The Primal Prince- Maleficent (Maleficent)

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As Requested by Dragonsw! Male Y/N.

𝕾𝖒𝖚𝖙 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌

Y/N sat by the fire he made in the woods outside the kingdom. It was a cloudy night, and Y/N wasn't sure if there was rain coming on or not. And the last thing he needed right now was rain.

Y/N didn't live in the kingdom, for he decided he would much rather lead a simple life than one where he would have to deal with the riff-raff of society. Anyone who saw him in the woods had taken to calling him 'The Primitive Prince', which they must've thought was an insult, but it was quite flimsy. But then again, the people in the kingdom weren't as smart as he was.

So Y/N didn't bother them. He lived by himself in the woods, hunting and gathering to survive, as well as building fires to sleep beside. Although fires weren't much use in the rain.

"Oh, sard," Y/N muttered as he felt a few raindrops hit his head. "I guess I need to find some shelter." He got up with his burlap sack of berries and left the fire to be put out by the oncoming storm.

He walked for what seemed like hours in the pouring down rain, about to lie down out of pure exhaustion when he came upon a large clearing in the woods, one he had never come across. Nevertheless, the first thing he saw in the clearing was what seemed like an abandoned castle. Although it was eerie and a bit discerning, the thought of shelter was enough to make Y/N run for the castle.

The slightly rotted doors were easy for him to pry open, and he slipped inside, closing the doors behind him.

It became silent.

Y/N's footsteps echoed across the massive foyer as he looked around. The place didn't look desolate on the inside. There were a few cobwebs and specks of dust floating around, but overall it seemed really clean, almost lived in. "Hello!" Y/N called out. "Hellooooooo!"

Hello! Hellooooooo!

His words echoed around the empty halls. Y/N walked further into the castle, finding himself in the throne room. "Woah..." He saw a massive stone throne in the middle of the room. It had the head of a gargoyle resting on top, and the wings of a dragon coming out of the sides. "Brilliant."

He moved to investigate it further, but he heard a sound come from above him. His gaze snapped up to the rafters, but there was nothing there. Shaking his head, Y/N took another step.

Suddenly, there was a hissing noise and a cloud of green smoke appeared in front of Y/N.


Y/N stumbled back, dropping his sack and spilling the berries everywhere. A murder of crows came down from above him and began to pick and eat all of the berries off the ground.

"I-I'm terribly sorry! I didn't know! Please, take pity on me!" Y/N exclaimed, holding up his hands in surrender.


"D-Destroy? I don't even know who you are!" Y/N replied.

The green smoke slowly disappeared, revealing a tall, intimidating woman clad in all black with piercing eyes that seemed to strike Y/N's heart. He'd never seen anyone like her before.

"DO NOT LIE TO ME!" she bellowed, her voice booming around Y/N's head.

He shook his head. "I'm not lying, I swear! Please, please, I was looking for shelter from the storm!"

"You were what?" The woman asked, confused. "You are not a spy? Or a bounty hunter? You're not here to kill me?"

"Look, I have enough problems right now, I don't need to add 'pissing off a gorgeous lady' to my list. Who are you, anyway?" Y/N asked.

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