Amazon Shopping- Wonder Woman (Justice League Unlimited)

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As requested by Dragonsw! Male Y/N. WARNING: Light mentions of Suicide & PTSD

Y/N sat on his couch in his apartment, flipping through old photo albums from his time in the last World War. He was lucky enough to have been a part of the super soldier experiment. He was granted ungodly strength and a long life. But the price he had to pay was terrible. He had to watch his friends from the war die, one by one, whether they were killed in the war, or they died of old age. Then it was his family. His parents. His sister and brother. His cousins. All of the girlfriends he'd ever had.

That compared with the trauma of the war was enough to keep Y/N home for the majority of his everlasting life, only going out to get groceries if needed. Many people wondered why Y/N hadn't ended his existence already. "He doesn't do anything, he never comes out of his apartment. He doesn't even have a job," they'd whisper. "He has nothing to live for!"

That, however, was a lie. Y/N did have something to live for, or rather, someone—the one constant in his life. Diana Prince, better known as the immortal Amazon warrior princess Wonder Woman.

The two were very similar, between their super strength and long lives. Both had lived through intense wars (although Diana's was fought in space), and both lost an abundance of loved ones. They were an item, although no one really knew about them, except for Batman of course, but he never bothered them.

Y/N allowed his mind to drift to Diana, picturing her lovely face in his mind, her raven hair, and her tall figure.


A rapping on the window startled Y/N out of his thoughts. He dropped his picture album and picked up his gun from the table. He slowly went over to the curtains and ripped them open.

"Diana!" he exclaimed, the Amazonian waving at him from outside. He opened the window for her and she flew inside.

"What's with the gun?" she asked, perching on his sofa.

Y/N sighed and put it down as he closed his window. "I wasn't expecting you, I thought you were a... well, I don't know exactly." He went over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, making her smile. He loved how her smile always managed to warm his heart.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," she admitted.

"Well, since you're here, do you want to watch a movie?" Y/N asked. "I can make popcorn." He looked her up and down, realizing she wasn't in her normal sweatshirt and sweatpants. Instead, she looked dressed to go out. "What's with the getup?"

Diana grinned and held Y/N's hand

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Diana grinned and held Y/N's hand. "I wish to go out today, Y/N! To do some shopping. At the... mall, right? That's where normal people go?"

Y/N shook his head. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm not a normal person. I don't like going out. People stare. They whisper." He shuddered, the very thought of it making him want to barricade himself in his room.

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