The Theater- Fizzarolli and Asmodeus (Helluva Boss)

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Y/N was drying her hair in the master bathroom of Asmodeus' tower. She was humming quietly to herself as she did so when suddenly, a loud knock on the door interrupted her.

"Y/NNNNNNNNNNN are you almost dooooooone?" Fizzarolli asked from outside the door.

"Will you relax babe? Give her some time!" Y/N heard Asmodeus say. "This is her night, after all."

"I just want to look perfect for the two of you," Y/N added with a chuckle.

"But you're a succubus. And a model. You always look perfect," Fizz pointed out, crossing his noodly mechanical arms.

"He's got a point there," Oz agreed.

Y/N turned off the hairdryer and sighed. "Now to decide on an outfit..."

Y/N was a succubus, who was born and raised in the lust ring of hell. She was a model and performer, who got famous because of her ability to change her outfit with the snap of her fingers. She had met Asmodeus and Fizzarolli after she had impressed them with her show at Ozzie's club. The trio quickly developed feelings for each other and became one of Hell's most famous thruples. Whoever would've thought the Lord of Lust, the Sellout Jester, and the Infamous Succubus would get together?

Y/N had just landed a performance in front of Lucifer himself, so Asmodeus wanted to celebrate, telling Y/N they could do whatever she pleased. Y/N decided she wanted to go to the theatre so she could see what it was like to be in the audience for once. So, she needed the perfect subtle outfit...

"There," she decided after snapping her fingers for the tenth time.

"There," she decided after snapping her fingers for the tenth time

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"That's subtle enough." She stepped out of the bathroom and Oz's jaw dropped.

"My oh my look at you baby, you're gorgeous!" he exclaimed, taking her hands.

Fizz smiled and came up behind her, wrapping his long arms around her waist. "This was worth the wait," he whispered in her ear.

Y/N blushed. Even though she always got compliments from people, getting them from her two special guys made her heart flip every single time. "Thanks loves. Now, are you ready to go?"

Fizz let go of her and groaned. He strode over to the bed and dramatically flopped down on it. "Do we HAVE to go to the theatre?" he pouted.

"What's wrong with the theatre?" Y/N asked.

Fizz sat up and began counting off on his fingers. "One, it's boring. Two, there's no clowns. Three, it's boring-"

"Froggie, you said that twice," Asmodeus pointed out with a laugh.

"I KNOW, I'm making a point," Fizz explained. "Y/N, if you want to see a show, Ozzie and I can perform one for you right now. I think I'll call it, 'Freaks in the Sheets', if you know what I mean." Fizz ran his hands up and down his body suggestively.

Y/N flapped her wings (many succubi didn't use their wings, but Y/N loved hers. They were beautiful.) and flew up to perch on Asmodeus' shoulder, as he was way taller and bigger than both she and Fizz. "As tempting as that offer is, I would love a night of culture. You don't have to come if you don't want to, Fizz, but I'd like to be with both my boys tonight, isn't that right, Daddy?" she asked Oz.

Asmodeus brought his hand up to caress her cheek. "I would be nice to be with both my Princess and my Froggie."

Fizz groaned and rolled his eyes, but there was a grin on his face as he trudged over to Asmodeus. He used his stretchy limbs to climb up onto Asmodeus' other shoulder. "Okay, fine. But I get to make as many comments as I want."

"Deal," Y/N agreed as Asmodeus walked them out to the waiting Limo.


Y/N leaned on Fizzarolli as they watched the show from their perch on Asmodeus' left shoulder. They were in the box seats, watching an imp's interpretation of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet', and quite frankly, it was very bad, but in a funny way, and Fizz's commentary only made it better.

"To be or not to be? More like, I don't want to be here," Fizz murmured, making Y/N stifle her laugh.

"Fizz that makes no sense!" she whispered.

Fizz winked. "But it's true."

Asmodeus reached up and poked Fizz's red nose. "Behave yourselves you two, we're in public."

"But no one can see us up here," Y/N pointed out. They were pretty concealed in the box seats.

"I know, I know, but you're gonna get in trouble if you keep acting like hooligans," Oz warned them teasingly.

"Who's gonna punish us, them or you?" Fizz asked.

"Oo, punish us, big daddy," Y/N pleaded, crawling to his other shoulder.

She and Fizz kissed his cheeks, making Oz groan. "Can't you wait to make me horny until after the show?"

"Aren't you always horny?" Fizz asked. "Mr. Lord-of-Lust."

"Fair point," Oz agreed, nuzzling Fizz's cheek with his beak.

Y/N crawled back over to Fizz and kissed his forehead. She and Asmodeus always paid lots of attention to Fizzarolli's face because other than his torso, tail, and abdominal area, it was the only part of him that could register touch. Since Fizz had his damaged arms and legs replaced with mechanical ones with very few touch receptors, holding Fizz's hand or touching his arms or thighs meant nothing. Y/N and Ozzie made sure Fizz always felt loved, though, by gently touching and kissing his face.

Fizz smiled and wrapped one arm around Y/N's waist and the other around Asmodeus' shoulders. "I love you guys."

"And we love you," Y/N purred, wrapping Fizz's tail around her fingers.

Fizz blushed and scooted closer to her. "Thanks for dragging me here tonight, it's been fun. Don't tell Ozzie because he'll make fun of me, but I think I don't mind the theatre," Fizz told Y/N, knowing full well Asmodeus could hear him.

Ozzie chuckled and leaned his head over Fizz. "Well Y/N, don't tell Fizzarolli, but I think a man of culture is attractive."

"Oh, do you?" Fizz asked, nuzzling up to Ozzie again. The two leaned closer and kissed each other, moaning ever so lightly as they did so.

Y/N rolled her eyes and smirked. "I can't take you two anywhere," she whispered, wedging her way in between them and turning to straddle Fizz. She trailed kisses across his cheek until their lips met and they began to make out on Asmodeus' shoulder.

"Jealous, are we? You know, envy is a sin," Asmodeus joked.

Y/N pulled away from Fizz. "Well, so's lust, but, here we are."

"She's got ya there, babe." Fizz laughed.

Suddenly, there was an explosion from the stage and the imps who were acting out the play began singing.

"What in Hell is going on?" Asmodeus asked, barely able to contain his laughter. "And this is Hamlet? They call this theatre?"

"No, on the poster, they called it, and I quote, 'An Impish Shakespearian Disaster'," Y/N explained.

Fizz clapped and bounced up and down. "Yay! There are clowns in this show!"

"We're in act three?" Asmodeus asked Y/N.

"Yep, and we still have two more acts to get through," she reminded him, moving off of the now giddy Fizz and leaning on Oz's cheek. "I couldn't have asked for a better night, though. Thank you."

"I'm glad you're enjoying this," Asmodeus murmured, "But they still have two acts to ruin your night."

Y/N pulled Fizz close and kissed Oz's cheek. "Let them try. As long as I'm with you two, everything is perfect."

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