Destressing Duel- Ahsoka Tano (Clone Wars)

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Male Y/N

Y/N sat on the edge of one of the many balconies in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, looking out over the higher levels of the vast cities. While the padawan preferred to be on the forested planets of Endor or Kashyyyk exploring and enjoying freedom, this was nice for a change. His master, Mace Windu, was in a meeting with the rest of the Jedi council, as usual, if they were back on Coruscant. They were probably talking about Anakin again like they always were.

But if that were true, then Anakin's padawan would be there as well.

Ahsoka Tano.

Y/N and Ahsoka had been best friends ever since they had met one day while their masters were out on a mission together. Ahsoka was relatively new to the Jedi Temple, so Y/N took her around and showed her everything. They were the youngest padawans, other than Barriss Offee, but she was quite shy and stand-offish. Not to mention, she and her master, Luminara Unduli were always off on some sort of political mission.

Y/N and Ahsoka were similar in the way that they didn't like to get involved in the politics of the Republic. They liked to be out on stealth missions, or battling droids on a distant planet. This is one of the reasons they became fast friends. But for now, there was no immediate problem, so they had to stay on Coruscant.

Y/N watched ships whizz by as he listened to the sounds of the city below. He was so engrossed in this, however, that he didn't hear anyone come up behind him. "Hey Y/N."

Y/N gasped and almost fell off the railing. He righted himself and turned around. "Soka! Why would you do that? I almost plummeted to my death!"

Ahsoka chuckled. "You should be able to feel the presence of other force users near you. I didn't think I scared you."

Y/N smiled. "Well, in my defence, almost everyone in this temple is a force user. It can get kinda hard to tell us all apart without looking at each other."

"Yeah." Ahsoka sighed and looked out over the city like Y/N had been moments before. Except she wasn't looking at it with a sense of calm and belonging. No, she seemed upset. And Y/N didn't need the force to figure that out.

He hopped down from the edge and put his arm around her. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?" he asked.

Ahsoka shrugged. "I figured you'd know by now. It's the same thing every time."

"Anakin?" Y/N asked.

"He's always getting himself into trouble!" Ahsoka shook her head exasperatedly. "I don't mind a reprimand here or there, as long as we succeed, but this is getting ridiculous! I swear, Anakin breaks at least five protocols every mission!"

"But you always succeed. I don't understand," Y/N told her honestly. "I wish I could, but-"

"I don't expect you to," Ahsoka interrupted. "Your master is the golden Jedi. He follows every rule and does everything right. Anakin doesn't. And normally that wouldn't bother me, but I can sense something within him. A sort of darkness. I feel as though it is starting to corrupt him."

"Woah, Soka, that's a big accusation. Are you sure? I'm not saying I don't believe you, but... I mean, Anakin is a Jedi. He was chosen for a reason," Y/N pointed out.

Ahsoka sighed. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just stressed and need to clear my head."

"Windu always says it's key for a Jedi to be focused. And what better way to focus, than training?" Y/N asked, a playful smirk on his face as he stepped back from Ahsoka and grabbed his lightsaber. He ignited it's (your favourite colour) blade and pointed it at her. "Ahsoka Tano, I challenge you to a duel. Do you accept?"

"What do you think?" Ahsoka asked, grinning as she pulled out and lit her green twin lightsabers.

They slowly circled each other around the balcony, staring each other down. Y/N crouched down low, his lightsaber blade pointed down to the right, his hands raised high to the left. Suddenly, he stopped circling Ahsoka and leapt high into the air, launching his attack. He brought his blade down to clip Ahsoka's left shoulder.

But she anticipated the move and rolled to the right, bringing her own sabres up as she did so to block Y/N's attack. Y/N landed on the balcony railing and Ahsoka jumped right back up. "My turn," she said with a smirk, sweeping her lightsabers as to take out Y/N's legs. Y/N went to block, but midswing, Ahsoka changed the direction of her blades, this time aiming for Y/N's midriff.

But Y/N knew Ahsoka loved deception tactics, so he knew she would pull something like this, and jumped up, doing a flip over her, and landing on the ground behind her. He swept her legs out from underneath him, and she fell to the ground.

Y/N held his blade to her neck. "You lose."

"You really think so?" Ahsoka asked, raising her eyebrow.

Y/N frowned. "What did you do?"

"This!" Ahsoka exclaimed, bending her legs and kicking Y/N in the stomach.

"Oof!" he exclaimed, stumbling back and clutching his abdomen.

He noticed Ahsoka run at him again, and managed to dodge some of her attacks, but he was so off balance from her blow, that he ended up on the ground anyway, with Ahsoka's foot on his chest and her lightsabers in his face. "You're right, that did make me feel better and more focused," Ahsoka said cheekily.

Y/N sheathed his lightsaber and threw up his hands. "Alright, alright. I let you win."

"Sure, I'll let you believe that," Ahsoka stated with a smile as she sheathed her sabres and offered her hand to Y/N.

He took it and got to his feet. "Was the kick really necessary?"

"Hey, you said we were training, and you challenged me! Don't challenge me if you don't want to get your ass kicked!" Ahsoka joked.

Y/N nodded. "You've got me there."

"Seriously though, thank you, Y/N, I needed that." Ahsoka approached him.

Y/N shrugged. "Hey, it's no big deal."

"It is to me," Ahsoka told him before leaning in and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. As she pulled away, she smirked. "Thanks for being such a great friend." Then she waved to him and went to find her master.

"Yeah, friend..." he whispered to himself.

"Y/N? Who were you talking to?" Mace Windu asked, coming up from behind him.

"Ah! Master! Uhm, nobody, nobody." He smiled his most convincing smile.

Windu rolled his eyes. "Come on, we've got a mission on Geonosis. Those crazy bugs are acting up again," he explained, leading Y/N to the ship.

"Oh, is it just going to be us there?" Y/N asked.

"Fortunately no. The council is sending us with Skywalker and Tano," Mace told him. "Why?"

"No reason," Y/N said quickly, grinning to himself.

This mission was going to be an interesting one.

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