Chemistry- Velma Dinkley (Mystery Incorporated)

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As Requested by Dragonsw! Male Y/N.

Y/N Jones, Fred Jones' half-brother, sat in his room in his father's mansion and grumbled to himself over his Math Analysis homework. He knew it was supposed to be easy, everyone else in his class seemed to understand it, but Y/N just couldn't. So now, he was at his desk, holed up in his room, trying to figure out what the hell the value of X was when he could've been downstairs with the rest of the mystery gang, trying to debunk their next mystery. This one was an interesting mystery too. Crystal door knobs have been turning up missing all over Crystal Cove, and there was a ghost truck parading around the highways and back roads.

This was all Y/N could think about as he tapped his pencil rhythmically on the homework he had been given.








Y/N jolted up in surprise. He exhaled slowly to calm his racing heart as he went over to the door. As he opened it, he sighed. "No, I'm not done yet, so- Velma? Sorry. I didn't realize it was you." Y/N stepped aside to allow the orange-clad girl into his room.

"Don't worry about it. I was just coming up to see if you needed any help. We're at a bit of a standstill with the case, plus your dad just got home, so he's yelling at Fred for bringing us here," Velma explained, going over to his desk.

Y/N face-palmed himself. "I don't understand why he doesn't want us investigating this. It's not like we're doing anything bad. Why, I wouldn't even count this as meddling. Sorry babe."

Velma smirked. "Don't worry about it."

Y/N smiled and shook his head at his girlfriend. They had started dating shortly after he and Fred had started Mystery Inc. Before then, Fred and Y/N's lives had been pretty separate. At times, Fred didn't even feel like his real brother. Fred had been friends with Daphne and Velma, and Y/N always hung out with Shaggy and Scooby. When strange things started happening around Crystal Cove, however, Fred and Y/N joined together with their friends to start this little 'Mystery Solving Club' (as their father called it). That's where Y/N met Velma. Well, not meet exactly. They had a few classes together, but they never really talked or noticed each other until Fred introduced them. They instantly clicked, both loving technology and science. One thing led to another, and they were now boyfriend and girlfriend (much to Daphne's chagrin. It was no secret she had a crush on both the Jones boys, but Y/N would rather date a cute, nerdy girl who'd have time for him than a popular redhead whose attention was constantly divided between him and his brother).

Y/N joined Velma at his desk and slumped down into his chair. "So, what's up with this stupid worksheet?"

Velma chuckled. "It's not stupid."

"So... I am then," Y/N countered.

"Oh, stop." Velma playfully hit his arm and pointed to the problem. "All you have to do is figure out which function to use to solve this problem. See, 'x' really has no definitive answer, at least..."

Velma's voice faded away to Y/N as he watched her work. He loved seeing her get so passionate over something she was good at. He loved the way her brow furrowed as she worked. The cute crinkle of her nose as she thought. The way her hand glided over the paper effortlessly, leaving behind words written in her perfect and precise handwriting.

"Y/N! Y/N! Earth to Y/N! You still with me?" Velma asked, waving the pencil in front of his nose. "I didn't fry your brain, did I? What am I saying, of course I didn't. You're smarter than that, right?"

Y/N grinned and nodded his head. "Yeah, I was paying attention."

"Great! Then you should now know how to solve this problem. What's the next step?" Velma questioned, looking at Y/N expectantly.

He blushed and shrugged. "Uhm... take the square root of that two?" he guessed, pointing to the number two up at the top of the paper that he had written.

Velma began to laugh. "Y/N, that isn't even a part of the same problem! I'll tell you what, is there anything else you need help with? We can save the math for later."

Y/N thought for a moment. Math was the only subject he really struggled with. So he decided to take advantage of this rare moment of solace with his girlfriend. "Hm... I have been having a few problems with chemistry."

Velma raised her eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

Y/N nodded. "Especially bonds between two molecules."

"I think I can help with that," Velma whispered, standing over him. He leaned back so she could straddle his lap and situate herself. She leaned in and placed a kiss on Y/N's lips. When she made to pull away, he placed his hand on the back of her head and pushed it forward, deepening their kiss instead.

Velma took this opportunity to slip her hands up his shirt and run her fingertips over the abs he had developed after years of trap-building with Fred.

Y/N moved his hands to her waist and pushed her down a bit, trying to create friction between them. This elicited a tiny moan from Velma, making Y/N smile into their kiss. He began to trail kisses down her cheek, then her jawline, until he reached her neck. There, he began to nip and suck at her skin. She gasped at this and reached up to run her hands through his hair.

Suddenly, the pair heard a gasp as the door creaked open. They both looked up and saw Fred staring at them, his hand still in the air, as if he was about ready to knock again, and his mouth hanging open.

Velma quickly jumped off of Y/N and fixed her glasses while Y/N hurriedly fixed his hair as best he could. "F-Fred! Uhm, what are you doing up here? I'm doing homework!" Y/N exclaimed.

"I didn't realize Velma's name was 'Homework,'" Shaggy joked as he appeared next to Fred.

Scooby giggled and Velma scowled at them. "Oh, shut up you two."

"FRED! Are you going to stand there, or do you have something to say?" Y/N asked frustratedly.

"Uh-er-oh, uh, yeah, I-ahem..." Fred stuttered as he slowly lowered his arm.

"I got it," Shaggy told him. "Fred and Y/N's Mayor Dad says that we all need to go home, Velma. Daphne already left, and Scoob and I need your mom to drive us home."

"Of course you do. Fine." Velma turned to Y/N. "Bye. I'll see you later. Text me," she whispered to him before kissing him on the nose and leaving with Shaggy and Scooby.

This just left Fred, still staring at Y/N in shock. "Ugh! Come on, dude, we weren't even topless!" Y/N huffed before shutting the door on his brother.

Then he went over and collapsed onto his bed, happily staring up at the ceiling.  "Best chemistry lesson ever."

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