Crippling Crush- Harry Potter (Harry Potter) Pt.2~ Mischief in the Halls

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Continuation as requested by Niff-the-pebble!

̷S̷m̷u̷t ̷W̷a̷r̷n̷i̷n̷g

Ava adored being in a relationship with Harry. He was sweet, supportive, and a wonderful listener. He'd also shower her with gifts, give her plenty of compliments, and always seemed to know exactly what she needed.

He also helped her to be more confident in herself as well, and she found that Malfoy wasn't bothering her as much anymore. It was amazing. Ava didn't feel overshadowed by Hermione anymore, either, because Harry made sure that she knew how amazing she was without being like Hermione.

The couple were walking to the Great Hall for lunch together one weekend, their bags slung over their shoulders filled with books to study for the upcoming N.E.W.Ts that were fast approaching.

Ava's arm was hooked through his as they walked, laughing and chatting about Fred and George's new prank products. Suddenly, however, Harry gasped and stopped walking.

"What, what? Is everything alright?" Ava asked worriedly, stopping as well.

Harry groaned and dragged his hand down his face. "I forgot that I promised Ron he could borrow my Defense Against the Dark Arts Textbook since his accidentally caught fire by Seamus. Do you mind if I run it to him real quick?"

Ava giggled and shook her head. "Not at all. We can study using mine."

"You're the best." Harry kissed her forehead and ran off, leaving Ava to walk by herself to the Great Hall.

She was just about there when she heard someone sniggering behind her. Rolling her eyes, she turned. "Malfoy, how did I know?"

The blonde smirked and stalked closer. He was alone, which was quite unusual, normally he had Crabbe, Goyle, Theo, or some other cronies to back him up. "I'm surprised you knew it was me since we haven't chatted in a while."

"We don't chat, Malfoy, and I don't want to start, so go away," she huffed, crossing her arms and turning on her heel. But Draco got in front of her, snickering. Ava frowned. "Hary will be back soon, you know that, right? If he catches you messing with me..."

"Oh, so you're going to hide behind your little lap dog, Pottah? You think THAT'S why I haven't been bothering you?" He backed Ava up against the wall, trapping her there with his arms. "No, I just haven't been inspired lately. But after seeing the way your hair looks from the back, I got some new material. Do you think you could turn around so I can say 'hi' to the family of rats living in that mess?"

Ava sneered. "Piss off!" she exclaimed, pushing him away so she could be free from the wall. "Your opinion doesn't mean jack shit to me! So stop wasting your breath and just walk away!"

This only made Draco mad, however. He clenched his fists. "What did you just say to me, you filthy mudblood? If anyone's opinion doesn't matter, it's yours! If it were up to me, you wouldn't even be born. Your presence here doesn't mean anything to anyone! If you disappeared right here and now, NO ONE WOULD CARE!" he hissed.

But she shook her head. "How could you say that when you know it isn't true?"

"Oh, but it is true." Draco chuckled darkly. "You're not even the smart one. Your sister is. You don't contribute anything to this school, maybe except for poor grades."

Ava clenched her teeth. "But, Harry-!"

"Please, don't bring up that prick. He's got girls lined up to date him! The minute you go, he'll cry for two seconds and then pick up another one as a replacement!" Draco spat.

Even though she knew they weren't true, the words hurt to hear. She shrunk back a bit, wishing Harry was here to deny what Draco had said. But he wasn't.

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