of practice honey." I said.

He simply curled into my chest, nuzzling his face into my shoulder. He closed his eyes, looking completely happy and satisfied. I kissed his forehead.

"Sweet dreams Jack."

(A/N: TRYING TO MAKE SOMETHING CUTE AND FEELING DUMB ABOUT IT XD! I hope you liked it though. I'm probably not gonna do anymore Anti imagines, seen as we are coming close to reaching imagine 1 hundred. I may do 1 more Darkiplier but that depends of if you guys want it or not. But thank you guys, so much for reading and as always;


Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon