Chores to Do- Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter)

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Y/N hummed to herself as she strolled through the halls of Malfoy Manor, cleaning as she went

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Y/N hummed to herself as she strolled through the halls of Malfoy Manor, cleaning as she went. She dusted off the frames of the portraits of the Malfoy family that hung on the walls, even though they were constantly jeering at her.

"You don't belong here, you are beneath the Malfoy Family!" "Do us all a favour and quit!" "Why my great great great great grandson hired you, I'll never know!" "Kill yourself!"

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Oh, piss off. We go through this every day, and every day I'm still here. So stop wasting your time," she told them as she continued down the hallway.

Other than the portraits, things were unusually quiet around the Manor, and that was because little Draco and Narcissa were away on vacation. Lucius had wanted to come along- he'd even taken off work- but Narcissa made it clear that he wasn't invited.

So now, it was just the the house elves, Y/N and the three other wizard staff members, and their lonely master. Normally Lucius spent all his time in his study, drinking his sorrows away- Y/N knew this well because she was typically the one to bring him his alcohol.

However, now, as she walked by his room, Y/N heard some pretty strange noises coming from inside. Noises that she'd only heard once before in her six years of working at the manor, nine months before Draco was born, she remembered.

Pressing her ear against the door, she heard the sounds of heavy breathing and groaning get louder. She swallowed, wondering if Lucius had a woman over. She wouldn't be surprised, at this point.

Y/N placed her hand on the knob of the door, wanting to go inside. However she knew what she'd most likely walk in on, and she didn't want to disturb her master's privacy. Plus, she had chores to do. But perhaps one little peek wouldn't hurt, just to make sure Lucius was okay...

Her curiosity got the better of her, so she knocked lightly on the door before opening it.

Lucius was on a chair beside his bed, seeming to have just woken up, as his hair wasn't brushed and he was shirtless. What was more, his pyjama bottoms were pooled around his ankles, and he was stroking his member in one hand.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, noticing her walk in. He turned bright red and covered himself up with a blanket from his bed.

Her eyes widened as she realized how stupid she'd been. Now she was most likely going to be punished for her insolence. Beaten, most likely. That was how they were all punished. Although Lucius never hit them where their bruises and scars could be seen as if he didn't want a reminder that he did it. "I-I'm so sorry master, I-I don't, I didn't m-mean, uh..."

Upon seeing the upset in her eyes, Lucius' gaze softened. "It's okay, Y/N. It's fine." He said, his breathing steadying.

Y/N blinked, confused. "I-It is?" When he nodded, she asked, "You aren't going to beat me?"

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