Ben Grimm's Replacement - She-Hulk (Fantastic Four)Pt. 2~ Quite the Workout

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As requested by Dragonsw! Male Y/N

Jennifer and Y/N Richards have been dating for a few months now. They were a perfect match for each other. Both of them were outgoing and friendly, and they loved hanging out at bars or just staying inside and snuggling on the couch while watching their favourite movie and eating popcorn. The one thing that Jen loved to do that Y/N didn't like as much was go to the gym.

He loved that Jen enjoyed it, in fact, it was one of his favourite things to see her smiling after coming back to HQ from a successful day at the gym. But Y/N didn't go, because he wasn't very good at working out. Plus he easily got self-conscious, and didn't like anyone watching him, not even Jennifer. He could be really clumsy.

One morning, Jen was getting ready to go down to the HQ's gym when she turned to see Y/N sitting at the island in their small apartment in the HQ. He was sipping on some orange juice as he stared blankly out the window. She approached him and placed her strong, green hand on his shoulder. "Hey babe? What do you do when I'm at the gym?"

Y/N shrugged. "A little of this, a little of that... mostly nothing," he admitted. "Unless Reed needs help with an experiment or I need to break up an argument between Susan and Johnny, I don't do much."

"Why don't you come with me today? It could be fun!" she offered.

Y/N paled. "I'd rather not sweetheart."

"And why not?" Jen asked. "Working out is always a good stress reliever, not to mention it's good for your body. Why not just try it out?"

"I just, I don't, I-" he shook his head as Jen stared intently at him. "Gah, fine!"

Jen smiled and clapped. "Come on!"

She and Y/N walked down to the HQ's gym, waving to H.E.R.B.I.E on the way. Once there, Jen shut the door and put on her workout playlist. She immediately went over to the weights and started lifting the 100-ton ones Reed had designed especially for her.

Meanwhile, Y/N looked at each machine carefully. There was a stairmaster. But no, he'd probably end up tripping somehow. A rowing machine? No, he would tire out too quickly. Then he spotted a treadmill. How hard could that be?

He went over to it and got on. But he quickly realized by looking at all of the buttons and switches on the control panel that he didn't know how to work it. "Uh... Jen?" he asked, and she looked over at him.


He turned bright red. "I don't know how to use this."

Jen smirked and chuckled lightly. "That's okay! Here, let me show you." She dropped her weight and walked over, getting on the treadmill behind Y/N. She reached around him, her height and long arms allowing her to do so, and started messing with the controls.

"So you press this button here to turn it on," she explained, doing so. "Then use the up and down arrows on the screen to change your speed. I think five miles per hour, or a light jog, will be good to start you off. Then, you flip this switch here whenever you're ready." Y/N nodded but didn't flip the switch. Jen frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you going to get off?" Y/N asked.

"I'll jog behind you, it's no big deal," she told him.

"Oh, alright." Y/N flipped the switch and the treadmill began to move underneath him. He gasped, not ready for it, and fell back into the already jogging Jen.

She laughed and picked him up. "You good?"

Y/N didn't say anything, he was too embarrassed, and Jen could tell. "Aw, it's okay babe! This is your first time. I'm gonna put you down now, so you need to start running, alright?"

Y/N nodded, and as soon as his feet touched the treadmill, he was off! Or at least jogging in place. "Hey, I'm doing it! Woah!" Y/N almost lost his balance, but Jen placed her hands around his waist to steady him.

"You are, but don't wipe us out!" Jen joked, not taking her hands away.

They jogged for a good ten minutes, and Y/N had to admit, he was having a great time. He loved jogging with Jen, and it was something they'd have to do more often now. He didn't want to get off, but his legs were beginning to tire, so he knew he should stop. "I'm done!" he told Jen so she wouldn't run into him when he stopped the treadmill. Jen nodded and hopped off, so Y/N flipped the switch and slowed to a stop.

"That was really fun," Y/N said.

Jen leaned down and kissed Y/N. "I like working out with you. Why don't you try weightlifting now, and give your legs a break?"

Y/N nodded slowly, not eager to try something else so soon, but now he was more comfortable having Jen help him. She led him over to the lifting station and grabbed two twenty-pound dumbells, handing them to him.

"So, this is really easy," she explained. "All you have to do is sit with your legs slightly apart in this chair. Then, place your elbow on your thigh and curl it with the weight." She demonstrated it for him. "Start out doing ten on each side, take a thirty-second break, and then repeat."

"Like this?" Y/N asked. He completed a rep and Jen nodded. "Exactly like that. You're a natural! Now, I'm going to go to the bench press."

"Have fun with that," Y/N told her, going back to curling his weights.

After a while, Jen got bored from lifting, which was strange for her, because normally she could go for about an hour. She figured it was because Y/N was here, and she wanted to have a bit of fun. She put down her barbell and called for Y/N. "Babe, come here!" she beckoned.

Y/N looked up and put down his weights, walking over to her. "Ye- hey!" he yelped as Jen picked him up and began using him as a barbell, lifting him up and down. "Jen!" he laughed. "What are you doing?"

"Working out!" she answered, grinning. "Isn't this fun?"

"Yes, actually," Y/N stated as Jen began lifting him with only one arm. After a few moments, she laid down on the bench press with Y/N on top of her, both giggling incessantly. "God, I love you, Jen," Y/N muttered before kissing her.

When Y/N pulled away, she sighed. "I love you too. And I'm proud of you."

Y/N was about to respond when the door opened and H.E.R.B.I.E hovered in. "She-Hulk, there was an attack on city hall. Your assistance is required. I am not interrupting anything, am I?"

Y/N blushed and quickly got off of Jen. "No, no, of course not," he mumbled.

"Well, duty calls, I'm afraid. See you later, Y/N, and thanks for working out with me. Maybe later we can work out some muscles in the lower body, if you know what I mean."

"Sweetheart, not in front of H.E.R.B.I.E! He's such a gossip!" Y/N hissed.

"I heard that," H.E.R.B.I.E said. "But time is of the essence, She-Hulk."

"Alright alright. Goodbye, babe!" Jen swept Y/N into one last kiss before leaving to help the others.

Y/N sighed dreamily. "She's the best."

"No, I am the best," H.E.R.B.I.E argued.

Y/N rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up and make me a drink. I need it after this morning. Whew!"

"According to my scans, you did not work that hard, but I will do as you request Y/N Richards," H.E.R.B.I.E added when Y/N shot a glare his way.

While H.E.R.B.I.E prepared him a Bloody Mary, eagerly Y/N set up the bedroom for Jen's return...

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