A Vampire Hunter's Desires- Zatanna (DCU)

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As requested by Dragonsw! Male Y/N.

𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

Y/N glanced around. Sweat dripped down his forehead. Blood seeped from the fresh gash in his arm. "Fucking vampires," he muttered, looking for any chance of escape. But the vampires had him completely surrounded and were closing in on him.

Y/N drew his blades, unsure of whether he would be able to fend them off with his freshly injured arm from the battle he had just endured. But he knew he would damn well try. He raised his blades as the vampires lunged at him, their pointy white fangs glistening in the moonlight.

Y/N was easily able to deflect the first few, but as the waves of attack grew larger, he found himself knocked to the ground, trying to hold his own against a growing pile of vampires that were each trying to get a bite of his neck.

Because of Y/N's chainmail, however, the vampires were having no success... yet. He could feel the armour degrading by the second.

"Thgil fo llab gninrub!"

The vampires hissed and rushed for cover. Y/N could smell their skin burning as a bright light suddenly penetrated the darkness. Once all of the vampires were gone, the light ceased and darkness fell over the alley once more.

Y/N saw a hand extended toward him to help him up. An all too familiar gloved hand. "Zatanna," he muttered, pushing her hand away and helping himself up.

"You looked like you could use some help. I'm glad I came when I heard all of the commotion," she said sweetly.

"I didn't need your help," Y/N grumbled as he leaned down to pick up one of his blades. As he did, he winced and clutched his injured arm.

"You're hurt!" Zatanna realized, rushing over to him to examine his arm. He tried to pull away but she held onto him. "Come on, I'm taking you back to my place. I can fix it up."

Y/N shook his head. "I can do it myself."

But Zatanna wouldn't take no for an answer. "If you don't allow me to fix it, I'll follow you around until you do."

He sighed and gave her his hand. "Fine."

Zatanna smirked. "Emoh ot!" she exclaimed, and the two suddenly appeared in her penthouse.

"How did this happen?" she asked as she sat Y/N down on her couch and went over to the kitchen sink to wet a rag with warm water.

"The vampire cult was having a ceremony tonight. I crashed it. More like, I busted through a window. I killed the leader of the cult, and needless to say, the others were not happy. One of the vampires took a shard and cut my arm before I was able to escape. They followed my blood trail to the alley where you found me," Y/N explained, inhaling sharply as Zatanna applied pressure on his wound so she could clot and clean the blood before sealing it.

"I don't understand why you insist on working alone," Zatanna chided. "It isn't safe." She noticed his broken chainmail. "I can repair your armour too. Hold this."

Y/N applied pressure on his arm while Zatanna worked off his armour, exposing the top half of his body. Y/N wasn't going to pretend he didn't notice Zatanna staring at him for a moment before taking over and applying pressure once more. "I work alone because I can, Zee. I work better alone. There's no point in endangering anyone that doesn't have to be endangered."

"You sound like Batman, Y/N," Zatanna chuckled.

Y/N frowned. "Batman doesn't work alone. He has about fifty bird-themed children working with him. I will never, ever, EVER take a child into battle with me. Vampires are just too dangerous."

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