Markiplier #24

173 3 6

{Pic Above: The girl}

Mark's POV

I hopped the fence, landing with a small grunt. My brown tie up boots squeeze my feet uncomfortably. It had been broiling hot all day, but luckily the night sky provided some cool air. All I hoped for was something familiar, or shelter at the very least. Looking up, a confused expression traced my features as I realized where I was. A huge building stood in front of me. It was made from, what looked like, old brick and stone. Stairs rose from the dirt creating a pathway. It almost looked like a temple. I would have abided my first instinct to leave, but curiosity got the best of me and I walked up the steps that lead to it. When I reached the top, I was faced with two huge doors. They looked broken, so after a moment to look behind me, I slowly pushed one open. It made a deafening creaking sound, making me jump and freeze out of fear. I waited a moment. Silence. I let out a breath of relief and entered the building. The ceilings towered over me, made of green stained glass. The floor was made of a dark grey tile, and the walls, black stone. I gaped at the huge columns, as they were finely designed with markings and pictures. The place seemed to be taken care of, yet an eery feeling crept up my back as I moved deeper into the building. As I walked, a voiced boomed and echoed against the walls.

"What are you doing here?" It seemed to be a girl's voice, laced with an Australian accent.

It scared me so much that I fell to my knees with a yelp and cowered in a shaking ball.

"Answer the question." She spoke again.

Slowly, I looked up and raised my hands in as a sign of nonviolence.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm lost and I was j-just looking around." I said, my voice cracking in fear.

The girl laughed a little. A small hiss became audible, and I looked ahead to see a black and grey snake with sharp green eyes slithering towards me. I gasped and scooted backwards. It moved the closer, then in a smooth smoke-like transition, the snake changed into a girl (Pic Above). Her eyes were still the sharp snake like green, with black slits for pupils. She stared me down with a fiery glare. I swallowed hard.

"Wh-who..... who are you?" I asked nervously.

She raised an eyebrow. Crossing her arms she shifted her weight to her left leg.

"You don't know who I am?" She asked, sounding annoyed and slightly disbelievingly.

I shook my head. She sighed and brushed some of her blonde locks from her face.

"My name is Scelesta." She stated (Shell-lest-ah {Latin for Wretched}).

I nodded slightly, still paralyzed by fear. She noticed this and rolled her eyes.

"Oh get up." She hissed through her pearly white teeth.

In response I hastily scrambled to my feet. She squinted her eyes at me, and walked around me. She seemed to be investigating me, to make sure I wasn't a threat. After a moment, she visible relaxed and straightened up.

"Your name is Mark, isn't it?" She asked in a much calmer, and tranquil voice.

I nodded quickly.

"H-how do you know that?" I asked, internally face-palming at my stuttering.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"You really don't know who I am." She said quietly.

I nodded. A smile traced her pink lips, but was quickly replaced with a frown.

"Probably best if you didn't find out..." she whispered.

I tilted my head slightly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She looked me in the eyes, her green snakelike orbs full of sorrow.

"I'm not one of the good guys." She said, swallowing hard.

I looked into her eyes.

"Y-You don't seem that bad." I said.

She scoffed and walked towards the door.

"Then why am I bound to this temple?" She asked, her voice lowering to a growl.

I watched her as she stepped out of the doors and as she did, smoke billowed around her wrists, ankles, and her waist. After a few moments, they became shackles which were chained to the frame of the doors. I slowly walked up to her.

"Why...... are you here?" I asked.

She sat down, looking slightly uncomfortable in her chains. I sat next to her. After a moment, she spoke.

"I am a goddess. Goddess Scelesta to be exact." She started.

I curled my lips in and raised my eyebrows in surprise. She glanced at me, then looked ahead.

"My brother, Genus, locked me up here." She said, looking down at her knees (Geh-nuhs).

"Why?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, a long time ago, a thousand years specifically, me and my brother had just become of age to be chosen. One of us was to be dubbed the new ruler of the gods by my mother Aequum. I had trained my whole life, doing everything in my power to be chosen. But it didn't work. Genus was picked over me, when he had done nothing his whole life." The words flowed off her lips as if they had been begging to come out for a long time (Iya-coom).

"So, in a fit of rage...... I killed her."

(A/N: IF YOU WANT A PART DUE COMMENT AND VOTE PLZ PLZ PLZ!!! But thank you guys so much for reading, and as always;


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