Publicity Stunt- Joker (Joker)

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Y/N stood in line at the bank, tapping her foot impatiently. She'd already been waiting for at least a half hour, and all she wanted to do was take out a loan for her aspiring business.

She got on her tip-toes to see over the man standing in front of her and gauge how long the line was. There were now only three people in front of her, but the elderly customer who was now at the front of the line was taking her good old time to do her business.

Y/N groaned. She didn't have time for this! Why was the bank so crowded today anyway? She was very tempted to use her charm to see if she could cut the guy in front of her and speed up the process, when all of a sudden, there was a loud explosion and the shockwave knocked over Y/N.

When she regained her composure, she heard screaming and looked to the front of the bank. When the dust cleared, she could see that the front wall of the building had been blown clean off, and a man in clown makeup flanked by a few men in clown masks strolled into the bank.

"Hello, hello, hello!" The man in the makeup said, cackling wildly.

A few of the bank's security guards emerged from their posts and pointed their guns at the men.

But the man waved them away dismissively. "Oh, please, don't tell me you don't know who I am! I'm the Joker!" He laughed again, his clown posse laughing with him. "And you can put those silly guns away. See, contrary to what this looks like, I'm not going to rob the bank. No, I'm putting on a little... publicity stunt, if you will, and I need to find the star of my show. A new, fresh face!"

The Joker stepped over the rubble and glanced around at the patrons of the bank. "Oh, you're too old. Hmm, too handsome. Ugh, you smell, you should really take a shower."

Y/N narrowed her eyes as the Joker approached her.

"My my, aren't you a pretty one?" He reached out and touched her cheek, but Y/N slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me, you freak," she spat.

"Excuse me?" the Joker asked, his smile only growing wider at her attitude.

Y/N stood her ground. "You heard me. I don't want anything to do with the likes of you. Now, go home! Or even better, to an asylum, where you truly belong, psycho!"

But he only laughed once more. "Wow, you're perfect! The looks, the drama, the attitude that makes you hard to work with- it's like you were born to be an actor!"

He backed Y/N against the teller's counter and leaned over her. "You're coming with me."

"Like hell I am," Y/N hissed, grabbing a pen off the counter and trying to stab him with it.

But he was faster than her and caught her wrist right before she could sink the tip into his neck. "Nice try, babe, but we have a show to do."

Suddenly, Y/N was hit upside the head by one of the clown-masked men, and she blacked out.


When Y/N came to, she blinked her eyes open and looked around. She was in a small, windowless room with one door that was being blocked by two large men in clown masks. She tried to stand up but found that her movement was restricted by ropes that bound her wrists and ankles to the chair she was sitting in. What was more, she had a giant TV camera pointed right at her.

She heard the familiar laugh of the Joker coming from behind her. He stepped out in front of her and waved at the camera. "Well, it looks like our star is finally awake! Y/N, was it?"

Some speakers overhead played a fanfare noise followed by applause.

Y/N sneered as Joker leaned over her, a huge smile on his face. "How the hell do you know my name? Untie me this instant!"

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