The Blessing- Capitan Hook (Peter Pan 2003)

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(S)(m)(u)(t) (W)(a)(r)(n)(i)(n)(g)

Capitan James Hook stood on the deck of his ship, narrowing his eyes to see through the thick fog that was blanketed over the inky waters. It didn't help that it was the middle of the night, and the moon had decided to hide. "What I wouldn't give for a few fairies right now," he grumbled to himself. "Smee! Is there no more light aboard the ship?"

"Aye, sir. All lanterns are lit and on deck," said the Capitan's rotund first mate.

"Blast! We may as well cast anchor, Smee. We'll run aground at this rate. Nobody can see a bloody thing. Damien! Hoist sails!" Hook called.

"Aye! Hoist sails!" Damien Salt replied, gathering a few men to help him.

"Pat! Lower the anchor!" Hook shouted.

"Aye! Lowering anchor!" came Scurvy Pat's reply.

After a few moments, the ship slowed to a halt, and Hook let out a breath of relief. "Well, Mr. Smee, at least the weather is fair. The sea won't take us, not this day."

"No sir!" Smee agreed.

Hook took one last look around his ship, and once he saw that everything was to his liking, he decided to retire to his quarters. He had his hand on the knob of the door when a thump could be heard on the other end of the ship.

"Is it mermaids?" he asked anxiously, unsure of whether or not he had accidentally sailed into  Mermaid Lagoon. If so, they wouldn't be satisfied until his ship was sunk and his crew dead, or he was out of their territory.

"No sir! It appears to be a castaway!" Rigger Greene exclaimed.

"What?" Hook made his way to the other end of the deck, to where Greene was pointing. He peered over the side, and sure enough, as he squinted through the fog, he could make out a figure floating, unconscious, on a large piece of wood.

"Should we haul 'em up, sir?" Damien asked.

Hook thought for a moment. A castaway in Neverland was strange indeed. It could've been a trap laid out by Peter Pan. "Damien, Pat, Smee! Go investigate!"

The trio nodded and prepared one of the rowboats to go out. Once ready, Greene and Pirate Moody lowered them into the water to approach the castaway. Hook looked over at them, patiently awaiting a sign as to whether it was safe to bring them up or not.

"Capitan! It's a lady!" Damien shouted up. "And not a mermaid!"

Hook's eyes widened. "Well, what are you waiting for, lads? Bring her up!"

He paced the deck as the trio was hoisted back onto the ship, bringing the castaway woman with them. Hook gasped upon seeing her delicate features and long, slender legs. She most certainly wasn't a mermaid, she was better. Hook could already feel his member throbbing (a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time). She had LEGS, which meant she had... other parts as well, that a mermaid didn't necessarily have. "Take her to my quarters, she'll be most comfortable there."

Hook followed them to his room, and watched them gently lay the woman down onto his bed.

"Change her clothes, use one of my shirts. We don't want her getting sick," he ordered.

Greene and Moody nodded, then got to work undressing her, then dressing her as Hook respectively looked away, never wanting to do anything to a woman without her consent, not even looking at her body when she was unconscious.

Smee tucked her in nicely, something Hook struggled with because of his, well, hook. Once she was all settled in, Hook dismissed his crew. He had business to attend to.

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