Partners in Crime- Cherri Bomb (Hazbin Hotel)

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As requested by rexthetrex01! Male Y/N.

Cherri laughed as she leapt across the rooftops of Pentagram City, her partner, Y/N running below her on the street, weaving between light posts and sinners. Behind them, a crowd of loan sharks were chasing them, firing bullets carelessly.

Y/N glanced behind him, looking down his long, crocodilian nose at the sharks behind them. He used his tail to swipe a few pedestrian sinners off their feet, tripping a few of the sharks that were gaining on them.

"Ha! Nice one, Y/N!" Cherri exclaimed, having seen his move.

Y/N winked. "Thanks, babe!"

"Now, how about we fight these fuckers?" Cherri asked with a smirk, igniting the fuse of one of her bombs.

Y/N's eyes glowed with determination. "Hell yeah, they're messing with the wrong demons!"

The pair stopped running and turned on their heels, facing the hoard of Loan Sharks. The leader of the group, a hulking demon with jagged horns and a twisted grin, chuckled darkly. "You think you can stand against us, little girl? We'll tear you limb from limb. You and your lizard-whore partner."

Without wasting another moment, the loan sharks pulled out their weapons, their various guns gleaming in the dim light. Cherri leapt into action, her movements a blur of speed and precision. With a flick of her wrist, she hurled the lit bomb at the approaching demons, the explosion sending them flying like ragdolls.

Meanwhile, Y/N surged forward, his massive jaws snapping shut on the arm of one unfortunate loan shark. With a mighty twist of his head, he tore the demon's limb clean off, sending a spray of blood and viscera splattering across the walls of nearby buildings.

The remaining loan sharks roared in fury, their numbers dwindling but their resolve unbroken. They regrouped, circling Cherri and Y/N like vultures closing in on their prey, guns cocked and ready to shoot. But the duo was not about to go down without a fight.

Cherri unleashed a barrage of fiery projectiles, each explosion sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The loan sharks scrambled to dodge her attacks, their shouts drowned out by the cacophony of chaos erupting around them.

Y/N, not one to be outdone, slammed his massive tail into the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked several loan sharks off their feet. With razor-sharp claws and teeth bared, he tore through the ranks of their adversaries with ruthless efficiency.

But the loan sharks were relentless, their desperation fueling their ferocity. They closed in on Cherri and Y/N with savage intent, their bloodlust driving them onward despite the odds stacked against them.

In the midst of the chaos, Cherri and Y/N fought with unwavering resolve, their movements fluid and coordinated. Cherri's explosions lit up the night sky like fireworks, while Y/N's brute strength and ferocity struck fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Despite their valiant efforts, the loan sharks proved to be formidable adversaries. Cherri and Y/N found themselves outnumbered and surrounded, their backs pressed against the cold, unforgiving walls of the Voxtech building.

But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Cherri's eyes gleamed with a newfound determination. With a wicked grin, she unleashed her most powerful attack yet, pulling a humongous bomb out of who knows where that, when she lit it and threw it at the sharks, engulfing them in a swirling inferno of flames.

The loan sharks screamed in agony as the flames consumed them, their cries echoing through the alley like a symphony of suffering. Cherri and Y/N stood amidst the smouldering wreckage, their chests heaving with exertion but their spirits unbroken.

As the last embers of the inferno flickered out, Cherri and Y/N  exchanged a triumphant grin. Despite the odds, they had emerged victorious, their bond stronger than ever before.

"Holy shit, Cherri, that was hot," Y/N murmured with a smirk. "Literally." He kissed her on the cheek.

Cherri blushed. "You didn't do so bad yourself, lizard-whore." She took his hand and pulled him along. "Come on! Let's celebrate!" She led him through the bustling streets of Pentagram City-the city still reeling from the fight that had just occurred- to their favourite milkshake chain, 'Hell's Shakes'.

Inside the cosy retro-themed diner, the air was thick with the scent of freshly churned ice cream and the sound of classic rock tunes playing softly in the background. Cherri and Y/N found a secluded booth in the corner, away from prying eyes, and settled into a booth comfortably together.

As they perused the menu, their fingers brushed against each other, sending a shiver down their spines. Cherri's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and Y/N's reptilian gaze softened with affection.

You know," Cherri began, her voice soft and tinged with warmth, "we make a damn good team out there."

Y/N nodded in agreement, a crooked smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "We do, don't we? I couldn't have asked for a better partner... or a better girlfriend."

Cherri's heart skipped a beat at his words, a surge of warmth flooding her chest. She took his hand as they sat shoulder to shoulder, entwining their fingers together, their hands fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.

"I feel the same way, Y/N," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "You mean everything to me." She didn't have soft moments often, but when she did, she was very sincere.

Their eyes met in a silent exchange of love, their connection stronger than ever before. At that moment, surrounded by the comforting ambience of the milkshake shop, they were simply two sinners in love, revelling in each other's presence. Neither of them had expected to fall in love after partnering up to dominate over the other sinners in the Pride ring. But, here they were, and it was almost like they had a piece of heaven when they were with each other, the only bit of heaven they needed.

Their conversation drifted effortlessly from one topic to the next, laughter and affection filling the air like smoke from Cherri's bombs. When their milkshakes arrived, adorned with colourful sprinkles and whipped cream, they toasted to their victory and to their future together.

"To us," Y/N said, taking a sip of his (your favourite milkshake).

He got some whipped cream on his nose, but Cherri leaned over and licked it off. "Mmm, tasty."

Y/N chuckled and swiped some of the whipped cream off her milkshake, holding out his finger. Cherri wrapped her lips around his finger and sucked it off, licking her lips as she pulled away.

Before she could swallow it, Y/N kissed her once more, savouring the taste of the sugar from the whipped cream on her lips. "What do you say we finish our milkshakes and then take this to somewhere more... private?"

Cherri bit her lip and picked up her shake. "Why don't we take this AND our shakes to somewhere more private?"

"Your idea is better," Y/N purred. He grabbed his shake and stood, taking Cherri's arm. The pair began their walk back to their apartment...

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