Doubts- Fem Spock (Star Trek)

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As requested by wandering_samurai! Male Y/N.

Y/N sat on the counter of the medical bay of the Enterprise, dangling his feet and fidgeting with his hands. He was slightly annoyed at the constant hum of the diagnostic panels that were lighting the lab. Y/N was Dr. McCoy's assistant.

The doctor looked Y/N up and down, trying to figure out why he was so jittery. Eventually, he caved in and asked. "What's eating at you, Y/N, you look like you're high on seventeen cups of coffee and don't know what to do with yourself."

Y/N sighed, tracing the edge of the counter with his fingertips. "It's Spock," he confessed. "My darling wife. I don't understand why she loves me. I mean, look at me- I'm just an assistant on this ship, constantly overshadowed by a genius like you. I'm nothing special."

McCoy chuckled at Y/N's nonsense."Ah, love," he said teasingly. "It's a force more powerful than any warp drive. Spock sees something in you. I don't know what, but it's something that transcends titles and ranks."

"But why?" Y/N's voice cracked, on the urge of a breakdown. "I'm not brave like Kirk, or brilliant like you. I'm just... some ordinary guy who happened to end up in outer space."

McCoy stepped closer, understanding that Y/N didn't need humour, he needed to understand that Spock loved him. "You underestimate yourself, Y/N. Spock fell for you because of who you are. You see, love isn't about grand gestures or cosmic achievements. It's about quiet moments. The way you listen to her when she talks about her Valcon childhood, or how you make her laugh when you tease Scotty when something of his malfunctions."

Y/N frowned. "But I'm not-"

"-not what?" McCoy interrupted abruptly, surprising Y/N a bit. "Not a hero? Not a genius? Hey, love doesn't care about resumes. Spock loves you because you're kind. Because you hold her hand when things get tough and whisper words of comfort into her ear."

"But I'm just-" Y/N's voice wavered.

"-just Y/N," McCoy finished for him. "And that's enough. Spock knows it. She sees the universe in your eyes- the way they light up when you talk about paramecium or some unknown alien disease that we discovered."

Y/N blinked back tears. "I guess I've never thought of it that way. You give good advice."

The doctor laughed. "I don't like discussing all this relationship stuff, but I need a functioning assistant, so just listen. Love is like... a wormhole, I guess. It... connects two souls across vast distances... gosh, I'm a doctor, not a poet... Spock's heart found yours, and it doesn't care about job titles or starship ranks. It cares about the warmth of your smile... I'm running out of ideas... the way you bring her coffee every morning, and how you worked her way into her heart."

"But what if I mess up?" Y/N's voice trembled.

Dr. McCoy patted Y/N's shoulder. "Trust me, you'll mess up. Love isn't perfect. I would know, just ask my ex-wife. But, it is resilient. When Scotty messes something up in the engine and we almost blow up, or when back holes threaten to tear us into another part of reality, Spock will hold your hand. You'll find solace in her eyes when you're together."

Y/N wiped his eyes. "Thanks, doc."

"You're welcome. And remember, love isn't about being someone else, it's about being yourself- the flawed, somewhat good-looking you." McCoy winked.

"Gee, that means a lot," Y/N said sarcastically, smiling at McCoy's attitude.

"What? I'm done preaching. Like I said, I'm a doctor." He shrugged and went back over to his console. There was a ping indicating that someone was approaching the medical bay, and he took a look. "Well well well, speak of the devil and she shall appear."

Y/N gasped and leapt off the counter, pushing McCoy aside so he could see who was outside. "It's Spock!" he exclaimed happily.

"Yes, I gathered that," McCoy muttered, rubbing his shoulder where Y/N had shoved him.

Y/N smiled as the door whirred open and Spock entered, greeting Y/N with an embrace. But something felt off as they hugged, so Y/N stepped back. "Hey, honey."

Spock didn't move too far away from the doorway, standing there somewhat awkwardly. "Y/N," she finally spoke, her voice soft.

Y/N leaned against the examination table and cocked his head to the side. "Spock, what's-?"

"-your favourite nebula?" she interrupted, avoiding eye contact with him. "You know, the one that makes you stare in awe whenever you see it."

Y/N blinked. Nebulas? What was she going on about? Y/N looked to McCoy, but he gestured to Spock, signalling Y/N to answer the question. "Uhhhhhh the Orion Nebula," he stammered. "Why?"

Spock stepped closer, her hand brushing the edge of the table. "Because," she said, her voice barely audible, "I want to show our child the wonders of the universe. All the best parts."

Y/N's mind spun as he realized what she had just said. Once again, he looked to McCoy, who just shrugged with a sly smile. Child? Spock was talking about-

"-our baby," she whispered, her eyes finally meeting his. "Y/N, I'm pregnant."

The words hung in the air as Y/N processed them. His breath caught in his throat. "Pregnant?" he echoed. "But- how? We're in space, and-"

"-Dr. McCoy did an ultrasound," Sock confessed.

Y/N whirled around to face the doctor. "You did what?! She was pregnant and you didn't tell me???"

As McCoy backed up a tiny bit, Spock came to his rescue. "I asked him not to tell you. I didn't wish to worry you. You see, we're not sure if there are going to be any complications or not because it's too early to tell if our little one will be human or-"

"-alien," Y/N finished, his pulse racing. "Spock, this is-"

"-incredible, she said, her smile radiant.

"Can you two PLEASE stop finishing each other's sentences?" McCoy asked, grimacing.

Spock chuckled. "Sorry, doctor." She turned back to Y/N. "As I was saying, this is sort of terrifying as well. But Y/N, we're explorers. We've been on all sorts of adventures together. Why should this be any different?"

"Geez," Y/N whispered, "I'm going to be a dad."

Spock laughed a beautiful sound that made Y/N's heart soar. "And I'll be a mom," she said. "Imagine the bedtime stories we'll tell- of wormholes and asteroid fields, Klingons and that one time Kirk and Scotty nearly beat each other to a pulp over a doughnut."

Y/N laughed along with his wife as he pulled her close, placing his hand on her stomach. "Our child is going to turn out so well."

Spock rested her head against his chest. "As long as we don't expose them to Kirk and Scotty too often. Our child can stay in here with you and McCoy, where they'll be safe."

"Hey, I heard that," Kirk said, the door hissing open as he walked inside. "And to think, I was coming down here to congratulate you two."

"I mean, they do have a point, Kirk old buddy," McCoy said with a wink.

"Alright, you stay out of this," Kirk stated. "That's an order."

"Oh, whatever." McCoy rolled his eyes playfully.

"Will you two stop?" Spock asked, giggling. "If the baby hears you two bickering, they won't want to come out."

"Why don't we go somewhere private, like our bedroom, perhaps?" Y/N suggested. "We have some planning to do." He wrapped his arm around Spock's waist and escorted her out of the medical bay.

"What are we going to do with a child running around the ship?" McCoy asked when the pair were gone.

Kirk smirked. "I don't know, but from what I heard, you're going to be the one who does most of the babysitting..."

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