Walking the Lights- Severus Snape (Harry Potter)

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Y/N sat in an old armchair in the small library in her and Severus' house on Spinner's End. She gazed out the window solemnly, watching the snowfall accumulate on the street. The lonely, bare road and the grey colour scheme of the street didn't do anything to help her depressed mood.

"Y/N, darling..." She heard her husband walk into the library but didn't greet him or do anything to acknowledge his presence. "Y/N," he repeated, approaching her. "It's Christmas. Why must you be so upset?"

"You know full well why I'm like this," Y/N snapped, blinking back tears.

Severus sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder, feeling her gently shiver as she sobbed quietly into her hand. He wished his wife had a reason to be happy this Christmas, but in all honesty, she didn't.

Her mother had passed the previous year during Christmas from an incurable disease. Y/N was absolutely wrecked. She'd always visit her mother during Christmas because, other than Severus, she was the only family Y/N had; Y/N never had a good relationship with her father and she had no siblings.

Severus couldn't stand to see Y/N like this. Last year, she decorated the whole street with garland, wreaths, and lights. Families from around Spinner's end that Severus didn't even know existed had come to celebrate the holiday season. His house looked the most festive it had ever looked- every inch was covered in Christmas.

But now the street looked barren. The halls looked barren. Y/N looked barren. Severus couldn't even convince her to wear her leopard print Santa hat she loved so much.

So, that's why he'd made plans for that night, determined to show her that she could still have a happy Christmas... it's what her mother would want.

"Darling, come upstairs," he murmured, rubbing his thumb over her shoulder.

She placed her hand over his and finally looked up at him. "Why?" she asked sceptically.

He leaned down and brushed his lips against her ear. "Please? I have a surprise for you."

Y/N thought for a moment and then stood. "What is it?"

The corners of his mouth turned upward, glad he finally managed to get her out of the chair she'd been sitting in for hours. He took her hand and led her up the creaky stairs to their bedroom.

"I don't see it," she said in a very monotone voice, her eyes flicking around the room.

Severus pointed his wand toward the closet and it opened, a dress and bag floating out of it.

Severus pointed his wand toward the closet and it opened, a dress and bag floating out of it

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Y/N couldn't help but smile as she grabbed them out of the air. "What's this for?"

"For our outing tonight," Severus stated, removing his cloak to reveal that he had on a light grey crewneck sweater- different from his normal all-black attire.

"For our outing tonight," Severus stated, removing his cloak to reveal that he had on a light grey crewneck sweater- different from his normal all-black attire

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This piqued Y/N's interest, and Severus could see a glint in her eyes, a glimmer of adoration. "I love this colour on you," she whispered, placing her hands on his chest. "So, where are we going?"

He cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her forehead as she leaned into his touch. "Would you like to get changed and find out?"

Y/N smiled softly and nodded- she couldn't resist a surprise.

Once she was dressed, Severus admired how the dress looked on her. "I knew you'd look stunning in that," he told her as he gently took her hand in his. "Are you ready?"

Y/N blushed. "What's my surprise, Sev? I can't wait any longer!"

He suddenly apparated them to the outskirts of Kensington Gardens, a place they frequented in the summer. Y/N had always wanted to see it during Christmas after a fresh snowfall and with all of the Christmas Lights adorning it, but she never had time. Now, she was finally here.

Her breath hitched as she looked at Severus, tears in her eyes. "Sev... this is..."

"I know." He leaned down and captured her lips in his for a delicate kiss. When he pulled away, he offered her his hand. "Shall we?"

Y/N laughed happily and grasped his outstretched hand. At the gardens' entrance was a hot chocolate stand, so Severus bought them each a cup.

Y/N smiled as she sipped it, the drink warming her. She hooked her arm through Severus', walking through the lit arches that lined the main path.

As they strolled down the path, Severus couldn't help but notice the childlike wonder in her eyes. It was as if she had never seen anything like this before. They continued on, passing by a group of musicians playing a soft melody on their instruments. The sound echoed throughout the garden, adding to the already-magical atmosphere. 

Severus warmed as he watched her experience the beauty of the garden. It was a much-needed break from her sorrows, and he was grateful to be able to share this moment with her. They continued on their walk, taking in the sights and sounds around them, enjoying each other's company in silence. They passed lights that imitated waterfalls, ones that looked like falling autumn leaves, and even some that appeared to be frogs hopping on lilypads in a nearby pond.

After a while of walking, the pair sat on a bench that overlooked a performance of lights that seemed to dance to the music being played in the background. Y/N sighed contentedly, leaning her head on Severus' shoulder as her eyes followed the lights. "Muggle technology can be so amazing sometimes," she murmured, entranced by the show.

"Yes, very amazing," Severus agreed, although he was gazing down at Y/N instead of the lights. 

She felt his eyes on her so she looked up. "Yes?"

He grabbed her chin and tilted it up so she was looking him directly in the eyes. "I know Christmas will never be the same for you again, but I want you to know that you always have me. I will never, ever leave you."

Y/N bit her lip. "I know. And I love you for that."

"If there is anything I can do to help you, anything you need to help you get through this..."

Y/N thought for a moment. "A kiss would be nice..." she said, a slight smirk pulling at her lips.

Severus granted her her wish, pressing his lips against hers. She buried her hands in his hair and pulled them closer together, tears coming to her eyes from the passion of the moment. His hands travelled to her waist as they pulled away from each other. "I love you," he purred softly, bringing one hand to his pocket and pulling out his wand.

He quickly looked around to make sure that muggles were watching before muttering an incantation. Suddenly, the lights around the bench came to life, casting a warm glow over the two of them. Y/N giggled as the lights danced over her, tickling her skin. Severus smiled at her reaction, glad that he could bring her some joy in this dark and trying time. 

They sat together on the bench, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere that the lights had created. Even just for a moment, Y/N could forget about her worries, lost in the beauty of the lights. Severus watched Y/N's face glow as the lights continued to dance around them, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. 

He chuckled, waving his wand to make the lights form a heart in the air with her name inside. She gazed at it in wonder until eventually, the lights began to fade, and the spell came to an end. Y/N looked up at Severus and smiled, her eyes sparkling in the light of the musical lights. "Thank you, Sev," she said softly. "That was wonderful."

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're welcome, darling."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "I couldn't have asked for a better husband. Thank you for making this a happy Christmas."

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