Insecurities- Angel (X-Men Comics)

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Y/N dug through her drawers as she looked for a suitable swimsuit to wear to her trip to the beach with the X-Men. Y/N wasn't a mutant herself, but she wasn't afraid of them like the rest of the world was. Plus, she was currently dating one: Warren Worthington III, or as everyone else called him, Angel.

Because of her ties with Warren, she was able to live in the X-Mansion alongside Charles Xavier's students, and she couldnt've asked for a better home. She had taken on a job as a chef there, and she loved how often the kids and the X-Men would compliment her cooking. She also believed she was making a difference to the young students by showing them that not all humans were prejudiced assholes.

Today was the staff's day off, so all of the staff members and older students who were a part of the X-Men were going to the beach for some well-earned relaxation; which was why Y/N was now trying to find an appropriate swimsuit that she wouldn't mind wearing in front of the others. But she hadn't gone to the beach in a while, and it seemed that all she had were bikinis.

She sighed, not even sure if she'd still fit in one. Y/N picked one out from her pile and tried it on.

"No, no, it's worse than I thought," she muttered to herself as she looked in the mirror

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"No, no, it's worse than I thought," she muttered to herself as she looked in the mirror. She placed a hand on her stomach and pressed down on it as if to flatten it a bit. She hated the bit of pudge she had, and when she sat, how folds appeared on her abdomen.

Then she ran her hands over her thighs, another part of her body she wished she could fix. Y/N despised the way her thighs rubbed together and jiggled slightly when she walked.

Y/N seemed to notice every little imperfection, and it drove her mad. She hated checking the mail and finding a swimsuit catalogue on the top of the pile, showing the models with their perfect, barbie-doll-like bodies, and men practically drooling at them in the background.

And then she would watch the TV and see celebrities in their gorgeous, tight-fit gowns on the red carpet, framing their god-like bodies and perfect stature.

Y/N shook her head and sat down on the bed, tucking her legs underneath her so that she didn't have to look at her thighs.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. "Y/N, darling, it's me, Warren. We're leaving in five minutes, will you be ready by then?"

"I'm not going!" Y/N told him.

"What do you mean you're not? No! No, Y/N can I please come in?" But Warren didn't wait for a reply, and he gently opened the door and peeked his head in.

Y/N crossed her arms over her stomach so he wouldn't see it as he sat down on the bed beside her. He looked marvellous in his blue swim shorts and no shirt to hide his rock-hard abs, as well as his bright white wings that he folded comfortably behind him as he sat beside his girlfriend on her bed.

"Why don't you want to go? Has something come up?" He asked, placing a firm hand on her shoulder.

"It's my weight, that's what's come up," Y/N whispered, half-hoping Angel hadn't heard her.

But he did, and he then noticed how she was hiding parts of herself from him. "I know what this is about. You aren't happy with yourself, are you?"

Y/N shrugged. "You always were perceptive."

Angel smiled softly and grabbed her arms. He pried them away from her abdomen, and she turned bright red and looked away. But he grabbed her chin and tilted her face so that she was looking him in the eyes. "I don't know who you're looking at, but I see a brilliant woman who looks stunning in that bikini," he murmured.

Y/N closed her eyes. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"Stop it," he commanded, surprising Y/N so she opened her eyes and looked into his deep blue ones. "I don't want to hear you say that ever again, Y/N. I fell in love with you not only because of your attractive personality but because when I first laid eyes on you, I thought you were the most angelic person I've ever met- and I still think that to this day."

Y/N sniffled as he let go of her face. She bit her lip, and Warren frowned.

"You still don't believe me? I don't understand how you can look at yourself in the mirror and think anything ill about yourself. You're perfect, darling. I don't think there's any way for you to improve at all... well, maybe except for ridding your mind of these silly little insecurities." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

"But Warren, I look nothing like the models in the bikini catalogues or the celebrities you see on TV," she pointed out.

"You're right. You're prettier than all of them. Besides, I guarantee you that most of the model's pictures in those catalogues are photoshopped, and most of the celebrities you see have had loads of expensive work done to them to make them look the way that they do," Warren reassured her. "You are brilliant, Y/N. This, I promise you. And if anyone ever says otherwise, I will have no problem throwing them off of the Empire State Building for you."

This elicited a giggle from Y/N as Warren used his soft wing to wipe a stray tear from her cheek. "God," he whispered. "I don't know how I got so lucky with you, Y/N."

She smiled softly. "Believe me, I ask myself the same question about you. I love you Warren. Thank you."

"So you'll go?" Warren asked.

Y/N nodded. "Of course!"

Warren feigned a breath of relief. "Good, I was worried that I'd have to brave Scott and Jean's excessive PDA by myself!"

Y/N laughed as Warren stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up and into a kiss. She melted into it and buried her hands deep into his golden locks.

Then, BAMF!

"Erm, guys, I hate to interrupt this..." Kurt said awkwardly as he teleported into the room. "...But ve're leaving now. Are you ready?" Y/N pulled away from Angel and Kurt's eyes widened. "Mein Gott, Warren. You are a lucky, lucky man to have landed somevun as wunderbar as Y/N. She looks great. You look great," Kurt told her as he looked her up and down.

"Alright Kurt, that's enough," Warren warned, protectively wrapping his wings around Y/N, who was blushing profusely.

"Uh, right. Vell, the van is full and Logan is riding his motorcycle, so can Rogue, Gambit und I ride vith you two in your Jeep, Y/N?" Kurt asked.

Y/N went over to her desk drawer and pulled out the keys, throwing them to Kurt. "Tell Rogue she can drive. But don't leave without us!" She added before Kurt teleported away.

Y/N made to leave the room, but Angel stopped her and pulled her into another kiss. When he broke away, he asked, "Now are you ready?"

Y/N winked. "As I'll ever be."

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