Urgent News- Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)Pt. 2~ The Plan

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Oswald impatiently waited in his mansion, pacing back and forth in front of the glowing fireplace. It had been a few months since Y/N had discovered she was pregnant, and she was finally going in for her ultrasound to find out the baby's gender. However, she had insisted that Edward take her so she could come home and surprise Oswald with the gender.

So, Oswald was now staying home with Victor and Butch, all impatiently awaiting Y/N and Ed's return.

Victor twirled his gun around his finger. "So... what do you think it's gonna be?"

Oswald glanced up at him and shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"What do you want it to be?" Butch questioned, raising his eyebrow.

Oswald shook his head and sighed. "You know I can't answer that. I will love my child regardless of its gender."

"Okay, but... you hope it's a girl, right?" Victor asked, smiling. "I know that if I had a kid, I'd want her to be a girl. They're deceptively vicious and very violent sometimes... I could work with that."

Butch scoffed. "No, no, no, you obviously want a boy! Someone you can rough-house with, play catch with, you know... do guy things."

"Rough-house, Butch?" Zsasz pursed his lips. "Cripple over there can't rough-house, look at his leg!"

Oswald stopped pacing and glared at Zsasz. "What did you just call me?" He rolled his eyes. "And for your information, I can rough-house. How do you think I got Y/N pregnant?"

Zsasz burst out laughing while Butch face-palmed himself, mumbling, "Thanks... I didn't need to hear that."

"Alright, so, you don't care about the sex of the child, but what are you going to do with it once it's born?" Victor pressed.

"Care for it, dumbass," Butch answered bluntly.

Zsasz smacked him on the back of the head, earning a dangerous look from the large man. But it didn't phase him. "Well, I know that, but like, will it go to school, and if so, public or private? OH! Or, it could be homeschooled! I can see it now... Professor Zsasz teaches it all the necessary survival skills, Professor Nygma teaches all the other important things, and Professor Gilzean teaches it what NOT to do. That class would be mostly observation."

Butch smacked his hand against his fist. "You are asking for it! Boss, please, let me hit him, just once!"

"Goodness, I don't need a child when I already have you two!" Oswald exclaimed.

Victor batted his eyes. "Am I your favourite child?"

Oswald didn't know whether or not he wanted to strangle the assassin or shoot him. "I swear, if you two don't stop being annoying for FIVE SECONDS, I'll kick you both out and Gabe will get to meet the baby instead," he warned.

"What?" Butch exclaimed. "But I'm not doing anything wrong! That's so unfair!"

Oswald dragged his hand down his face out of frustration. "Do you have the minds of elementary schoolers?"

"Butch does," Zsasz commented, smiling at the death glare Oswald was giving him. "Alright, but in all seriousness, do you have a plan for this kid? You've had months to formulate something. I mean, as the mayor of Gotham City, you'll be quite busy."

Butch nodded. "For once, Victor has a point," he said, earning a chuckle from the assassin. "Look, I don't think Y/N will be okay with me, Victor, and Edward acting as fathers toward this child."

"Who says I won't be parenting this child?" Oswald asked.

"Your schedule," Victor replied. "And the fact that Gotham is a fucked up city; a new problem appears every day."

"I can handle it!" Oswald spat. "Besides, Y/N said we can make it work, so we WILL make it work."

"I'm glad to hear that," Y/N stated, walking into the room with Edward in tow.

Oswald, Victor, and Butch all rushed over to Y/N, awaiting the news. Y/N backed up as Edward stepped in front of her. "Let her breathe, let her breathe."

Victor and Butch stepped back, but Oswald pushed Ed aside and clasped Y/N's hands. "So, what are we having?"

"Yeah, tell us Y/N, what are we having!?" Zsasz teased, but Edward pointed his gun at the assassin, who threw up his hands. "Okay, okay. I'll shut up."

Y/N inhaled. "It... it was too early to tell. We still don't know," she whispered.

Oswald's jaw dropped at the same time as Butch threw his hat to the ground and Zsasz scoffed frustratedly.

Suddenly, Y/N burst out laughing, confusing the trio. "What, what?" Oswald asked, looking back and noticing that Edward was smiling as well. "What!?"

Edward smirked. "Go on, tell him."

"Tell. Me. WHAT?" Oswald pressed.

Y/N cupped his face in her hand. "I was kidding, Ozzy. We're having a girl."

Oswald couldn't believe it. He was so happy, he could've cried. "A girl. A girl is perfect."

Zsasz cheered loudly. "Alright Butch, hand it over!" he exclaimed, holding out his open palm.

Butch sneered and reached into his pocket, procuring $300 and slapping it into Victor's hand.

"YOU TWO BET ON THE SEX OF MY CHILD?" Oswald spun around and stamped his foot angrily. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

But Y/N turned him back to face her and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "Relax, it's alright," she cooed as she pulled away. "Edward will put them in their place, won't you Edward?" Y/N asked.

Edward smiled. "Gladly. Come on boys, why don't we do a little shopping for baby furniture? We have to make sure we get all the best deals. But hey, it won't be hard, it's for the mayor." He gestured for Butch and Victor to follow him.

Zsasz groaned but begrudgingly followed, Butch did as well, but he didn't seem too unhappy about the daunting task.

Y/N giggled and ran her hand through Oswald's hair. "God, we have such a stable family."

Oswald shrugged. "We're not all that bad. This is Gotham, after all."

"So, what did you and the doofus duo do while Ed and I were gone?" she asked.

"Oh, we just discussed plans for the baby. Schooling and stuff," Oswald replied. "Have you... ever thought about homeschooling?"

Y/N snorted. "You're joking, right? I'd like my daughter to have a proper education."

Oswald brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "But Edward-"

"Sure, Edward could teach her how to solve a puzzle, but she needs more than that." Y/N noticed Oswald's smile falter, so she exhaled. "They can be her tutors, how about that?"

Oswald nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good." He leaned in and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Suddenly, a loud crash from upstairs interrupted their embrace.

"THAT'S IT! CALL ME TASTELESS ONE MORE TIME, I DARE YOU!" they heard Butch yell, followed by another crash.

Y/N pulled away from Oswald with a tired smile on her face. "We should go diffuse this."

"Perhaps having a third child wasn't the best idea," Oswald joked, holding the door open for Y/N.

"Oh, shut it, you," Y/N laughed before going upstairs, Oswald following behind.

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