Crippling Crush- Harry Potter (Harry Potter)

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As requested by Niff-the-pebble!

Ꮥ𝒎𝒖𝐭 W𝒂𝔯𝐧𝙞𝑛𝗴

Ava Granger, the twin sister of the one and only genius Hermione Granger sat in the library, chewing on the end of her quill as she stared at her Arithmancy homework. Her brows were furrowed, trying to think of the answers to the problems presented on the parchment, getting more and more frustrated as she couldn't think of anything.

"Come on, 'Mione, we're twins!!! Why couldn't I get your smarts???" Ava huffed frustratedly, giving up and throwing her quill down. She got up and stuffed her parchment back into her bag carelessly before slinging it onto her back.

Ava's fuss caused her to receive a harsh shush from Madame Pince. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and she kept her head down as she made her way out of the library. Because she wasn't paying attention, she wasn't watching where she was going and ran into someone, causing them to drop all of their things.

Mortified, Ava instantly got onto the floor and began to pick up the mess, mumbling rushed apologies. But she heard a scoff from above her. "On your hands and knees in front of me... just as it should be, mudblood."

Ava swallowed as she recognized the voice. Glancing up, she saw Draco Malfoy standing with Blaise and Theodore Nott. "Oh shit." She muttered, instantly dropping Draco's things and straightening. Ever since third year, after her sister had given Draco a black eye, he had begun to leave Hermione alone and attack Ava instead. Even though Ava fought back, he only got more relentless year after year, and seventh year had been the worst. "Look, I'm sorry Draco, but a part of me thinks you deserved that. No wait, every inch of me knows you deserved that." She huffed, crossing her arms.

Draco didn't look phased, just amused. "Your words mean nothing to me, you are just filth that belongs in the trash." He pointed his wand at a nearby wastebin and it floated over to Ava and hovered above her head.

Ava's eyes widened. "For Salazar's sake, Draco, you're almost eighteen, why don't you act like it? Don't you DARE drop that bin on me!" She reached for her wand but Blaise was faster and knocked it away with a simple hex.

"Oh, you said to drop that bin on you?" Draco asked sarcastically, only hearing what he wanted to hear. "I can do that."

Ava tried to move out of the way as Draco flipped the bin over and dropped it, but Theodore used Petrificus Totalus to keep her in place. She tried to scream as the bin dropped on her head and all the waste began to drip all over her, but she couldn't move her mouth to form words. She could hear Draco and his lackeys laughing at her, but it died down as another pair of footsteps approached.

"What the hell Malfoy? Leave her alone!"

Y/N recognized the voice instantly and wanted nothing more than to disappear.

"Whatever, Pottah, she deserved that," Draco grumbled, but he stomped away, along with Blaise and Theodore.

"Ava, are you okay?" Harry asked, approaching her.

Ava felt Theo's spell wear off, and she collapsed onto the wall behind her, not wanting to take the wastebin off, as she was covered in filth and would hate for Harry to see her like that.

See, Ava had a HUGE crush on the boy who lived, so it was turning into an obsession. However, she was always too afraid to say anything, because she didn't want to be rejected. Even when Hermione offered to clue Harry in on her feelings for him, Ava declined, not wanting things to become awkward between the two of them, as they were very close friends.

Harry had seen Ava at her lowest, and normally she wouldn't be super concerned about him seeing her covered in filth, but she was more embarrassed that Malfoy had gotten the better of her. She typically did a better job of standing up for herself, but he and his lackeys were more prepared this time around.

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