Shadows- Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen) Pt. 2~ Focus

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Continuation requested by cupidsvxx!

𝓢𝓶𝓾𝓽 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰

It had been a few weeks since Sukuna took Y/N under his wing and was teaching her about the great powers she now possessed. Every day after work, Y/N would show up in the same dark alley she had found him in and practice some more, each session eventually ending in a heated snogging session between the two.

One night, however, as Sukuna patiently waited for Y/N in the alley, he felt something was wrong. Yet he shrugged the feeling away, it was probably nothing. How could anything be a problem when he was about to see Y/N? Or so he thought.

He waited and waited and waited, yet she didn't seem to be coming. Narrowing his eyes, Sukuna crept to the entrance of the alley and peered across the street at a digital clock above a convenience store. It was a half-hour past when they normally met up. She was never this late.

"Is she leaving me? Giving up on me?" He hissed to himself. "Not on my watch..." Luckily, he knew where Y/N lived after some intense stalking, so he figured he just show up at her apartment and set her straight. No one stood up Ryōmen Sukuna.

He drifted swiftly through the shadows to her place, it didn't take him long. Rather than knocking, Sukuna muttered a quick curse to unlock the door and slipped inside. It was a rather large apartment for one woman, but it was nice, he'd give her that.

Sukuna stalked around the apartment, looking for her. But as he neared the bedroom, he heard soft crying coming from inside. This piqued his interest, so he entered the room to see Y/N in her pyjamas curled up on her bed, hugging a pillow that he was sobbing into.

Something panged inside Sukuna, a feeling he was unfamiliar with. Was it... sympathy? He quickly suppressed it as he silently approached her, standing beside her bed for a moment before clearing his throat to alert her of his presence.

She jumped, not knowing anyone had entered, and glanced up. Her mascara was running down her cheeks and her eyes were red from all the crying she'd been doing. She flushed red as she saw Sukuna and turned her head away. "What are y-you doing h-here? Go aw-way," she mumbled, not wanting him to see her like this.

Sukuna raised his eyebrow. "Not likely. What is the meaning of this? You stood me up tonight. That wasn't right of you."

Y/N burst into tears again. "I know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" She cried, dropping her head back into her pillow.

Sukuna suddenly softened upon seeing Y/N a sobbing mess in front of him. He'd never seen her so vulnerable before, not even when they'd first met. Normally if he saw someone in this position, he'd quickly put them out of their misery. But Y/N was different. She intrigued him. She made him feel feelings he'd never thought he'd feel.

He hesitated before reaching a hand out and placing it on her shoulder. "What happened to make you like this?" He asked gently.

Y/N was surprised at his gentle tone and stopped crying again, glancing up at him with wide eyes. "Y-you want to know?"

Sukuna nodded, sitting on the edge of her bed. Y/N sat up and curled her knees to her chest, sniffling quietly. "My day has just been... so horrible! I was almost hit by a car this morning on my walk to work- while I was running late, by the way. I had no time to eat anything! And then, when I finally got a moment to run out and get some lunch, I nearly passed out on the street! As if that wasn't enough, I brought some coffee back to work with me- which took the barista FOREVER to make, making me late back to work- then I proceeded to spill the coffee all over my desk, ruining some important documents!" She huffed frustratedly. "Luckily, I had some backup files on my phone, right? So I hooked it up to the computer, and while the files were uploading, my phone, which I forgot to charge last night, DIED. So the transactions were lost and there is a chance that the documents may be gone as well! so after this terrible day, I went out to a bar and some idiot drunk spilt his drink all over me, ruining my white blouse!"Tears streamed down her face. "I ran straight back here, not wanting to explain my appearance to you and why I smell like alcohol. And yes, I know my newfound powers could've taken care of all this today, but I was so unfocused that I just couldn't concentrate... ugh, anything that could've gone wrong, did go wrong today."

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