Safe Streets- Edward Nygma (Gotham) Pt.3~ The Riddler

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Y/N and Edward had been together for around two months now, and she was loving every minute of it.

Ed was an amazing boyfriend who would go out of his way to get Y/N presents or cook her a meal that was chemically perfect. He'd also leave her little love notes by the coffee machine at work that mostly were comprised of riddles professing his love to her.

One evening, Y/N had taken a break from handing out coffee and snacks to the GCPD employees and took the night off. She was trying to look for another job, one that fit her wants, so she could move ahead in her career and make more money.

As she looked through her options on Ed's computer, she couldn't help but think of him. He didn't want her to get a new job because he enjoyed working with her every day. But at the same time, he understood that Y/N needed to do what she wanted to because it was her life.

However, Y/N still felt bad. Edward had spent so long chasing someone who hadn't loved him. Now, he did have someone who loved him, but she didn't want him to think she was abandoning him. So, for that reason, she decided she was going to surprise Ed when he got home.

She got off the computer and found some ingredients around the kitchen to make Ravioli, Edward's favourite pasta. Y/N happily slaved away in the kitchen, picturing how excited Ed would be when he got back.

Once the cooking was done, she set up two plates with ravioli, sauce, and garnish on the small dining room table; placing the utensils in the appropriate places beside the plates. Then, she found some wine in Edward's pantry and poured them each a glass. Finally, she lit some candles and stepped back to admit her work.

"He's going to love this," she said to herself, clapping her hands excitedly.

Suddenly, she heard the door unlock, and Edward entered the apartment.

"Eddie! You're back!" Y/N smiled. "Surprise!" she exclaimed excitedly, gesturing to the ravioli.

But something was wrong. Edward wasn't smiling, he looked annoyed. And, he wasn't saying a word. He just stared at Y/N, his eyes narrowed.

"E-Eddie?" Y/N swallowed nervously. "Did I do something wrong? I know you like things in a particular order, but-" she paused when he held up his hand.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now," he said shortly, pulling out a gun.

Y/N's eyes widened. "Ed, what-"

"You have 60 seconds to prove yourself to me," he interrupted, pointing the gun at her.

"Ed, is that loaded?" she gasped, backing away.

"55 seconds," was all she got in response.

Y/N shook her head. "I-I don't get it, Ed! I-Is this some sort of prank?"

"47 seconds."

"Ed, please, this isn't funny!" Y/N cried. "You're freaking me out right now, I-I don't understand, please!" she begged.

"36 seconds."

Y/N's panic was quickly turning into anger and upset. "What the HELL, Edward! Edward Nygma, don't keep ignoring me! EDWARD!"

"29 seconds."

"I MADE YOU FUCKING RAVIOLI!!!!!!!" she screamed, gesturing aggressively to the dinner table. "EDWARD!!!!! EDWARD, LISTEN TO ME! LISTEN TO ME!!!"

"18 seconds."

Y/N's breathing quickened when Edward cocked the gun he was holding. This wasn't right! She didn't understand what was going on, Edward would never put her in harm's way. She stayed silent, her eyes trained on his.

"9 seconds."

She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was serious. As Y/N's mind raced for solutions, only one came to mind.

"3, 2, mm!"

Y/N ran to Edward and crashed her lips onto his, locking him in a tight, passionate embrace. She didn't let up until she heard Edward's gun drop to the floor. She quickly kicked it away before pulling back, keeping her arms around Edward. "What's going on, honey? Please."

But Edward touched his lips, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I can see why Ed likes you now," he murmured, gazing into her eyes.

Y/N furrowed her brow. "But, you are Ed, honey... aren't you?"

Edward bit his lip, his eyes travelling to the floor. "I am... kind of."

"How can you kind of be yourself... you're making no sense," Y/N whispered, wishing Edward would start explaining things to her.

But instead, he clutched at his head and ripped himself away from  Y/N, squeezing his eyes shut. "I need to go to the bathroom," he stated, running off.

Y/N followed him and waited for Edward to shut the door before curiously putting her ear up to it. Inside, she could hear Edward talking, seemingly to himself.

"What the hell? You need to leave me alone!"

"No! No! Absolutely not! You almost killed Y/N back there!"

"No! You wouldn't! I love Y/N, and killing her would make me kill myself!"

Y/N listened closely, not understanding. It was like she was listening to only one side of a conversation. Slowly, she opened the door a sliver so she could peek inside the bathroom. Edward was standing, clutching onto the counter of his sink with white knuckles as he stared into the mirror.

"I would! You don't think so? Just wait until I prove you wrong and we're both dead!"

"I won't let you near her."

"Y/N is not a bum!!! She's going to be very successful one day, just give her a chance!"

"Wait... what?" Edward said as he turned around.

Y/N panicked, quickly shutting the door. She sprinted to the couch and sat, but it was too late.

Edward came out of the bathroom and kneeled in front of her. "Y/N, how much did you hear?" he asked nervously.

Y/N hesitated before answering. "A-All of it, I think. Who were you talking to?"

"It's... a long story," Edward said quietly, lowering his gaze. "But the gist of it is, it's not safe for you to be with me anymore."

"No, don't say that," Y/N murmured, grabbing his hands. "I feel very safe when I'm with you. Whoever... that was... and whoever your... reflection was... that wasn't you." Y/Ngazed deeply into Ed's eyes, and could see that he looked broken. "Tell me what's going on."

Edward bit his lip, knowing he couldn't deny Y/N, or she'd continue to bug him about it. "I've been noticing this part of me... a darker part of me," he began. Y/N clasped his hand in hers when he stopped, giving him a bit of comfort to keep going. "And I tried to suppress it, but the feeling is getting worse. Sometimes it takes over me, and... I just can't help it."

Y/N brushed away a few tears that rolled down Edward's cheeks. "Come here." She opened her arms and Edward climbed into them, resting his head on Y/N's shoulder. "I know this must be so scary for you to be going through. But I promise, I will not leave you for it. I want to help you. So please, let me help you."

Edward sniffled. "But-"

"No," Y/N interrupted, shaking her head. "No buts. I love you, Edward Nygma. Every part of you. Even the dark parts. I promise that I will help you through this, understand?"

Edward hesitated for a moment but finally nodded. "I don't deserve you, Y/N."

"Oh, stop that," she giggled, kissing his forehead. "It is I who doesn't deserve you. You've helped me so much these past couple of months... now it's time for me to return the favour."

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