Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe- Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge (Riverdale)

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As requested by dreammaster6! Male Y/N.

Y/N Andrew leaned on the counter and wiped his brow. He had been working his shift as a waiter since six in the morning, and it was now noon. He was exhausted. Pop's Chick'lit Diner was extremely popular, especially around the end of the summer, when students wanted to have last-minute meetups with their friends before school started (and they would come to Pop's for study group meetings instead).

"You've been working hard all morning, Y/N, good job," Pop Tate said, coming up behind Y/N on the other side of the counter.

Y/N smiled and turned around so he could face him. "Thanks, I just feel bad for missing last week because I was sick, so I'm trying to make up for it. Do you think I could take a break, though?" he asked, wanting to go back to the kitchen and see what they were offering the employees for lunch.

Pop nodded. "Sure, after you take care of the table that just came in," Pop gestured to a pair of girls who had just walked in. "Once they leave, you can take your well-earned break."

Y/N resisted the urge to groan exasperatedly. He just wanted to rest his legs. "Alright, boss, you got it," Y/N said, less than enthused.

But still, he straightened and slicked back his hair as he went over to the table. "Hello ladies, what can I- Betty?"

He instantly recognized the blonde as one of his older brother's friends. Archie would constantly talk about her, and they saw each other frequently around town and in school.

"Oh, hey! Y/N, this is my friend Veronica." Betty gestured to the dark-haired girl sitting opposite her in the booth.

Veronica looked Y/N up and down, raising her eyebrow at him. "Yeah, I just moved here."

"Is this your first time at the diner?" Y/N asked.

Veronica shook her head. "No, I came here last week with my mom. It was less crowded, though."

Y/N looked around. Almost all the tables were filled, and only he and two other waitresses were working, plus Pop Tate at the counter.

"You look tired, do you want to join us?" Betty asked, scooting over so that there was room beside her in the booth.

Y/N desperately wanted to join them, not just because he was tired and hungry, but because he had always had a crush on Betty Cooper. She was cute, intelligent, and motivated and worked hard to achieve her goals. And to Y/N, independent women were sexy.

And then there was Veronica. Y/N was getting the same independent vibes from her. Although she looked the exact opposite of Betty with her dark hair and clothes, Y/N was kinda digging it.

But still, he shook his head. "No, Betty, you know I can't. I have work to do, and you're the last table I need to serve before my break, so could you maybe hurry up?"

Betty laughed and rolled her eyes. "Geez, alright, alright. I'll get the Banana Caramel Pecan shake (my favourite), and what about you, Veronica? Need a suggestion?"

"No, I'll just get a cherry cola," she said. "They're one of my favourite drinks, but we didn't have them back in the area of New York where I used to live."

Y/N nodded. "We have some damn good cherry cola here, you're going to love it. Well, I'll go and get those drinks and then ya'll can order your food!" Y/N rushed back to the counter. "Hey boss, can I please have a Banana Caramel Pecan shake?" he asked Pop Tate as he poured Veronica's cherry cola.

Pop raised his eyebrow at Y/N, smiling knowingly at him. "That's Betty Cooper, isn't it? Don't you like her?"

Y/N nearly spilt the cherry cola. "What? How did you know?"

"It's kinda obvious," Pop told him. "I overheard your conversation..." he sighed. "Look, you take their order and deliver their food, and then you can sit with them for your break if you'd like," he said.

Y/N grinned widely. "Really? Thank you, boss, you're the best!" Y/N took the cherry cola and began to walk away, but Pop Tate called him back.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He held up the milkshake for Betty.

"Oh, right," Y/N face-palmed himself before grabbing the shake and returning to Betty and Veronica's table.

"Here you are," he said, placing the drinks in front of them. "What would you like to eat?"

"We are wasting no time, okay..." Veronica pursed her lips as she thought. "How about you go first, Betty."

"I'll take some strawberry pancakes with some blueberries and whipped cream, please," she said.

Y/N chuckled. "It's lunch, Betty, who has pancakes for lunch?"

"Only the best people," Betty replied with a smirk.

Y/N shook his head playfully before turning to Veronica. "Have you decided?"

"I'll have a turkey on Rye and some onion rings, and, hey, make it snappy," she teased.

"Ha ha," Y/N laughed sarcastically before he went back to the kitchen to place their order.

It seemed to take forever for it to come out, even though itwas only a few minutes, but when it was finally ready, Y/N placed the dishes on a tray, along with a cheeseburger for himself.

He returned to their table and placed their plates down.

"We didn't order a cheeseburger," Veronica commented upon seeing it on the serving tray.

"Nope," Y/N agreed as he slid into the booth beside Betty. "I did. The boss is letting me take my break now."

Betty embraced Y/N, and he tried as hard as he could to hide hisflushed face. "Good, good!" she exclaimed. "You deserve a break, it's been at least two weeks since we've hung out, I've been starting to miss you."

"Well, I've been sick," Y/N explained.

Veronica picked up an onion ring and twirlled it around her finger. "Archie told me a little bit about you, Y/N, but he never said you were sick."

"Yeah, when we asked about you the other day, Archie said you were too busy to hang out," Betty confirmed.

"What, I- ohhhhhh..." Y/N realized what his brother was up to. Archie was very vocal about his feelings for Betty, but Y/N, not so much. Y/N would always listen to Archie swoon about Betty, but never admit that he also had feelings for the girl. Archie must'e finally caught on, however, and was trying to distance Betty from him, as well as Veronica now, it seemed. "Yeah, well, forget what Archie said about me. He's just jealous of my charm and charisma, and doesn't like me hanging around you ladies."

Betty giggled sheepishly, and Y/N noticed Veronica blush and hide a smile.

Y/N snaked his arm around Betty's shoulder and pulled her close to him. "Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

Betty sipped her shake and shook her head. "You're something else, Y/N Andrew."

Betty then turned her attention back to Veronica, and the two began chatting. Y/N was listening to them talk about the upcoming school year, when suddenly, something- or rather, someone- outside the window of the diner caught his eye. He glanced outside and saw Archie staring at him from across the road, a scowl on his face.

Y/N winked and rubbed his thumb in circles on Betty's shoulder.

Archie narrowed his eyes, but stormed away.

"What are yu looking at, Y/N?" Veronica asked, gazing out the window to where he had been looking.

Y/N shrugged. "I thought I saw something. It must've just been a piece of garbage floating by."

Veronica nodded and resumed her conversation. Y/N smirked as he sat with the two girls. If his brother wanted a war, he'd get one.

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