Markiplier #2

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I laid on the lawn, my feet facing the street, and my hands interlocked while resting on my stomach. My best, and closest, friend Mark sat next to me, except the opposite way. His head lay just centimeters from mine. We stared at the star cover sky. We did this almost every night, wether we were together or not. I sighed contently, savoring the moment like I always do.

"Crazy to think how big the universe is." Mark said quietly, as if scared to break the silence that hung over us.

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, it's kind of intimidating." I said with a small giggle.

"How?" Mark asked, turning his head towards me.

I turned my head as well, our noses coming in contact. I smiled at him.

"You could just fly off in a random direction and never come to a stop. That's what scares me." I said, blushing lightly.

I small chuckle escaped Marks throat as he smiled at me. He turned his head back to the sky.

"I guess that makes sense." He said.

I slid my arm up to the opposite side of his head and pulled it against mine in a hug-like motion.

"Wouldn't be so bad if you were there." I said, closing my eyes.

I felt Mark's cheek lift as he smiled, I did the same.

"I wouldn't ever get on your nerves?" Mark asked chuckling.

I thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"You might. But that wouldn't change anything between us." I said.

"Right?" I asked, looking at Mark a tiny bit worried.

Mark smiled and closed his eyes, all while tilting his head forward so his forehead rested against my chin.

"Nothing at all." He said in an almost shy voice.

I smiled, and gently squeezed his head for a moment. I suddenly remembered something, making my smile drop instantly. I sighed and looked at the sky, forcing back the tears that threatened to spill.

"Something wrong?" Mark asked, looking at me with concerned eyes.

I looked back at him, our noses touching again.

"I'm just remembering the fact that I'm moving tomorrow." I said, my voice nearly cracking.

Sadness filled Mark's eyes. I knew how hard it was on him. I was still living with my parents, and they were moving from LA to Florida. They didn't think I was ready to live on my own, so they're taking me with them. Mark chewed his lip in thought. He suddenly smiled.

"Remember our song?" He asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He raised his eyebrows at me, and I instantly knew what song he was talking about.

"You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep." I sang shyly.

Mark's gaze changed from sadness to a mixture of emotions I could not decipher, all which caused him to smile.

"C-cause they fill the open air, and leave tear drops everywhere. You'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare..." I continued.

"I'd like to make myself believe, that planet earth turns slowly, it's hard to say that I'd feather stay awake when I'm asleep. Cuz everything is never as it seems.." Mark joined in, the smile dropping from his face as our eyes met.

As we both sang to each other, we sat up slowly. I scoot back as I did so I would be in front of him. When we both had straightened up, our voices trailed off. I stared Mark in the eye. Fear, longing, and happiness all swam in his gaze. I felt the spark in my chest as my heart rate increased rapidly.

"I-I... Uuhhhh..." I muttered, captivated in his brown eye.

Mark swallowed hard, as if preparing for something. He starting leaning towards me, and my heart leaped into my chest as his lips came closer to mine. He kissed me. I felt fireworks explode in my head as I freaked out on the inside. I closed my eyes, and tilted my head slightly, hoping the moment will last longer then expected. Mark slowly pulled away, never opening his eyes until his face was a foot from mine.

"M-Mark...." I stuttered.

Mark looked suddenly scared. The corners of my lips curled upwards on their own. I bit my lip, nervous about my next word.

"Again?" I asked, my cheeks turning a deep crimson red.

Mark smiled, and nodded. We both leaned in, meeting in the middle. Until now I now, I had never realized how soft and warm Mark's lips were. It just made me want to curl up on the couch with him while watching a movie. I moved my lips at a slow pace, Mark matched mine. A few minutes later we pulled away.

"I know it's a little late to say," Mark said after a few moments of silence.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"But I've liked you, for a really long time, a-and I was wondering...... If you would like to be my girlfriend?" He said, taking an almost shy dorky posture.

I smiled widely.

"Oh course I will." I said.

Mark smiled and took my hand. A giddy smile appeared on my face. I've liked Mark since he was sixteen and I was fifteen. Now ten years later he finally asks me to be his girlfriend.

And who says there's no such thing as a happy ending?

Markipler and Jacksepticeye Imagines §COMPLETE§Where stories live. Discover now