The Noble New Agent- Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego 2019)

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Male Y/N.

It was dark backstage at the auction. Y/N could hear the auctioneer prattling off numbers for auction item six from his perch in the rafters. He snuck across the main beam until he was above one of the glass cases that held the prize he was after—item number twelve. He smirked. This would be easy. All he needed to do was grab it and go.

Y/N worked as an agent for V.I.L.E: a secret organization that stole priceless artifacts for various reasons- fashion, ancestry, experiments, etc. In this instance, Professor Malestrom required Y/N to steal- or rather, 'take back' a platinum quill that presumably belonged to his ancestors. Y/N didn't care why, however, he just wanted to finish the job. He could've gone on and on about how worthless, useless, and boring the quill was, but this was his first job, and he wasn't about to ruin it in any way.

So here he was, a few feet away from the quill, a cocky smirk on his face. The other V.I.L.E agents always made fun of him, told him he wasn't skilled enough, and that he would fail any mission given to him.'

How good it was going to feel to prove them wrong.

Y/N took out his glass cutter from his belt and set it to the side as he attached a rope to his harness. He then grabbed the glass cutter and was about to lower himself down to the quill when he heard a swishing sound, like the rustling of fabric.

He narrowed his eyes and looked out over the other artefacts, trying to figure out where it had come from. When he saw nothing, he shook his head, thinking maybe it had just been the curtain.

But then he saw a flash of red appear in front of the quill. Y/N's eyes widened. Even in her sparkly red gown without her typical red hat, Y/N knew who it was. 

It was Carmen Sandiego.

All of the professors had warned Y/N about her. She used to work for V.I.L.E, but she defected, and now she went around trying to steal back all of the things V.I.L.E stole. And most of the time, she was successful.

'But not this time,' Y/N thought to himself, drawing one of his many throwing knives from his belt.

Carefully, he aimed his knife at Carmen's hand, which was feeling the glass around the quill. Without a moment's hesitation, Y/N let it fly.


At the last second, Carmen drew her hand away, leaving Y/N's knife to strike and crack the glass, shattering a part of it. "Dang it!" he exclaimed when Carmen whirled around and glanced up at him to see where the knife had come from.

Y/N slid down from his perch on the rope. He quickly unclipped himself and took back his thrown knife. "Well, well, well, Sandiego. We finally meet. I was beginning to think you were a myth," he remarked, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Nope, not a myth, but about as close to one as you can get," She winked. "And, who might you be? I've never seen you before. Are you V.I.L.E's new retriever?"

"Try bird of prey," Y/N corrected. "They call me Raptor, because of my sharp eye and my killer aim, not to mention my speed."

"Hawk, huh?" Carmen laughed. "Great. Now V.I.L.E has a bird to add to their growing menagerie. Tell me, how long do you get along with a cat, goat, and mole?"

"Better than I get along with a black sheep," Y/N remarked, grinning at the flash of upset that showed on Carmen's face at the sound of her nickname.

"Alright, well, we can't stand here and talk all night. I have a job to do." Carmen reached into her coat and procured a retractable bo staff, which she wielded in front of her.

Y/N chuckled and raised some more of his knives. "So do I."

The two began to circle each other, each anticipating the other to make the first move. Y/N couldn't help but study Carmen during this time. She moved very methodically and gracefully, like a dancer. Yet she had a fire in her grey eyes that he'd never seen before in any one of the V.I.L.E agents... except himself when he looked in the mirror. This almost caught him off guard enough to miss Carmen's first strike.

But he rolled out of the way just in time and managed to throw one of his knives up at her. It missed but sliced one of the ropes holding up the stage lights. Luckily, it wasn't in use, but it still fell...

and it was going to crush Carmen.

Y/N didn't understand what made him do it. He could've ended all of V.I.L.E's problems right then and there. He could've killed Carmen Sandiego.

Yet he found himself leaping to push her out of the way. He dove at her and wrapped his arms around her, rolling out of the way just in the nick of time.

The light hit the ground, shattering into thousands of tiny pieces, that Y/N shielded Carmen from.

He breathed a sigh of relief when it was all over.

"Uhm, you can let go of me now," Carmen told him gently, reminding Y/N he was still holding her.

He turned bright red and scrambled to his feet. He didn't help Carmen up, instead, he drew another knife from his belt. "Come on, we have a fight to finish, the honorable way."

But Carmen didn't pick up her staff. "Y-You saved me. Thank you," she breathed.

Y/N frowned and kicked her staff closer to her. "Pick it up!" he exclaimed, not liking where this was going. He was taught by his professors that showing emotion was weak. But Y/N was a very emotional person, so he tried his best to stay out of emotional situations, like this one.

"But, Raptor, you saved me," Carmen repeated.

"Pick it up!" Y/N yelled, his voice cracking slightly, not liking the effect she had on him. The way her gaze seemed to bore into his soul, but not in the way he was used to, no... she genuinely seemed to care.

Carmen approached Y/N slowly. "I don't want to fight. You don't seem like a bad person, Raptor. You're almost like me."

Y/N sneered and threw his knife at Carmen, pinning her dress to a pillar. "Stop, I'm nothing like you!" he huffed, blinking away tears. He stalked over to her, Carmen making no move to remove the knife from her dress.

Y/N got so close to her that he was only inches from her face. "Stay out of V.I.L.E's way, alright?"

Carmen smiled. "What about yours? Do I have to stay out of your way?"

Y/N scoffed. He wanted to say yes, but every bone in his body wanted him to say no. He was captivated by Carmen Sandiego. "I-I-I, just... ugh, you need to... uhm-"

Carmen placed her finger on his lips to silence him. "I need to what?"

Y/N wasn't sure what he was going to say, but he didn't need to say anything, as the pair heard footsteps coming their way. "I need to go."

But before Y/N could turn away, Carmen kissed his cheek, surprising Y/N. He suddenly sprinted away, making sure to swipe the quill before jumping out of the window.

In the alley behind the auction centre, Y/N sat on a dumpster and pressed his hand up against his cheek where Carmen had kissed him. He examined the quill, sparkling under the stars like Carmen's eyes. He sighed. "May our paths cross again, Sandiego."

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