His Shadow- X 23 (X-Men Comics)

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As requested by Dragonsw! Male Y/N.

̷S̷m̷u̷t ̷W̷a̷r̷n̷i̷n̷g

Y/N smiled as his opponent dropped to the ground, a bloody mess. This was the tenth fight he had won this week, and by contract, his boss had to let him go now... after he collected his money, of course. As everyone cleared out of the alley, Y/N wiped his sweaty brow, smearing the other guy's blood on his face. If Y/N wouldn't have been so used to it by now, he would've been disgusted.

Y/N had been street-fighting for years in order to keep up with his bills and pay off all his debt. He was a well-educated man, in fact, he was finishing up his last year at (your college), but he found that a good education came with a hefty price, a price that working a part-time job wouldn't pay for. So, he had taken up street fighting and found it to be a thrill. Plus, he met some interesting people. Some friends, some foes. Some, neither friend nor foe, although he had only met one person who was neither. 


She still turned up from time to time. As if she was following him. He didn't even know if she was actually a street fighter or not. Y/N didn't understand why she'd stick with him. Why she'd come out after his fights to have a quick conversation with him, only to retreat into the safety of the shadows afterwards. Why he wasn't freaked out by her extremely deadly adamantium claws that she'd unsheath when she'd get angry. Although that rarely happened around him anymore.

"Are you thinking about me?" Her sweet voice interrupted his thoughts and Y/N turned. He smiled.

"Laura. Hello," he greeted.

Laura chuckled. "That was a great fight." She nudged the unconscious body with her foot. "He didn't stand a chance."

Y/N shrugged. "He was a worthy opponent, though. He made me break a sweat."

"You made him break a bone or two," Laura pointed out, smirking.

Y/N shook his head playfully. "Look, I gotta go get the money from the boss. I'll be right back. Maybe I'll buy us some milkshakes or something."

"That sounds delicious!" Laura rubbed her stomach. "I'm starving."

Y/N walked into a door that was off to the side of the alley, into his boss's office. He'd been in there many times before, and it always stunk of Limburger cheese. Luckily, this would be his last time going in there, as his contract with this boss was finally over. Once he was paid, he could go find someone else to fight for.

The Boss sat at his desk, a roll of money between his fingers.  Y/N looked at it and smirked, knowing that was his. "Hey, boss. How'd I do tonight?"

"Wonderful, just wonderful," The Boss said, although his eyes were narrowed in a discerning manner.

"So... where's my money?" Y/N asked cautiously. "Is that it?" He pointed to the roll The Boss was holding.

"Yeh. However..."

Y/N groaned. He just wanted to be done with this.

"I have a... proposition for you," The Boss continued. "See, you're the best fighter I've ever hired, and it would be a shame to lose you to someone else, especially if that someone is a rival. So, I'll tell you what: You continue to work for me, and I'll double your usual rate."

Y/N thought for a moment. As tempting as the offer sounded, he was never really fond of The Boss. He also didn't like the feeling of being tied down to someone for who knows how long. Besides, what would happen when he finally graduated college and wanted to get his life started? "Uh, no thanks." Y/N shook his head and held out his hand. "Now, my money, sir? And I'll never bother you again."

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