Safe Streets- Edward Nygma (Gotham)

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Y/N had recently moved back to Gotham City after studying (your college major) in Metropolis for a few months. She had spent a lot of money on her travels, so she could only afford a crappy little apartment in a sketchy part of town. But Y/N never let that bother her, knowing that one day she'd make a name for herself in Gotham.

One night, Y/N was walking home a bit later than usual from her job working as a bartender at Gotham Grotto Bar. She had been forced to stay late in order to pick up a shift for one of the other bartenders, who had suddenly gotten sick.

The streets were darker at night, even with the dim street lamps illuminating them. More... sinister. Y/N shivered, not just from the cold, as she wrapped her arms around herself, holding her jacket tighter to her body. Her breath froze in the air in front of her. She was tired, anxious, and just wanted to be home in her bed.

As she continued to walk, she became aware of someone following behind her. She heard a second set of footsteps that weren't her own. Y/N turned her head slightly to look over her shoulder and noticed a drunken old man following her at a distance.

Y/N began to walk faster, her heart racing, wishing desperately that she was anywhere but there. The man's pace quickened as well, and he quickly caught up to her. "Hey, gorgeous! It's dangerous to be walking these streets alone at night, you know."

Y/N didn't answer him, she just hunched her shoulders and walked as fast as she could without running. She didn't want to slip on the icy sidewalk.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you, pretty lady! What's your name?" he asked.

Y/N kept quiet as she began to panic. Why did he have to bother her? "P-Please sir," she managed to stutter out. "Leave me alone!"

"Why?" the man growled, stepping in front of her, stopping Y/N in her tracks.

Y/N whimpered and tried to get around him, but he wouldn't allow her to pass. "Please!"

"You need a big, strong man to protect you from the dangers on this street, doll," he hissed, grabbing her arms and slamming her up against the wall of a nearby building as he swiftly removed her coat. "I can be that man."

"Leave me alone!" Y/N screamed, flailing her legs in an attempt to kick him off of her. But he was leaning in close enough to her to restrict her movement. "HEL-mmm!" she went to call for help when the man suddenly smashed his lips onto hers, cutting her off.

He tasted disgusting, like weed. She felt his hands work their way up to her blouse and he ripped open her shirt. He pulled away from her and clamped his hand over her mouth. "Well well well, you're even more beautiful than I thought."

He used his other hand to grope at her chest. The man then ripped off her shirt and began attempting to remove her bra.

Y/N had tears streaming down her face as she felt useless beneath the man. Suddenly, there was a squelching noise and the man's arms fell to his side. He gasped before falling to the ground in a heap. A knife was sticking out of his back, blood leaking down his coat.

Y/N was too shocked to scream. She looked up to see a tall, skinny man smiling down at her. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Y/N blinked a few times. "Is he dead?"

"Yes. Are you alright?" he repeated.

She shook her head and sank to the ground, beginning to sob.

"No, no, no, no, don't cry, you're safe now, I won't hurt you," he insisted. "Here. You must be freezing." He took off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. As he did, he narrowed his eyes. "I feel like I've seen you somewhere before."

Y/N stared up at him, realizing the same thing.

"Wait... Y/N, right? Y/N Y/L/N from college," he said.

"Edward Nygma!" Y/N smiled in realization.

She and Edward had been best friends in college, but after Y/N had moved to Metropolis, they lost touch. She hadn't known Edward never left Gotham.

"Come on, let's get you home." Edward helped her up and began to walk with her, but not even thirty seconds later, Y/N sighed and passed out...

A few hours later, Y/N woke to the smell of breakfast. "Mmmm, pancakes," she muttered, sitting up. That's when she realized: she wasn't in her bed. This wasn't her apartment. She stood and looked around. Everything seemed so neat and organized. She caught her reflection in the full-length mirror that stood opposite the bed. She was wearing an oversized T-Shirt and her hair had been put into neat braids. She also noticed her clothes from the previous night hung up to dry on a line over the dresser.

Y/N rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and walked out of the bedroom. The smell of breakfast grew stronger, and she followed her nose to the kitchen, where she found Edward cooking some pancakes on the stove. "Edward? I thought you were taking me home."

He turned and smiled when he saw Y/N in his shirt. "Good morning. That looks good on you, by the way." He took a spatula and flipped the finished pancakes onto a plate. "But, anyway, you passed out and I didn't know where you lived, so I just brought you here. I hope that's ok. I made breakfast. And last night, I washed your clothes and your hair to make you feel better."

Y/N smiled and sat down on the counter next to the food. "That's sweet Ed," she said, grabbing a few strips of bacon. She didn't realize how hungry she'd been until she started eating. "So, what have you been up to since college?"

"Well, I work in forensics at the GCPD. It's really fun," Edward told her as he scooped some scrambled eggs onto a plate for himself.

Y/N nodded. "That does sound fun. If you don't mind me asking... do you have a girlfriend?"

Edward shook his head. "Nope. Although there is a really cute redhead that works in the Records Annex at the station. I believe her name is Kristin Kringle."

"Oh." Y/N sighed, disappointed.

Edward noticed and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I've just missed you, Ed. I'm glad you found me last night," she told him.

"I'm glad I found you too. The streets of Gotham aren't safe at night. What were you doing out so late anyway?" he asked.

Y/n shrugged. "I had to pick up an extra shift last night at Gotham Grotto Bar."

Concern flashed over Edward's features. "Wait, you're working there? But I thought you wanted to be a (your dream job)."

"I do, I do!" Y/N exclaimed. "But moving back here from Metropolis was a huge financial investment. Now I practically have nothing. But you have to start from somewhere, right?"

"Y/N, you did start somewhere. You started in college like me! This is unfair. You shouldn't have to live in a crappy apartment in a sketchy area, with the constant fear of being raped on your walk home," Edward stated.

"Unfortunately, that's just how things worked out," Y/N said sadly.

"Stay with me," Edward blurted, surprising her.

"What?" Y/N asked.

"Stay with me," Edward repeated. "You can take the bed, and I'll take the couch, or vice versa... I don't know, we'll figure it out. But please, I insist." Edward took her hands. "I won't stand to see you being treated like this."

Y/N smiled softly. "Are you sure? I'd hate to inconvenience you."

Edward nodded. "Of course I'm sure. I won't be able to sleep at night knowing that I let you go and allowed you to get raped when I could've prevented it."

"If you're sure I won't bother you, then I'd love to stay with you," Y/N replied.

Edward grinned and went over to the fridge to get some champagne. Y/N followed him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. She kissed him on the cheek, making him blush. Then she whispered, "Thank you."

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