School Mates- Allison Argent (Teen Wolf)

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As requested by dreammaster6! Male Y/N.

Y/N Hale glanced at the new girl in his chemistry class at school. Because she was new, Y/N hadn't gotten the chance to talk to her, she'd only been there a few days. He had seen her before, around the hallways of the school, but he had never had this much time to study her.

Allison Argent.

Y/N's older brother Derek had told him a little bit about her, as did Scott.

She was loyal, independent, and strong-willed... however, they seemed to have forgotten to mention her stunning good looks.

And her perfume... Y/N took a whiff of it. It was captivating.

Y/N was so busy staring at Allison, that he didn't notice that the teacher had volunteered him to answer a question during the lecture

"Y/N! Y/N Hale, are you paying attention?" The teacher asked.

Y/N snapped back to attention. "Uhm, yes, of course. What, uh, what was the question again?"

The teacher rolled her eyes but repeated the question. "The organic chemist who received a B.A. in Chemistry from Harvard in 1909, and helped identify complex vegetable oils and plant alkaloids, including CBD in 1940, is..."

Y/N swallowed. "Uhhhh, Ben Feringa?"

"Actually, the correct answer is Roger Adams. Ben Feringa contributed to the development of molecular machines."

Y/N glanced over at Allison, who looked back at him with a smirk.

"That is correct, Allison," The teacher said. "Y/N, if you would have done the homework on famous organic chemists last night, you would've known that."

Y/N sank down in his seat as the class chuckled at him. Allison didn't join in, however, and glared at the two kids who were laughing the loudest.

Y/N kept to himself the rest of the class, thankful when the bell rang and he could escape to lunch.

He rushed to the cafeteria and sat in his normal corner seat, taking out the chunk of rare steak he brought to lunch. He bit into it and savoured the flavour.

Y/N was a werewolf, just like his older brother. Because of this, he strayed away from other people, not wanting them to notice his strange behaviour. He'd rather be known for being a loner than for acting like a dog at times. Derek tried to give Y/N tips to fit in, but even when he tried, Y/N still managed to fail.

He did love to watch his peers being stupid, however. In fact, he was so engrossed in watching one of the jocks spill his soda on his girlfriend, that he didn't notice Allison approach his table.

"Can I sit?"

Y/N nearly choked on his steak in surprise. When he regained his composure, he wiped the tears out of his eyes and cleared his throat. "Allison! What are you- why do you want to sit with me?"

She shrugged as she sat in the seat across from him. "I felt bad for showing you up in class today. I didn't realize that our teacher would embarrass you like that. It was uncalled for. So, I apologize."

Y/N blushed slightly, the smell of her perfume filling his nose. "Don't worry about it. I should've done the homework."

"If you need tutoring or something like that-" Allison offered but Y/N quickly cut her off.

"No! No, no. I mean, I didn't do it not because I didn't know it, but because I was busy..." he trailed off and smiled.

"Busy doing what?" Allison asked leaning closer to him.

Y/N hesitated. Last night, he and Derek had run through the woods in their wolf forms to blow off some steam. But he couldn't exactly tell a human that. Allison didn't know about werewolves, at least, he didn't think she did. "I... went on a walk through the woods," he finally said, deciding that it wasn't a lie, exactly.

Allison raised her eyebrow. "You went for a walk through the woods... instead of doing your homework."

"Hey, I don't judge what you do in your free time, so don't judge me," Y/N said defensively.

"Alright, alright..." Allison eyed his half-eaten steak. "That's an interesting lunch. Is that all you brought?"

Y/N stashed it back into his lunch bag. "Yeah, I'm not that hungry." Now that was a lie. He was starved, but for some reason, when Allison looked sceptically at his lunch he had the sudden urge to put it away. he'd never done that before.

Allison smiled. "I don't think I've ever met someone who brought a practically raw steak to school. Any particular reason?"

Geez she likes to pry. Y/N thought to himself, but he still found himself answering her questions. "That's just the way I like it. What did you bring for lunch?"

Allison held up a Chic-Fil-A bag. "Want some?"

Y/N resisted the urge to salivate at the sight of it. "Yes, actually, I'd love some."

"It's a good thing I bought an extra chicken sandwich today, then." she chuckled, handing him one.

"Thanks!" Y/N exclaimed, taking the sandwich and shoving it in his mouth. He paused when he noticed Allison stifling a laugh.

"I thought you weren't hungry."

Y/N swallowed the entire sandwich and grinned. "I never get Chic-Fil-A. So this is a treat for me."

Allison looked out over the cafeteria and suddenly began to scowl at someone. "Oh, great. Hopefully, he won't see me over here."

"Who?" Y/N asked, following her gaze.

"Scott." She gestured to the boy who was looking around the room for someone, presumably Allison. "He had the nerve to abandon me at Lydia Martin's party last weekend, where I knew absolutely no one. It was so embarrassing."

Y/N wasn't about to admit that he knew why she had been abandoned. Scott was a human turned werewolf, and the night of Lydia Martin's party, he had undergone his first transformation. In fact, Y/N had led Scott away from Allison so she wouldn't be hurt while Derek picked her up from the dance. "Yeah, that's pretty shitty of him," Y/N shrugged, playing along with her for now. He never really liked Scott anyway. "I wouldn't have left you there."

"No? Well, that's very sweet of you," Allison said, turning back to Y/N and looking him up and down. "You know, I think I would've rather went with you anyway. You're pretty alright, Y/N."

Y/N was about to respond when Allison backed her chair up against the wall so she was out of view when Scott looked over their way.

When Scott walked away, Y/N stood. "I know a nice spit in the courtyard where we can eat if you want. I don't think he'll look for you there."

"Really? That would be great," Allison replied, gathering her stuff.

Y/N walked her outside and over to a bench that was beneath a few trees. There were students out there already, but they didn't pay the couple any mind. Allison breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, this is better."

Y/N noticed her shiver a bit from the breeze, so he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Here."

She pulled it tightly around her and smiled. "Thank you so much, Y/N. It's amazing that more people aren't friends with you."

"Trust me, It's not," he mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Allison asked.

Y/N shrugged. "It's complicated. And my story may give you more questions than answers," he admitted.

"I don't mind asking questions if you don't mind answering them," she replied, leaning closer to him.

Y/N got out a piece of paper and wrote something down on it before handing it to her. "My phone number and address. Come over after school today. You already know my brother, Derek Hale, so I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. And I'll tell you my story."

She nodded. "It's a date. I'm looking forward to it."

Y/N smirked as Allison turned her attention back to her lunch. Scott made a huge mistake at the party. Soon, Allison was going to be his, and there was nothing Scott could do about it.

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