Jacksepticeye #13 Part 2

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I stood alone by the fence in Jesse's backyard. It was the gathering after the wake. All his family and friends were there. They all chatted together, well, more like murmured their condolences. I wore the long black dress that Jesse adored on me. I sighed and walked inside, unable to bare standing around the grieving folks. I found Jesse's dad passed out of the couch. Smelled as if he had a bit too much whiskey. His mother stood at the sink, cleaning her face of tears and smudged makeup. I walked up to her.

"Excuse me? Miss Aiven?" I said quietly. (Eye-vin)

She turned to me a sniffed.

"Yes darling?" She choked out.

"May I sit in Jesse's room? I would like some time to myself." I asked, looking at her sadly.

"Of course, take as long as you need." She said, nodding.

I gave her a sympathetic smile and trudged up the stairs. I walked to the second door on the left, and froze. I took a moment, then curled my fingers around the brass knob. I turned it, and slowly pushed open the door. I half expected to hear Jesse humming as he did his homework. But instead, silence hung over the room. I walked in, and removed my heels, leaving them by the door. I closed the door behind me. His room looked just as it always had. Light blue walls, a soft grey carpet, his light wooded bed with black comforters. I allowed a single tear to roll down my cheek. I walked over to his desk, and sat down on the chair. I turned on the desk lamp, illuminating the papers that were strewn across the cold wooden surface. His drawings. Jesse was an amazing artist. He always baffled me with his skills. I looked up at the wall to see some of his finished portraits hanging up. His mom, his sister Rose. One of them had a frame. It was also in color, unlike the other pencil drawings. It was mine. At the bottom, in gold writing it read;

My Girl

I smiled lightly. Everyday Jesse would remind me that I'm his girl. I looked back down at the desk, and picked up his diary. It was a black leather book with his name engraved in it. I opened it to the latest entry.

Dear Diary,
I can't do this anymore. Waiting is too agonizing for me. Ally's 19th birthday is in a few weeks, and I know the perfect present. I know it's a bit early, being so young and all, but I love her so much. It just seems like the perfect time. I've decided that on her birthday I'm gonna...

The last three words made me drop the book, tears streaming down my face.

propose to her.

I placed a hand over my mouth. I picked the book back up and read a little more. I found that the ring was in his sock drawer, hidden for the surprise. I got up and opened the drawer. The ring was in a black velvet box. I took it out, and opened it. I whimpered at the sight of the ring. It was beautiful. It was gold with the top molded into a rose, and four diamonds in the center. 'My Girl' was engraved into the bottom. I sobbed silently, and slipped the ring onto my finger. A knock sounded at the door.

"Ally? It's Jack." He said.

I swallowed hard, and held in my sobs. Jack slowly opened the door and peaked in. When his eyes met mine, he walked all the way in. He gave me a sad look.

"How're you doing?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

I looked at him, tears streaming down my face. Jack frowned and took a step closer. I held up the book and pointed to it. He read the entry. When he finished he placed the book on the dresser and wrapped me in a hug. I cried into his chest, feeling my heart crack even more. Jack didn't say anything. He simply just rubbed circles on my back and held me close. I placed a hand by his shoulder.

"H-he was gonna propose to me..." I sobbed.

Jack kissed the top of me.

"He would have been a good husband." He said quietly.

I sniffed and nodded. Jack slowly pulled up back and sat down on the bed. I sniffed and sat on his lap, resting my head on his shoulder. I admired the ring around my finger. A bitter smile tugging at my lips. Jack kissed the top of my head.

"That ring is beautiful." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded, a few more tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Jesse was always good with style." I said.

Jack chuckled lightly, and gently pet the back of me head. The small smile on my dropped.

"I'm gonna miss him..." I said quietly.

Jack tightened his grip around me.

"I know, I know honey." He cooed.

Silence fell over us, until I broke it again.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to love again?" I asked.

I felt Jack shrug against me.

"I don't know. If
You do, great. If you don't, fine. As long as you find something that makes you happy, it'll be alright." Jack explained.

"Thanks Jack." I whispered.

"I'm always here for you."

(A/N: Sad imagine cuz why not. I'm in that mod where I feel like making a ton of depressing shot for no reason lmao. But anyways, thank you all so much for reading and as always;


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